All the elders in the hall of the Lin family dare not move. They even dare not breathe too hard.

Who is the demon king Ye Li?

This has extinguished the existence of the Silver Palace!

If they offend the evil Lord Ye Li, there is no doubt that the Lin family will turn into powder in an instant.

"Master demon, do you dare to ask if there is any important thing in Shuiyun base city this time?" Lin Shi, the owner of the Lin family, said carefully to Ye Li.

"Yes, I'm here to find something." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

One thing?

Lin Shi, the leader of the Lin family, and all the elders were shocked.

"It's a treasure." Ye Li continued.


Lin's hall people were shocked again when they heard the speech. There was no treasure in their water cloud base city.

"By the way, Dad, the dark race of golden ants has been eliminated by the Demon Lord."

At this time, Lin Xiaowu said to the Lin family hall.


When Lin Xiaowu said this, Lin Shi and all the elders were shocked.

The dark race of golden ants in abandoned cities has always been a headache for their water cloud base city, but now it has been eliminated by Ye Li?

Lin family leader Lin Shi and the elders all look at Ye Li gratefully. Ye Li killed the dark race of golden ants. Ye Li is a great benefactor of their water cloud base city.

"Demon master, thank you for saving our water cloud base city!" Lin Shi bowed deeply to the leaves.

Ye Li's face did not have the slightest fluctuation, he always did not like to come to these empty.

Suddenly, a Lin family member ran into the hall.

"Master, there is a dark race in the back mountain!" Lin's son said in a panic.

What, the dark race in the back mountain?

Lin Shi and the elders are all shocked. They really don't understand how the dark race can appear in the back mountain?

"What kind of dark race is it?" Lin Shi asked in a hurry.

"I don't know. Those dark races are very powerful, killing many of the Lin family's children." This Lin's son said in horror.

Hearing this, Lin Shi's face sank.

His Lin family is also the largest family in Shuiyun base city. All of a sudden, something like this will happen. Even one acre of his own land has a dark race. It's OK.

"Take me with you!" Lin Shi said in a cold voice. With that, he looked at Ye Li with embarrassment, "master devil..."

"I'll go and have a look with you." Ye Li said faintly.

Lin Shi was stunned. He originally wanted to say that they were going to the back mountain, so he had to ask the Demon Lord to stay alone in the Lin family. However, he did not think that Ye Li wanted to go with them.

"Thank you very much, master devil."

Immediately, Ye Li and the strong members of the Lin family went to the back mountain.

After ye left the mountain, the purpose was nothing more than Nuwa stone debris. Since there was a dark race, there was drama.

Before long, Ye Li and the Lin family arrived at the back mountain.

At this time, there are dozens of corpses of gene warriors in the back mountain, which is a bit miserable.

"Damn it!"

Lin Shi clenched his teeth and cried coldly.

Although there are bodies of many gene warriors, there is no dark race.

Ye Li uses the heavenly spirit pupil to detect a time, also did not find the shadow of the dark race, but he has found a person who has not died.

"He's not dead yet." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Sound falls, leaves from the palm, a gentle magic light toward a gene warrior of the Lin family on the ground.

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