People look at Ye Li and think Xu Nan is right. It's black iron city here.

Even if you are covered with iron, you can stick several nails.

"Kneel down." Ye Li looks at Xu Nan.


When they heard this, they were all astonished beyond measure.

Kneel down?

Let the little city Lord of black iron city kneel down?

They plucked their ears because they thought they had heard it wrong.

"What do you say?"

Xu looked at him and thought of where he would die.

"Get down on your knees and don't let me say it the third time." Ye Li opened his mouth slowly to Xu Nan.

"You want to die!" Xu Nan couldn't help roaring.


Suddenly, I just heard the sound of a broken wind.

Black iron city little city Lord Xu Nan screamed, immediately knelt in front of Ye Li.

Xu Nan didn't want to kneel, but he had a shocking blood hole on his right leg.

"It's killing me! It's killing me

Xu Nan cried out. At this time, his pain was more severe than ever before.

Look at me, I see you all look at each other.

This is the black iron city. Isn't this man afraid?

At this time, someone has already sent a message to the city Lord's house. I believe that the guard of the city Lord's house will come here soon.

"You, you wait for me!"

Xu Nan forced to endure the pain and said to Ye Li.

Ye Li smiles faintly, and his face doesn't fluctuate at all. He says slowly:

"you let me leave Ye Li waiting?"

The sound falls, is a broken wind sound appears again, saw Xu Nan's other leg once more a shocking blood hole.


Xu Nan sent out a scream like killing a pig. The sound of the scream was so terrible that people were shocked.

Green bamboo and green if looking at the back of Ye Li, somehow, their hearts began to bump up, just because they feel, and leaves from together is too safe.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way

All of a sudden, the roar came into people's ears.

The onlookers quickly followed the sound and saw dozens of guards of the city Lord's house running over.

These guards are all eight level surpassers, and the team leader is a tenth level surpasser. They can become the natural selection only in further steps.

These dozens of gene warriors of the city Lord's house came to Xu Nan's side, and looked at Xu Nan with consternation. How could they think that someone would dare to attack Xu Nan in the black iron city.

"Little city Lord, who made it?"

Asked the captain of the guard.

"It's him!" Xu Nan bit his teeth and looked at Ye Li.

Dozens of gene warriors brush to see Ye Li, face all angry.

"Boy, did you eat the gall of bear heart leopard?" The Guard commander roared at Ye Li.

Ye Li's face is as calm as water, as if he didn't hear anything.

"What are you doing here?" Ye Li looks at dozens of guards in the city Lord's house.

"Why?" The captain of the guard gave a cold smile. He thought that Ye Li's words were a little too funny. Then he said, "you hurt our little city Lord. Now why do you ask us?"

Ye Li's face still did not fluctuate at all, and slowly opened his mouth:

"so you are here to kill me?"

The onlookers look at Ye Li in astonishment. They don't understand why Ye Li is not afraid. Is he not afraid of death?

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