Listening to the sound of the system, Ye Li's face is very wonderful.

Without hesitation, Ye Li used this super treasure map.

Suddenly, the coordinates appear in Ye Li's mind.

Before he came to Dongdi, Ye Li also got a super treasure map, but after he came to Dongdi, he disappeared.

The location of the coordinates has a name - Zombie territory.

Zombie territory?

Ye Li's eyes brightened, thinking that since it was the name, the designated zombie was indispensable. I'm afraid the number of corpses is amazing.

Immediately, he urged God to walk a hundred steps toward the zombie territory.


Zombies were found a little way from zombie city.

No matter how small an ant is, Ye Li synthesized these zombies.

Ye Li is now in a shabby base city, which has been occupied by zombies.

Suddenly, a group of gene warriors appeared in front of him.

These gene warriors are all very young, in their twenties, most of them are ten level evolutors, and there is only one transcendent.

"Where are the zombies?"

A girl is very surprised, the girl is a group of gene warriors in the first-order transcendent.

"It's not that this place has been occupied by zombies. Why didn't you see a zombie?"

"Sister ling'er, there are people there."

A woman pointed to the direction of Ye Li.

More than a dozen gene warriors quickly looked along the direction of the woman's fingers, and found a man with abundant spirit like jade and incomparable beauty appeared in their field of vision.

"Strange, how can there be human beings here?"

Jin Ling is puzzled.

"Sister ling'er, I'll go and ask."

Finish saying, the girl then walked toward the direction that leaves leave in the past.

"Excuse me, why are you here?" The girl looked at Ye Li and the last legion and asked.

Leaf from smell speech on the face is very boring up.

"Why am I here? Do I need to tell you?" Ye Li looked at the girl lightly.

Girl a Zheng, she did not expect Ye Li will say such words.

At this time, Jinling with a dozen gene warrior also came.

"Are you gene warriors?" Jinling stares at Ye Li and the last legion.

"No Ye Li shook his head, "I am the devil, they are zombies."

Jinling and more than a dozen gene warriors are all surprised, they are very surprised to see Ye Li and the last legion.

"Are you not ill?"

A look at the rebellious gene warrior disdains to look at Ye Li.

"As far as you are concerned, only the poor and strange princes are demons in the whole East. They have never been born easily. They are not zombies in any way."

Ye Li sighs secretly, thinking that no one will believe the truth this year.

"Why, don't you believe it?"

Leaves from the light looking at the man in front of him.

The man sneered, "I certainly won't believe a neuropathy's words."

"ADA, make him a zombie."


When a Da hears the words and shoots out, where can the man react? The zombie virus of the ninth rank zombie turns into corpse too quickly. Only in a moment, the man becomes a zombie.

"Oh! Oops

A man bit on the arm of leaves, but only listen to the "nail" sound, the man's teeth will fall off.

Then ye Li's eyes shot a golden light, and the man was instantly melted into nothingness. The whole process was flowing without hesitation.

"He doesn't believe it. What about you?"

Ye Li looks at Jinling and more than ten gene warriors.

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