Leaf from a faint smile, he looked at the gold ant dark race leader.

"If you know who I am, you will not think that I am arrogant, you will be afraid to the extreme." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

As soon as this was said, not only the leaders of the dark race of golden ants, but also hundreds of them were stunned.

Listen to this, this is a big status.

"Ha ha ha, ha!"

However, the leader of the dark race of golden ants laughed. After a long time of laughing, he looked at Ye Li and asked, "I didn't want to know who you are, but since you said that, you should tell me who you are."

Hundreds of golden ant dark race are also looking at Ye Li. They also want to know how they can be scared to the extreme after knowing Ye Li's identity.

Ye Li looked at the sun in the sky, then looked at his palm, and said to the leader of the golden ant dark race:

"I am the devil Ye Li."


Hearing this, the dark race of the golden ant was stunned.

"Ye Li, the demon king!" The leader of the dark race of golden ants looks at Ye Li in horror.

Immediately, the leader of the dark race of the golden ant stabilized his mind and said to Ye Li: "human beings, you don't pretend to be garlic. How can you be the devil Ye Li?"

"Hum! Will the demon lord cheat you ants? "

Lin Xiaowu angrily stares at the leader of the dark race of the golden ant.

Ye Li shook his head and sighed in secret, thinking that no one believed the truth this year. What can he do? He was helpless.

"No way! It can't be the devil leaves. "

The leader of the dark race of the golden ant seems to understand, and his face has a look of doubt.

Ye Li didn't continue to speak, but his whole body was full of evil Qi.

In an instant, the whole abandoned city was shrouded with evil spirit.

How can it be!!!

Hundreds of the golden ant's dark race were so frightened that their eyes were wide open, and they would not believe it if they could.

The sense of oppression, which is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea, is so terrible that they dare not even breathe, because what they breathe is not air, but murderous air.

"This, this, this..."

The leader of the dark race of the golden ant is more than three souls, two souls, seven spirits and six spirits. He dares to swear that he has never been so afraid since he was born.

"Now believe that I am the devil, Ye Li?" Ye Li looks at the leader of the dark race of the golden ant.

The leader of the dark race of the golden ant was shocked. He knew that there was no such smell in human beings.

Ye Li, the demon king Ye Li, is really the demon king Ye Li!!!

"I believe it. I believe it." The leader of the dark race of the golden ant replied quickly.

Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all, he slowly opened his mouth: "since you believe that I am the devil, ye left, then you also deserve to die."

As soon as this is said, the pupils of the dark race of hundreds of golden ants shrink rapidly. At this time, they have only one idea in their mind, that is, to run for their lives.

Unfortunately, how can they escape from Ye Li's palm?

The magic light attack, the speed was so fast that it was amazing. Even in less than a second, these dark golden ant species were melted into nothingness.

"Why don't you believe what ye Li said?" Ye Li shook his head.

Finish saying that, Ye Li's face can not help but appear a touch of wonderful color, just because the last legion mind to tell him, they are coming from here.

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