Xiao family.

"Lord devil, I don't know where to go. This is the critical time."

Wolf Ba, the leader of the dark race of the wind wolf, walked back and forth in the hall of the Xiao family.

All the Xiao family are also sad.

"Do you think it's possible for the elder to run away?" An elder of the Xiao family said.

As soon as this word came out, everyone in the Xiao family hall was shocked. They didn't think so, but they didn't dare to say it.

The Xiao family and the wolf bully are all a little frightened. They think that if ye Li runs away, they will be finished. There will be no possibility of survival in the face of the Bajing Yinyang tiger tribe.

"The master is not good! No, master

Suddenly, a voice of panic came into the people's ears.

I saw a Xiao's son ran into the hall and looked at the master of the house, Xiao crazy.

"Master, there are nine zombies outside the fortress!"


All the people in the hall of the Xiao family were shocked, and they were staring at their children.


All of a sudden, an elder of the Xiao family slapped the Xiao family's disciple in the face and beat the Xiao family's younger brother into a few circles.

"Nine zombies are coming. What can I do for you?" Xiao shounu, the father.

At this time of the day, when they were all nervous, they thought it was the tyrant whale, the silver Yang tiger, but they didn't expect it was nine zombies.


They have seen many zombies in the north of Beiyuan for many years.

The Xiao family's children who came to report were stunned. After a long time, they came back to their senses and said with a sad face:

"those nine zombies are not ordinary zombies!"

The people in the hall of Xiao's house were stunned when they heard the words, not ordinary zombies? What's the meaning of this?

"What do you mean, make it clear!"

Xiao Kuang looked at the Xiao family's children and said.

"They all look like humans, and their eyes have no color."


All the people in Xiao's hall were in a daze.

Zombies look like humans?

Eyes have no exclusive level of color?

There is only one possibility, that is, the lowest level of these zombies is also the clan level zombies.

"How do you know they are zombies Xiao asked wildly.

"Yes, they said it themselves." According to the news, the Xiao family's children replied in horror.

After pondering for several seconds, Xiao said in a deep voice: "everyone, let's go and have a look."


Protect the city.

"Big brother, why don't we just break in?" Yu Tong is puzzled and looks at Ada.

"It's better not to make a fool of yourself." Ah Da said.

At this time, all the nine Grand zombies of the last legion were outside the protective city.

Before long, the Xiao family and the leader of the wind wolf dark race, wolf Ba, went outside the protective city. They looked at the Last Legion in amazement.

"I dare to ask you are..."

Xiao Kuang found some clues. He found that the nine people in front of him did not have human breath, which could only be zombies. He guessed that all the nine zombies were clan level zombies.

Although he was not afraid of the nine zombies in the fortress, it was better to ask for their purpose.

"We are the eschatological Legion. Our master sent us here." A Da said to Xiao Kuang.

The last legion is naturally a strange name to all.

"Who is your master, please?" Xiao Fan asked again.

"Our master is Ye Li." Rain boy said with a smile.

Outside the protective City, all the gene warriors are shocked!

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