How is that possible?

All the elders cried out because they found that Zhong Kai had fallen to the ground, and his life had disappeared from the world forever.

Ye Li's face did not fluctuate in the slightest. He looked at the elders in a light way:

"if he doesn't submit, what about you?"

When all the elders heard this, their whole body was shocked.

The owner of the house, Zhong Kai, is the most powerful member of the Zhong family, but he died in an instant. They didn't even have time to see clearly.

Leaves from a faint smile, face crown such as jade face does not have the slightest fluctuation.

"Surrender, don't dream!"

After an elder was angry, he rushed to Ye Li.

Leaves from the corner of the mouth slightly up, face crown such as jade's face appeared a faint smile.


With the sound of a broken wind, the elder's life disappeared from the world forever.

"Who else won't accept it?" Ye Li looks at the rest of the elders of the Zhong family.

At this time, all the elders of the Zhong family were so shocked that they could not add anything more. They looked at Ye Li in horror.

"We submit."

They have been in and out of the major districts of the city for decades. They know that they are not Ye Li's opponents. They think that they have no choice but to submit.

"Good." Ye Li nodded.

"In this world, good people don't die, and bad people don't die. Only one kind of people will die, that is stupid people." Ye Li continued.

Sound down, leaves from the disappeared in place.

All the elders of the Zhong family have a bitter smile when you look at me and I look at you. They think that the Zhong family has provoked people who should not have been provoked this time.


Ye Li returned to the Jin family, and Jinling saw Ye Li coming back and hurriedly welcomed him up.

"Master, you are back." Jinling said to Ye Li.

Ye Li nodded and walked into the hall of Jin family.

Jin Shan, the owner of the Jin family, saw Ye Li. He quickly came down from the throne.

"Sir, please take your seat." Jinshan said to Ye Li.

After Ye Li sat down, he said to Jinshan, the owner of the Jin family, "go and ask the responsible person of the Lin family and the Jin family to come here. I have something important to do."

Jinshan and the elders are all a little bit dumbfounded, it is obvious that Ye Li will say such words.

"Master, I'm afraid they won't listen to me." Jinshan said to Ye Li suspiciously.

"Don't worry, they'll listen." Ye Li said slowly.

Hearing the speech, Jinshan immediately sent people to call Lin and Jin.


Lin Nan, the leader of the Lin family, went to the main hall of the Jin family.

After Lin Hao told him about Ye Li, he knew that the existence of Ye Li was not something they could afford.

"Brother Lin Nan, here you are."

Jinshan quickly asked people to arrange chairs.

Suddenly, another old man stepped into the hall of the Jin family.

The old man looked flustered, as if afraid.

"Elder Zhong?"

Jinshan was surprised and asked the old man, "elder Zhong, where is your master?"

"Our master..."

The elder of the Zhong family was named Zhong Teng. At this time, the cold sweat had already wet his whole body. He looked at Ye Li right above in horror and then said:

"our master is dead."


All the people in the hall of the Zhong family and Lin Nan, the owner of the Lin family, were shocked.

"The master of the Zhong family is dead?"

"How did you die?"

Jinshan and Lin Nan quickly asked.

Zhong Teng didn't know how to answer. Of course, he didn't dare to say that Ye Li killed him.

"I killed it."

When Zhong Teng didn't know how to answer, Ye Li opened his mouth and said something.

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