Bai Yue hears speech and looks at Ye Li in a hurry. Her white face is very flustered.

"Master devil, what to do?" Bai Yue carefully looked at Ye Li and said.

"Lead the way." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Bai Yue hesitated for a few seconds and said to Ye Li, "go, where are you going?"

"White stone valley." Ye Li said faintly.

When Bai Yue heard Ye Li's words, her white face was suddenly surprised, because she knew that with the demon master, could the dark race of green Mang Mountain still threaten their Sanyuan clan.

Immediately, the white moon quickly with leaves away toward the white stone valley.


White stone valley.

At this time, the gene warrior of Sanyuan sect and the dark race of green Python are confronting each other.

"You green boa, dark race, don't bully people too much!" The leader of the three yuan sect spoke coldly.

However, the dark race of green Python was dismissive, and said to the patriarch of Sanyuan sect, "our dark race is a noble race. It is proper to bully you human beings."

Hearing this, hundreds of disciples of sanyuanzong were furious.

Quiet, dead silence.

A great war seems to be coming.

"Since you green Python dark race is determined to die, don't blame me sanyuanzong!" The leader of the three yuan sect spoke coldly.

Immediately, the three yuan patriarch was ready to order.

At this time, a man and a woman appeared among the dark races of sanyuanzong and green python.

This man and a woman are naturally Ye Li and Bai Yue.

Sanyuanzong and the dark race of green boa are all a little bit stunned. Where do they think they will suddenly appear two people.


Bai Yue called out to the three yuan patriarch.

The patriarch of the three yuan clan was stunned when he heard the speech. He looked at the white moon, and his old face was shocked.


The patriarch of the Sanyuan sect really couldn't understand why the white moon suddenly appeared, and he was still with

He looked at Ye Li calmly. It didn't matter if he didn't look at it. He was shocked because ye Li was so beautiful.

"Yueer, this is..." The leader of the three yuan sect asked in a deep voice. His intuition told him that Ye Li was not a good man.

"Master, he is..." Bai Yue is a bit eager to talk and stops. She doesn't know if she should tell her master. If she does, what will happen if she does?

Ye Li didn't pay attention to the astonishment of sanyuanzong people. He turned back to see the dark race of green python.

It's all black. It's all black and white.

"Find someone who can talk." Ye Li slowly opened his mouth to hundreds of green Python dark race.

As soon as this was said, not only the dark race of green python, but also all the people of sanyuanzong were shocked. Even if they wanted to spend ten days and ten nights, they couldn't believe Ye Lihui said this.

"You seem arrogant, man?"

A sneer came into Ye Li's ear.

The dark race of green Python is a fifth level dark race of green python, and is also the leader of the dark race of green python.

"Are you..." Ye Li looks at the dark race of green python.

"I am the leader of the dark race of the green python." The fifth rank green Python is very proud of Ye Li.

Ye Li nodded and said slowly, "since you are the leader of the dark race of green boa, give the Nuwa stone remnant stone to me."


The leader of the dark race of green Python is shocked. He stares at Ye Li.

Sanyuanzong people are also shocked to the point that can not be added, Nuwa stone debris?

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