"It is said that Wang Yun of Xuandi Wang's family has contracted all the tianpinxiang inn."

"Ah? How much does that cost? "

"Is Wang Dashao short of money? You know, his father is the second strong man in Xuandi God list!"

Outside the Tianpin pilgrim's Inn, all the officials and dignitaries began to talk.

Second in the list of gods?

Who is the first in the list of gods?

It's no one else. It's the king of the peerless devil Ye Li!!!

"Stop, you can't go in!"

Several people who were about to enter tianpinxiang Inn were stopped.

"Why can't you go in?"

Green bamboo coldly looked at the man in the way.

The man in the way is a middle-aged man with good strength. He is a first-class surpasser.

"I'm sorry, this inn has been contracted today." The middle-aged man said coldly.

People outside tianpinxiang inn are also sighing. They came from afar to taste the delicious food of this day's Pinxiang Inn, but they didn't expect to be wrapped up. What can they do? They are helpless.

"I heard it was Wang Dashao's birthday, so I bought tianpinxiang inn."

Ye Li faintly looks at the middle-aged man in front of him, he smiles slightly, thinking that nobody dares to block my way from Ye Li in Xuandi.

"Get out of the way." Ye Li said to the middle-aged man.

When this was said, not only the middle-aged man, but also the people of tianpinxiang Inn were all stunned. How could they think that these people were still tyrannical.

You should know that tianpinxiang Inn has a background. It's owned by the third strongest person in Xuandi God list.

"Get out of the way?"

The middle-aged man smiles coldly. He has been a gatekeeper in tianpinxiang Inn for several years. He has never seen anyone who dares to find trouble in tianpinxiang inn.

"Do you know where this is?" The middle-aged man sarcastically looked at Ye Li and his party said.

Leaves from a faint smile, face crown such as jade face does not have the slightest fluctuation.

"I say again, get out of the way! Don't let me say it the third time. " Ye Li looks at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man and the crowd were all shocked.

"Who is this man? Is it possible that he has a shocking background?"

"Even if there is, is it possible that the background can be bigger than that of the people behind tianpinxiang teahouse, and that there are still Wangs?"

"I think this man is a noble man. How can he know that he is a noble man?"

All the people outside tianpinxiang Inn shook their heads and sighed because they knew that Ye Li's fate would be miserable.

"Boy, what can you do if I don't get out of the way?"

As a first-class surpasser, middle-aged men have never seen such arrogant people.

Ye Li can't help sighing to himself. Why has he given the middle-aged man the opportunity? Why doesn't the middle-aged man choose to cherish it?


Suddenly, only heard a scream, the middle-aged man's thigh has been more than a shocking blood hole.


People outside tianpinxiang Inn were shocked. They rubbed their eyes and thought they were wrong because they didn't see how Ye Li made his move.

For a moment, they all knew that they were not only wrong, but also beyond the limit.

They thought Ye Li was a childe who didn't know the height of heaven and earth, but now it seems that Ye Li is a super master.

"You, you!"

The middle-aged man tried to endure the pain and looked at Ye Li.

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