Xiao family, the main hall.

At this time, Ye Li and the Xiao family leader and the elders are sitting in the hall.

"Master! Master

Suddenly, several flustered voices came into their ears, and then the three Xiaos ran into the hall.

"What's the matter, flustered, what kind of system?" Xiao family leader Xiao family roared.

"Master, the leader of the wind wolf and the dark race, wolf bully is outside the protective city!" One of the Xiao's children quickly replied.


All the people in Xiao's Hall got up from their chairs and their eyes were wide open.

Wolf bully is out of the city?

Xiao Kuang, the leader of the Xiao family, didn't expect that. His face sank and he asked the children of the Xiao family:

"how many people have come to the dark race of the wind wolf."

Everyone in Xiao's Hall thinks that the dark race of wind wolf is to attack the protective City, and even the wolf bully has gone out. His determination can be seen.

"There is no other dark race of the wind wolf, wolf Ba, the leader of the dark race of the wind wolf."

Hearing the words, all the people in the hall of Xiao's house were stunned and didn't understand what it meant.

All of a sudden, they all looked at Ye Li, but they found that there was a little shadow of Ye Li in the hall.

"Master, you must have gone outside the protective city. Let's go as soon as possible!"

Xiao Kuang took the lead to return to God and said to the people in the hall.

Protect the city.

Wolf Ba, the leader of the dark race of wind wolf, was walking back and forth. A lazy voice suddenly came into his ears.

"Here it is."

Wolf BA's whole body was shocked. He was so familiar with the sound.

"Lord Ye Li, you are here."

Leaf from nodded, slowly open a mouth: "how?"

Immediately, wolf bully told Ye Li everything.

"Hard work for you." Ye Li looks at wolf bully.

"It's my pleasure to work for the Lord devil. It's not hard at all." Wolf Ba said to Ye Li in a hurry.

Ye Li smiles. He doesn't know that the wolf bully is respectful to him on the surface, but in fact he doesn't think so, but he doesn't care.

He opened the points mall and bought a grand potion in the points mall.

"This is my reward from Ye Li, the demon king." Ye Li said to wolf ba.

Wolf bully a Zheng, he Zheng Zheng looking at Ye Li's medicine in the hand.

"What is this, my lord?"

He had to be vigilant. He even thought it was a deadly poison. Ye Li wanted to kill people.

"Drink it and you'll know."

Wolf BA was surprised. If he could, he would not drink, but Can he really refuse?

After meditating for several seconds, wolf Ba bit his teeth and took Ye Li's elixir in one gulp.

"How could that be possible?"

At the moment of drinking the elixir, wolf BA's eyes opened a little bit, just because he felt he was about to break through.

He quickly sat on the ground refining the amount of medicine in his body. After a moment, he broke through from the first level to the second level.

"I'm a second rank?"

Wolf bully looked at his hands, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Thank you, Lord."

Wolf Ba naturally knows that Ye Li gave him the potion, otherwise he would never have broken through to the second level.

If wolf BA was disgusted with Ye Li just now, his heart is grateful to Ye Li.

It's too hard to break through the realm of dignity.

At this time, the Xiao family Xiao crazy also led the people to come, they looked at the scene in front of them, all stunned.

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