Ye Li and Shi Ling follow the sound and find a huge bloodthirsty wolf coming.

The bloodthirsty wolf's eyes were green, and they were terrible.

Leaves from a faint smile, face crown such as jade's face does not have the slightest fluctuation.

This bloodthirsty wolf is a three-level heaven level realm, which is not up to grade in front of him.

"This is it." Stone Ling swallows saliva, white face appeared a touch of horror color, "bloodthirsty demon wolf leader?"

Shiling is only a second-order person who can communicate with the heaven. Facing the third-order blood thirsty wolf, she suppresses her attack. She looks at Ye Li and finds that Ye Li's face still has no fluctuation, just as if she didn't see anything at all.

"This may be the leader of the bloodthirsty wolf, very strong. We have to be careful." Shi Ling said to Ye Li.

"There's nothing to be careful about." Ye Li shook his head slowly.

Shiling has already known that Ye Li is terrible, but the opposite bloodthirsty wolf is also terrible. She doesn't understand why Ye Li's face can be so indifferent.

"Man, tell me why my people did not kill you." The leader of bloodthirsty demon wolf looked at Ye Li and Shi Ling and asked.

Leaf leaves a light smile, to the bloodthirsty demon wolf leader light said: "because they are all dead."

"No way!" The leader of bloodthirsty demon wolf said coldly.

Ye Li is not ready to continue to talk with the leader of the third order bloodthirsty wolf.

"Mankind, you meet me here, and your life will disappear from this world forever." The leader of bloodthirsty demon wolf said to Ye Li and Shi Ling.

Ye Li smiles calmly. He really doesn't understand how this third-order heaven level bloodthirsty demon wolf dares to say such a thing. Is he floating, or is he Ye Li unable to move his knife.

"What are you waiting for now that you think we're going to win?" Ye Li leisurely looks at the leader of bloodthirsty demon wolf.

The leader of bloodthirsty demon wolf was enraged and looked at Ye Li.

"Human, if you want to die so much, then I will help you!"

Sound falls, bloodthirsty demon wolf leader flies toward Ye Li, the speed is fast to the point that cannot be increased.

Ye Li thinks that from the time when the third-order heaven level bloodthirsty demon wolf rushes to him, he announces that this bloodthirsty demon wolf has died.

"I have a sword, and I will cut the world!"

The sound falls, leaf Li flies to attack to go out.

Today, he is a seven level thoroughfare. Facing the third level blood thirsty demon wolf, he is absolutely crushing. What's more, he has the Archean God king sword body, which makes his sword sense stronger dozens of times.

However, he is still a devil!

Ye Li's speed is too fast. The leader of bloodthirsty demon wolf is shocked. He finds that he can't catch Ye Li's figure.

"How can it be so fast?" The leader of the bloodthirsty demon wolf drank heavily. He quickly stopped to look for the figure of Ye Li.

Shi Ling looked aside, her white face has appeared a deep color of astonishment.

It is impossible for the leader of bloodthirsty demon wolf to capture Ye Li's figure. When ye Li appears again, he has already arrived at the back of this bloodthirsty wolf.

At this time, the leader of the bloodthirsty demon wolf reacted. He just wanted to return, but he never had a chance, because he had one more thing on his body.

So the thing is Taigu Longyuan sword.

The body of the leader of the bloodthirsty demon wolf has been pierced by the Taigu Longyuan sword.

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