The fifth rank wind wolf walked into the wind wolf camp.

Around the wind wolf all looked at the leaf from doubt, they all whispered up.

"Who is this man?"

"I don't know, how can a human come to my wind wolf dark race?"

"Is he a friend of the chief

Ye Li naturally heard the conversation of wind wolves, but he naturally did not want to pay attention to these wind wolves.

Immediately, the fifth stage wind wolf came out, and he respectfully said to Ye Li:

"distinguished adult, the leader asks you to go in."

Finish saying that, the fifth step wind wolf made a please gesture to Ye Li.

Ye Li walked slowly into the wind wolf camp, a strong wind wolf sat on the throne, his face full of confidence in the smile.

"Man, what do you want to do with my wind wolf dark race territory?"

The wind wolf on the throne is naturally the leader of the dark race of the wind wolf, and is a first-class state of honor.

The wind wolves in the camp all look at Ye Li and want to know how Ye Li will answer.

Ye Li slowly opened his mouth: "there is nothing special, that is to let you go to Bajing Yinyang tiger people to report a letter."

As soon as this word came out, all the wind wolves in the camp were surprised. How could they think that Ye Li would say such a thing.

"What do you mean, man?"

An eight level clan level wind wolf stands up from the chair and stares at Ye Li.

"That's right. A little human dare to command my wind wolf dark race. I'm really looking for death!" Another eight level clan level wind wolf is also facing the leaves cold mouth.

Ye Li said with a faint smile, "I say again, go and report to the Bajing Yinyang tiger people. When I finish speaking, who is in favor of and who is against it?"

The camp wind wolf heard this, all angry to the point, they are staring at Ye Li.

"Human beings, I really don't know how many leopard galls you ate to be so arrogant!" The eighth step wind wolf opened his mouth to the cold leaves.

Ye Li smiles. He looks at the eight level clan level wind wolf who is talking and says slowly:

"do you want to know how many leopard galls have Ye Li, my demon king

"Good!" he said with a smile

"Well, since you want to know, I will tell you the devil Ye Li."

The words have not fallen, people have already made a move.

When the sound falls, leaves have disappeared in place, leaving only a shadow in place.


All the wind wolves in the camp were a little bit stunned because they had never seen such a terrible speed.

At the time of reappearance, Ye Li has already arrived in front of the eight level clan level wind wolf.

His hand was like a pair of tongs, which had already firmly locked the neck of the eighth class wind wolf.

"Ah! Easy! Easy

The wind wolf of the eighth order clan yelled, and he felt unprecedented pain.


All the gene warriors in the camp came back to their senses, and they all cried out in surprise.

"Now do you know how many leopard galls have I eaten?" Ye Li looks at the wind wolf of the eighth level.

Where can the wind wolf of the eighth order clan still open his mouth to speak? His face is frightened or frightened.

"Human beings, do you know where this is?"

The leader of the dark race of the wind wolf stares at Ye Li.

Ye Li gave a faint smile, and a lazy color appeared on his face. He looked at the leader of the dark race of the wind wolf and said slowly:

"of course, but do you know who my demon Ye Li is?"

As soon as this was said, all the wind wolves in the camp were startled because they did not know who Ye Li was and had never heard his name.

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