"Do it." Ye Li looks at Ada.


A big roar, fist roar.

In the eyes of these thunder monsters, ADA, a corpse of the fourth level heavenly dignity level, is the existence of terror to heaven and man.

A Da knows the truth of catching the king first. When his speed broke out, he only left a shadow in his place, and in an instant he came to the seventh level thunder monster.

The realm of reverence is the realm of earthly reverence, but ADA is the realm of heaven, with an insurmountable gap.


When a Da's fist had not reached the seventh level thunder monster's body, the seventh level thunder monster called out loudly because he found that he could not avoid such a blow.


There is no doubt that a Da's heavy fist hit the seventh level thunder monster's body, and the seventh level thunder monster was instantly destroyed.

"The leader is dead?"

The rest of the thunder monsters saw this, and they stepped back a few steps away. They were as frightened as they wanted to be on their faces.

Ye Li looked at the panic on the faces of thunder monsters, and he said slowly:

"in fact, you don't need to be afraid."

Hearing this, all thunder monsters were shocked.

No need to be afraid?

Is it the devil Ye Li ready to let them go?

Thinking of this, all the thunder monsters began to feel up and down. As long as they could live, they would like to do anything.

Many thunder monsters look at Ye Li, and they want to know what ye Li will say next.

After a few seconds, Ye Li slowly opened his mouth:

"in this world, good people will be afraid, and bad people will be afraid. There is only one kind of people who will not be afraid, that is the dead."

In the end, there is no difference between man and the dark race.

All thunder monsters, hearing Ye Li's words, were scared out of the body.

They want to run for their lives, they really want to run for their lives.

It's a pity that they have ten legs, and today's ending is doomed to death.

Just when all the thunder monsters are ready to escape, ADA and Hongye have already shot.

How can these thunder monsters resist the attack of ADA and Hongye? The sound of killing pigs constantly rings, which makes people's scalp numb.

All the people of the cloud family are also shocked to the point that they can't be more shocked. They look at me, I look at you, and look at Ye Li, but they find that there is no change in Ye Li's face, as if nothing has happened at all.

Such people Does it really exist?

No! It should be said that such demons really exist?

The people of the cloud family don't know. They really don't know.

"Master, thank you for helping us kill these dark races." Cloud small butterfly is frightened to leaf leave say.

Ye Ligang wants to speak, but the voice of the system comes from his mind.


"Congratulations to the host for a super treasure map."


Hearing this, Ye Li couldn't help being excited.

He thought of super treasure map, but he didn't expect to come so fast.

When he came back from his excited mood, he found that all the people of the cloud family were kneeling on the ground.

"Lord devil, thank you very much..."

Yun family master Yun Gang's words have not finished, Ye Li then interrupted his words.

"No thanks. I didn't avenge you." Ye Li said faintly.

He really didn't take revenge on the cloud family. He had given thunder monster a chance to live, but they didn't cherish it.

All along, as long as Ye Li gives other people a chance to live, and they don't cherish it, then his end is only one word, that is Die!

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