Leaves and cold snow to a place, he saw red leaves.


Red leaves came over and called to Ye Li.

Leaves from nodded, "where is Xiaoyue bamboo?"

"There it is."

Red leaf points to a place.

Ye Li looks along the direction of red leaf with her fingers, and finds that xiaoyuezhu is sitting on a rooftop, holding her doll in her hand, singing the words that make people feel numb.

"Shake, shake, shake to grandma's bridge..."

"Oh! Oops

Then, there are countless zombies roaring.

There is no doubt that these zombies were all synthesized by Ye Li.

Cold snow looks at this scene, some don't know how to speak.

"Xiaoyuezhu, stop singing and come down quickly." Ye Li said to the bamboo on the roof.

"Why disturb my singing, why disturb me to sing!"

Suddenly, Xiaoyue bamboo's face became extremely ferocious, she was facing the leaf to leave cold voice to drink a way.

Leaf from a smile, "you sing and bad."

As soon as this words out, as if pierced xiaoyuezhu's heart, xiaoyuezhu threw her doll fiercely, thinking of Ye Li's fierce attack.

Leaves from a faint smile, stretched out a hand to the bamboo to firmly grasp in the hand.

Xiaoyuezhu began to struggle, but in any case can not open.


"Why say I sing bad, why say I sing bad?"

Leaf from a smile, think of this small moon bamboo have become zombies, but also so temperament.

Without much thought, Ye Li put xiaoyuezhu into the system space, and then began to use the soul calling banner.


"Soul calling banner in use:

" 10% 30%… 60%… 100%。”

"The summoning banner was successfully used."

With the command of the system, xiaoyuezhu's soul appeared in front of Ye Li.

Cold snow looks at such a scene, she is really astonished to the point that can't be added.

"Well, how could this be possible?"

Lengxue swears that this is definitely the most shocking scene she has ever seen since she was born.

Ye Li ignored the shock on lengxue's face. He opened the synthetic lattice in his mind and began to synthesize the three spirits of xiaoyuezhu.

A few seconds later, the whole body of the bamboo appeared in front of Ye Li.


Xiaoyue bamboo see is leaves from after, toward leaves from excited cry up, like rain child general, toward leaves from pounce.

Ye Li touched the head of Xiaoyue bamboo, he looked at the cold snow lightly, and found that the cold snow was as rigid as clay sculpture.

"Are you shocked?" Ye Li looks at the cold snow.

Lengxue was surprised. She really didn't know what the question was. Anyone who saw such a scene would be shocked. Before she answered, she heard Ye Li say:

"never be shocked, because everything I do will shock you for three days and three nights."

Cold snow smell speech more frightful looking at Ye Li, she doesn't understand why there are such people as Ye Li in this world.

"Go ahead."

Ye Li asks xiaoyuezhu to find the whereabouts of other members, and Hongye also goes with her. In this strange city, only Ye Li and cold snow are left.

"They are..."

Cold snow is very curious to look at Ye Li and ask.

"Zombies." Ye Li answers slowly.


Lengxue seems to have never thought that leaves leave to reply like this, she can't help but regress three steps.


Lengxue can't believe they are zombies.

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