Bai Cai looks at the food from the leaves.

"You, do you really want to give it to me?" Her white face was shocked.

"Yes or no, don't forget it." Ye Li said faintly.

Bai Cai hears speech to take leaf leave the food in the hand in a hurry, immediately began to eat up.

"Well, it's delicious!"

As a foodie, Bai CAI has a good view of his face when he is eating food.

When Bai Cai is ready to eat, she looks at Ye Li, thinking that she has eaten Ye Li's food and has to say something nice, she says to Ye Li:

"I've never eaten anything so delicious."

Leaves from the skimming mouth, slowly opened his mouth: "this is also called delicious?"

Bai Cai smell speech don't know how to answer, she clearly just want to say some good words, but ye Li doesn't appreciate it.

"Let's go."

Finish saying, leaf leaves to rise to walk slowly.

Bai Cai looks at Ye Li's slightly emaciated figure, and she quickly follows up.

Before walking a few steps, he heard a terrible roar.


"Are you the leader of the last legion?"

A Titan zombie with a huge axe appears in front of Ye Li and Bai CAI.

Ye Li faintly looks at the Titan zombie in front of her eyes. This zombie is actually a first-class zombie. Since this time, he has never seen a first-class zombie.

"Yes, I am the leader of the eschatological army. What are you looking for me for?" Ye Li looks at the corpse of the first-class Titan.


The zombies of the first-class Titan snorted coldly, and said to Ye Li coldly, "your last legion is killing the zombies of my zombie territory."

"They are all high-level zombies. I can't beat them. I'm not going to compete with either of them even if I try my best. "

The zombie, I understand. Come on, Titan.

"So you think you can kill me?" Ye Li looks at the corpse of the first-class Titan.

"Of course The zombie of the first class Titan spoke coldly.

In the eyes of the first-class Titan zombie, Ye Li let the eschatological Legion attack, but he didn't do it because he didn't have the strength of that level at all.

Bai Cai is a second-order transcendent. She feels the horror of the corpse of the Titan in front of her. She can't help but step back. There is a look of horror on her white face.

Ye Li laughed calmly and said to the first-class Titan Zombies: "since you think you can kill me, then revenge for your zombies."

Hearing this, the zombie of the first-class Titan was furious.

"I want you to be broken to pieces!"

The corpse of the first-class Titan, armed with a huge axe, attacked Ye Li fiercely.

the body of the Titan zombie is very large, more than two feet high. It is really shocking to see it.

It's a pity that the zombie of the first-class Titan is so weak in front of Ye Li.

I saw Ye Li slowly erect a finger, the white aura of terror on the finger twined.

Finger down!


A sound through the wind appeared, and the terrible white light attack suddenly attacked the zombie of the first-class Titan.

The zombie of the first level Titan is huge, but the speed is not very fast. How can we react to the attack of this speed.


With the sound of a pig like scream, the corpse of the first-class Titan fell heavily on the ground, and a deep pit was smashed on the ground instantly.

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