Cloud small butterfly is really can't stand the arrogance of leaves, her pupil quickly spewed out thousands of feet of anger.

"I really don't understand why you dare say such a thing!" Yunxiaodie stares at Ye Li's mouth.

Leaf leaves faint smile, he shook his head, did not answer.

Cloud small butterfly white face began to become incomparably cold up, he really did not understand leaf from what qualifications such arrogance.

"When the people from the cloud family come, you will know what will happen to you!" Cloud small butterfly says coldly.


Before long, more than a dozen gene warriors of the cloud family rushed into the hall.

These ten gene warriors all belong to the realm of second-order natural selection.

"Miss, here we are

More than a dozen gene warriors of the cloud family called respectfully to yunxiaodie.

Yunxiaodie saw that the people of the cloud family finally came, and her white face began to be complacent. She looked at Ye Li in a hurry. He knew that Ye Li had been scared to death. She didn't want to miss such a wonderful facial expression.

But what she didn't think of in any case was that Ye Li was not scared out of her wits, and her face was still calm and incomparable, just as if she regarded the more than ten gene warriors of the cloud family as the air.

"You, why aren't you afraid?"

Yunxiaodie is biting her silver teeth. She doesn't understand. She really doesn't understand why everything has arrived now. This leaf is not afraid.

"Why should I be afraid, just rely on a dozen ants?"

Ye Li's candid smile and sarcastically looks at more than ten cloud family's second-order Tianxuan.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the second-order Tianxuan is indeed an insurmountable mountain, but in his eyes of Ye Li, it is even weaker than mole ants.

"Boy, are you too arrogant?"

A second-order talent of the cloud family stares at Ye Li's cold mouth.

All the mercenaries in the hall all look at Ye Li. They don't know why Ye Li is still so calm now. It's just that Mount Tai collapses in front of him and his color remains unchanged.

"Is it?"

Leaves from the face crown like jade's face appeared a touch of indifference.


With the sound of a broken wind, the Yunjia gene warrior instantly vomited blood, and then fell to the ground, but the gene warrior was not dead.

Ye Li is such a person. If he wants the gene warrior of the cloud family to die, then the king of hell can't save him, but he just doesn't want the gene warrior of the cloud family to die.

There was no reason at all, it was entirely out of his will and unwillingness.


Everyone in the hall was shocked.

Du Er is no more. He is only a fifth order surpasser, but this gene warrior of the cloud family is a second-order celestial selector. Is he so vulnerable in front of this man?

Where does cloud Xiaodie think of Ye Li so terrible? Suddenly, she can't help but think of what ye Li Gang just said.

"Ants like you don't know how high the sky is and how wide the earth is."

Suddenly, yunxiaodie's pupil shrinks rapidly, and her intuition tells her that the beautiful person in front of her is absolutely extraordinary.

"Who are you, please?"

Yun Xiaodie swallows her saliva. She is finally afraid. She is just a seven step surpasser. If ye Li wants to deal with her, she is dead now.

Ye Li played with his fingers and slowly opened his mouth:

"I am the most terrifying existence in the East."

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