"I really don't want to die, I really don't want to die!"

The girl weeps with rain, how sad she is.

Ye Li and a Da have come to the girl, but the girl does not know at all.

"Don't cry." Ye Li said faintly.

The sudden voice into the girl's ears, the girl was scared to the whole body, and raised her head in horror.

But if you don't look up, the girl can't help but stay.

She swore that she had never seen such a beautiful man, and she did not know that there were such beautiful people in the world.

She stares at Ye Li, eyebrow points eight color, eyes if long star.

The girl even had a feeling that she would never forget Ye Li's eyes after she saw Ye Li's eyes.

It's as quiet as night, as deep as the sea.

"You, are you human?"

The girl comes back to her senses and looks at Ye Li and ADA in horror.

Leaf from a smile, "I am, he is not."

Hearing this, the girl was stunned immediately because she didn't understand what ye Li meant.

"What do you mean?"

"Zombies don't understand why."

Ye Li spoke slowly to the girl.

This word a, the girl can't help but be scared paralyzed on the ground.

Ye Li Yile, thinking about this girl is still interesting. She is a fifth order evolutor.

"You, you, you..."

Where can the girl still say a complete sentence to ah, terrified looking at Ye Li and a da.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Tell me your name." Ye Li looked at the girl lightly.

"I, my name is Chen Tian." Answered the girl, swallowing her mouth.

Leaves from the face crown like jade face calm like water, "bad name."

"Maybe you can see why a human being can save my life." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Br >

"it's like catching a straw to open his mouth so quickly that he can't help but open his mouth

Ye Li nodded, "so it is."

Chen Tian is the girl of the Chen family leader in Beiyuan. Because the elder usurped the throne, he and the elder had a great fight.

However, the great elder united with a certain dark race, and the master was defeated.

Only Chen Tian escaped.

"Master, I know you are a good man. Please help me." Chen Tian begged to look at Ye Li.

Ye Li naturally understands Chen Tian's eyes. He knows that people like Chen Tian live not for themselves, but for revenge.

It's a pity that a fifth level evolutor will not be able to return to heaven if he wants to kill thieves.

"Yes, but I'm not a good man." Ye Li said faintly.

Chen Tian was surprised. She was shocked. She thought that such a good man said that he was not a good man. Was it true that the strong were always so modest?

"Come on, take ADA and I to your family." Ye Li looks at Chen Tian.

Hearing this, Chen Tian was scared out of her wits.

"Master, now the Chen family is the elder. If we go there, we will be in danger."


Ye Li smiles, and he thinks Chen Tian is really very interesting.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, a bleak laugh was introduced into several people's ears.

"Chen Tian, I finally found you. Today you have no way but to go to heaven No doo

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