Crazy bully Zheng Zheng Zheng, looking at Ye Li's medicine.

"Master, what is this?"

Hall people naturally do not know what the potion leaves from the hand is, the face is all very confused.

"I'll know when I drink it." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Crazy bully smell speech did not continue to hesitate, he took the transcendent upgrade potion, and then one drink.

All of a sudden, there is a terrible force in the body of crazy tyrant, which is impacting on his internal organs.

"Me, am I going to break through?"

Crazy bully was stunned.

After that, crazy bully sits on the ground and refines his internal strength.

"Ha ha, I've become a ten step surpasser!"

The crazy bully laughed wildly, from the original five step surpasser to the ten step surpasser. Everyone would laugh.

All the people in the hall were shocked. Even if they wanted to break their heads, they would not think that the medicine was so terrible.

"Thank you, master..."

Crazy bully just wanted to thank Ye Li, but found Ye Li was not in the hall at all.

"Why not?"

Everyone in the hall looked at each other. The last second is still in the hall of the leaves so suddenly disappeared?


Leaves left to the moon shadow base city street, aimlessly walking.

He now has a Kongtong seal. If he finds two more, he can synthesize a complete version of Kongtong seal.

Immediately, he released the eschatological Legion from system space.

"Master, you finally let us out." Red leaves said with a smile.

After the eschatological Legion came out of system space, they were all very excited and looked around.

After a day in the moon shadow base city, the coordinates still did not appear.

Ye can't help but get a little discouraged.

"Come on! Find the man

"It's said to be very handsome."

"Just take that man's neck to the cloud family, and we'll get a reward."

Suddenly, the gene warriors on the street are all looking for something.

Ye Li grows rich, God like jade, beautiful, no matter in any place is the existence of standing out.


His whole life has been run through by the word "Shuai".

Moon shadow base city streets of the many gene warriors are all staring at Ye Li, and finally even formed a circle of encirclement.

"You killed the gene yesterday, didn't you?" A gene warrior asked coldly at Ye Li.

Many gene warriors are all staring at Ye Li and want to know how Ye Li will answer.

"Why do you want to die?" ADA looked at these gene warriors and said.


All the gene warriors were stunned. They really didn't understand how ADA dared to say such a thing. More than 200 of them surrounded ten of them and said they were coming to die?

"Don't think about it. They did it!" A gene warrior yelled.

These gene warriors are all from the cloud family reward, as long as the leaves from the grasp, they can get rich rewards.

"Catch them! Catch them

Immediately, more than 200 gene warriors all rushed towards Ye Li and the last legion.

"Ah Da, give them some color to see." Leaves from slowly open mouth, face crown such as jade's face appeared a touch of lazy color.


A big moment ejected out, leaving only a shadow in place.


And then, it was a lot of screaming.

Before long, the more than 200 gene warriors died, and the injured ones ran away with their heads in their arms.

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