Come for treasure?

All the people present stayed there again.

This killed the teacher of qianyuanzong in the square of qianyuanzong. Not only did he not escape, but he also said that he came here to find treasures?

They have never heard of Ye Li before.

"You, you want to die!"

The great elder Teng Hai hears the words and can't bear the arrogance of Ye Li any more. He blows fiercely to Ye Li.

With this palm, the aura of terror flies out, and the aura forms a tiger. The tiger roars in bursts, as if to tear up the space.

"Big elder's split tiger palm!" A student exclaimed in surprise.

In any case, the tiger did not want to leave the tiger's side.

Seeing this, people can't help but shake their fists, thinking that this man thinks that the strength of the elder is the same as that of Li Qiang?

The split tiger's paw won't let you to pieces?

When the tiger leaves only a line away from the leaves, the leaves still do not dodge.

There is no doubt that the tiger heavy impact on the leaves of the body.


No one doubts the outcome of Ye Li. Being attacked by the split tiger, there is only one end, that is, death.

It's a pity that the next situation is something that people can't think of after ten days and ten nights.

What did they see?

They saw that Ye Li was not dead, not even half a step backward.

"How can this be possible!"

Everyone in the room exclaimed, and they couldn't believe it was true.

The great elder tenghai is also astonished to the extreme, he stares at Ye Li.

I saw that the corner of the mouth of Ye Li rose slightly, and a evil smile appeared on his face.

"I don't know what it means to be able to show it in front of me." Ye Li slowly opened his mouth to tenghai.

Tenghai naturally did not expect Ye Li to be so terrible. He looked at Ye Li.

"Don't think you can beat me if your defense is high. Let me..."

Teng Hai's words did not finish, suddenly his pupil began to shrink rapidly, as if to see a scene that would never happen.

The students in the square naturally don't understand what happened to the elder. They look at the elder quickly, but it doesn't matter. They are all scared out of their wits!

In the eyes of all, the head of the elder tenghai It fell down.

At the sight of this scene, all the people present were terrified to the extreme, and they stepped back a few steps, and their faces all appeared the most fearful look in history.

And Ye Li, his face is still not the slightest fluctuation.

"The elder is dead?"

"It seems that the head of the elder has fallen off."

"How can it be? How can he be so strong? You should know that the elder is the sixth level God elect."

All the people in the square swallowed their mouths. They couldn't believe that the scene in front of them was true.

"I'm just looking for treasures in qianyuanzong. Since some of you want to die, I won't refuse." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

The sound falls, the leaf leaves leaves to look at the front faintly, then goes on the sound: "come out!"

The voice dropped, the Qianyuan patriarch and the elders all appeared in the square.

They're all angry. They're all staring away from their faces.

"I didn't expect that you were so old and so horrible that you killed my teacher and elder of qianyuanzong!" Fengbai, the leader of Qianyuan sect, looked at Ye Li and said.

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