The evil spirit of the second level Heavenly Master level spirit explodes. It turns into countless black evil spirits and flies towards Ye Li.

With a faint smile, Ye Li's face, like jade, naturally has no fluctuation. He really doesn't understand how the spirit soul of the second level heaven level dares to attack him.

Don't you know how many eyes Wang Ma has?


The abandoned base city instantly made a cold light.

Then, the sound of the sword and the sound of the Dragon began to ring. A blood dragon with five claws was perched on the top of Ye Li's head.

I saw a Taigu Longyuan sword appeared in Ye Li's hand.


Leaf from a sword cut out.

All of a sudden, the supreme sword went to the evil ghost.

In a moment, all the evil spirits turn into nothingness.

"How could it be?"

The spirit soul of the second level of heaven opened his eyes. He couldn't believe it was true.

Ye Li's face is still the same. He looks at the spirit of the second level heaven level, and slowly opens his mouth:

"how can a dark race like you change? Only death can make you change."

The sound falls, leaves from urges the God to walk hundred steps, in situ only left a remnant shadow.

Chi he and Chi Qing can't help but be shocked, because they really can't think of what kind of speed this is, where they can still capture the figure of Ye Li.

Not only they, but even the spirit soul of the second level Tianzun level could not catch Ye Li's figure. His eyes opened for the largest time in history.

When ye Li reappeared, he was already behind the spirit soul of the second level Tianzun level.

The eye of the spirit soul of the second level Heavenly Master shrinks fiercely. He realizes that Ye Li is behind him and quickly turns around. But when he turns around, he finds that the Taigu Longyuan sword in Ye Li's hand has been raised high.

"My life is dead!"

The spirit of the second level Heavenly Master yelled.

With Ye Li's Taigu Longyuan sword falling rapidly, the life of the second-order heavenly spirit and soul disappeared from the world forever.

And Kongtong seal pieces fell to the ground.

Ye Li looks at the pieces of Kongtong seal falling on the ground, and his face begins to become very wonderful. With this piece of Kongtong seal, he can synthesize a complete version of Kongtong seal.

He found all the ten ancient artifacts.

After that, Ye Li ignored the shock of Chi he and Chi Qing. He opened his mind's composite lattice and put three pieces of Kongtong seal fragments into the composite lattice and began to synthesize!

A few seconds later, the complete version of Kongtong seal appeared in Ye Li's hand.

Ye Li's face is very wonderful, and finally let him find all the ten ancient artifacts.

"Master devil, thank you very much. If it wasn't for you..."

Chi River's words didn't finish, they were interrupted by Ye Li.

"You leave first. I have something to do here." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Chihe and Chiqing heard this, but they didn't dare to stay in the abandoned base city and left the abandoned base city in a hurry.

"System, what do I do now?"

"The host, as long as the ten ancient artifacts are decomposed, and then the key to the burial of Wushuang emperor can be synthesized."

Listen to the words of the system, Ye Li did not hesitate, he began to act.

Not long after that, Ye Li decomposed the Taigu Longyuan sword, and then put all the ten artifact into the composite lattice, and began to synthesize the key to open the tomb of Wushuang emperor.

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