Chiqing heard Ye Li's words, but she couldn't help being shocked. She never thought that Ye Li would say such a thing.

"I have just told you that the dark race that will break the seal immediately is a second-order heavenly class dark race. Don't you know how to write death?"

Leaves from a smile, his face did not have the slightest fluctuation.

"I think your realm is just like this. Why do you dare to be here?" Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Chi Qing and Chi he are stunned and look at Ye Li with consternation.

"Because this powerful dark race was sealed by my grandfather, but my grandfather is dead and it's up to us now." Chi Qing said to Ye Li.

"So, are you going to seal the dark race again?" Ye Li asked.

"I didn't think you were smart." Chi Qing said.

Ye Li gave a frank smile, and then he shook his head, "it's useless. You are not the one who knows the sky. When the dark race breaks the seal, there is only one end for you, that is, death."

Where has Chi Qing seen such a person as Ye Li? She didn't expect that Ye Li not only did not leave, but also said such words.

"You'd better leave, or you won't be able to wait." Chi river said to Ye Li and the last legion.

Ye Li did not continue to speak, quietly waiting.

Chi he and Chi Qing are all a little upset when they see this, but they are not going to continue to persuade Ye Li and the last army to leave. They want to die. What can you do?

A moment later, the abandoned base city suddenly rocked like an earthquake.

"Dad, that dark race is breaking its seal!" Chi Qing said.

Pool River a face dignified, immediately he a gnash teeth, to Chi Qing said: "green son, you go."

Chi Qing was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect his father to say so. He looked at Chi River in doubt.

"Dad, why did you let me go?"

But Chi he sighed, "he was right just now. After this dark race breaks its seal, we will have only one end, that is, death. With our ability, we can't seal a dark race with second-order heavenly dignity."

"No! I'm not going

There was a trace of stubbornness on Chi Qing's white face.

"Anyway, when that dark race breaks its seal, you must go!"

The voice of Chi river has just dropped, and the whole abandoned base city can not help shaking more seriously.

Suddenly, not far in front of them, the ground began to crack!

A few seconds later, a dark race rushed out and jumped into the air. In an instant, the evil spirit began to spread around.

"Ha ha ha ha, I finally broke the seal!"

The whole body of this dark race is shrouded in evil atmosphere. It is a spirit soul. It is the second level heaven level state. It looks like this dark race is really heartbreaking.

After a few laughs, the spirit soul of the second level Heavenly Master level saw Ye Li and the last legion and others.


The spirit spirit of the second level Heavenly Master descends to the ground from mid air.

"Human beings?"

The spirit and soul of the second level Heavenly Master level smiles.

Immediately, he seemed to feel something and shook his head again.

"Are you zombies?"

The spirit soul of the second level Heavenly Master level has some doubts.

"No, no, no!"

The spirit soul of the second level heaven level shook his head again, "zombie, human!"

"But you...!"

The spirit soul of the second level Heavenly Master looks at Ye Li in doubt.

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