Xiao Yun and Chen uncle are seriously injured by Ye Li?

He was also seriously injured by a man named Ye Li?

That is to say, they got in touch with the same person.

Chen Hai wants to cry, he really wants to cry.


The first hospital of Annam base city.

Chen BA was standing outside with his hand, his face was gloomy to the extreme.

After he learned about this, he was certainly furious. What position was his Chen family in Annam base city.

One day, his son, his younger brother was seriously injured by the same man. How could he bear it.

"It seems that my CHENBA hasn't done anything for many years, and no one knows my terror!" Chen Ba spoke coldly.

"Get out of the way! Come on

Immediately, a few nurses pushed the operating car to run over.

Chen Ba looked at the man on the operating car, he was as stiff as a clay sculpture.

"Hai er?"

It's not someone else on the cart, it's Chenhai!

Chen Hai just arrived at the hospital and fainted, he is too painful, can be pierced arm not painful?

"What's going on, what's going on here?" Chen Ba sent out the rage of thunder.

But no one can answer him, Chen Hai was pushed into the room.

An hour later, three doctors came out of the room with three hands.

"How are you, doctor?" Chen Ba asked quickly.

"Don't worry, Vice President Chen. The two young masters and your brother are OK. Now you can go in and see them." The doctor replied.

Chen Ba Wen Yan strides into the operating room.

"Cloud son, how are you?"

Chen Yun a snot a tear, "Dad, you must revenge for me, Ye Li is really too arrogant."

"Don't worry, yun'er, I will revenge you!"

Finish saying, Chen Ba goes out of the operating room, arrived Chen Hai's room.

"How are you, hale?"

"Dad, how miserable I am

Immediately, Chen Hai told Chen Ba what happened in the revolving restaurant on the lake.

Chen Baqi got blue tendons on his forehead and grasped his fists.

"Ye Li, I will let you know the consequences of offending your Chen family!" Chen Ba roared.

Then, Chen Ba went to Chen Dean's room.

Chen president sees big brother to come, immediately burst into tears.

"Boo hoo, big brother, you must make the decision for me. You have such a high status in Annam base city that some people dare to beat me."

As the president of Annan college, President Chen has been beaten for the first time since he was born.

"Don't worry, second brother. I will make the decision for you."

At this time, the anger of his eyes erupted.

He opened his address sheet and dialed a number.

"Find Ye Li for me, look for Ye Li in the whole city!"

Chen Ba almost roared, this is the first time he has been so angry.


Ye Li and three women arrived at Annam college.

At this time, Ye Li in Annam college is a thunder world, no one knows, no one knows!

All the students and teachers all looked at Ye Li in horror, even Chen and Mo vice president were defeated by a finger, let alone them.

Ye Li's face was as calm as water, as if he could not see the startled eyes of these students and teachers.

When Tu Long Dao tested him, he opened a super treasure map in the treasure chest. He didn't use it.

It looks like it should work.

Xiaohui and Yunman go to the classroom. Ye Li doesn't want to listen to the experience of how to upgrade the gene warrior and how to fight. He sits alone in the playground and has nothing to do.

Just then, a group of people broke into Annan college.

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