Abandoned factories.

"What's going on? Why hasn't Moshi come yet?" Shiyuan opened his mouth coldly.

"Lord Shi, is it that Shi Yuan doesn't want to hand over the Dragon butcher's knife?" Bai Shan said, looking at Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan pondered for a few seconds, then stared at Mo Chen, "boy, how to do it, I don't need to hand it to you!"

Mo Chen hears this, how can he still not understand ah, quickly open the communication table.

"Doodle, doodle!"

But no one answered!


Shi Yuan snorted coldly, staring at Mo Chen.

"Boy, it seems your father has made a decision."

The sound falls, Shi Yuan spreads out his hand, a kind of killing gas appears.


Mo Chen screamed, and then fell to the ground, his eyes open wide, he really can't believe he died like this.

Ye Li lies on the roof and shakes his head. He thought there was a good play. Now it seems that he is wrong.

There is no young man in the sun.

"Lord Shi, you killed this boy, the Dragon butcher's knife..."

Bai Shan didn't go on, but looked at Shi Yuan carefully.

"As long as the Tu Long Dao is still in Annam base city, everything will not be a problem!" Shiyuan opened his mouth coldly.

Ye Li secretly smiles, thinking that since there is no good play to watch, it is time for him to appear.


The roof of the abandoned factory suddenly made a loud noise, and a beautiful figure fell down.

This figure how free and easy, young handsome, white face, clear eyes.

"Ye Li!" Bai Shan stares at Ye Li's cold mouth.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, he picked to pick eyebrows.

"Baishan, you didn't expect me to come back so soon."

Shi Yuan is a little puzzled. It's said that Ye Li has escaped, so he should not come back. Isn't this coming to death?

All of a sudden, Shi Yuan looked at the fluctuation of leaves from the whole body, and he was shocked.

"Four Fourth order evolutors? "

When this was said, Baishan and the four elders were shocked.

It was not long ago that Ye Li was a third-order evolutor. How could he be upgraded to a fourth-order evolutor in such a short period of time.

However, the fluctuation of Ye Li's body is obvious. He is a fourth-order evolutor.

Seeing this, Baishan can't help but take a breath.

This son is so terrible!

"Ye Li, you are really a genius. How about you? Would you like to enter the dark palace?" Shi Yuan looks at Ye Li and says.

Leaves from a faint smile, dark palace?

The most powerful dark force of the end of the world stands at the top of the pyramid.

It's a pity that he has not only no interest, but also no interest.

"Lord Shi, what do you think I came back for?" Ye Li looks at Shi Yuan very much.

"Don't you come to follow me?" Shi Yuan has some doubts.

"Ha ha." Ye Li shakes his head because he thinks Shi Yuan is really interesting.

"Lord Shi, let's just say that. Do you really believe that the Dragon butcher was robbed by Moshi?"

When this was said, it was astonishing.

"What do you say?" Shi Yuan, a word for a meal, dead mouth.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, "Lord Shi, I always think you are a very smart person, but I really didn't expect that you are as stupid as a pig."

Yinluo, Ye Li takes the Dragon butcher knife out of the system space.

"Look, this is the Dragon slaughtering knife you think about day and night."

Shi Yuan is surprised, he feels Ye Li's insult to him.

"Ye Li, you dare to cheat me!" Shiyuan opened his mouth coldly.

"It's just that you're stupid. It has nothing to do with me." Ye Li said faintly.

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