Shi Ling looked along the sound, and immediately a look of disgust appeared on his white face.

I saw a teenager about the same size as Shiling walked to the side of Shiling and looked at Shiling lightly.

"Sister Shiling, why don't you pay attention to me?" The boy said with a smile.

"Mo Feng, who is your sister?" Shi Ling stares at Mo Feng in disgust.

Mo Feng a smile, suddenly he looked at the leaf of stone Spirit side.

"Sister Shiling, is this Mo Feng got confused.

He can't help but be a little surprised, because ye Li is really very handsome, he thinks he is also very good-looking, but compared with Ye Liyi, it's not much different from the sky or the ground.

"What does it have to do with you?" Shi Ling stares at Mo Feng.

"My name is Ye Li." Ye Li said faintly to Mo Feng.

Mo Feng sneered, "what is the relationship between you and Shiling?"

"It doesn't matter." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Mo Feng a Zheng, he naturally does not believe that Ye Li and Shi Ling have no relationship, otherwise they will not be together.

"I want you to say it!" Mo Feng's tone is very unhappy.

Leaf from smell speech can't help but shake his head, light said: "if I don't say it?"

Mo Feng was stunned again. He did not expect that Ye Li would dare to refuse him.

"Since you don't say it, do you want to know what will happen to you?" Mo Feng looks at Ye Li.

Ye Li is a calm smile, the face crown such as jade on the face is very light, he leisurely looking at Mo Feng mouth:

"talk about it, I want to know what my end is?"

Shi Ling was worried. After all, Mo Feng is the grandson of the fourth sword master of Shenjian sect. If ye liruo hurt Mo Feng

Think of here, Shi Ling pulled the Cape of Ye Li and said to Ye Li: "Ye Li, otherwise forget it."

"Forget it?"

Mo Feng heard Shi Ling's words with a cold smile.

"If you offend me, Mo Feng, do you want to let it go?"

Ye Li has been in this world for several years, but he has been unable to understand a problem, that is, why there are so many ants who can't do their best.

"Give you a second and disappear in front of me." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

All the people in the inn had already seen the excitement. Their eyes were opened a little bit bigger than usual, for fear of missing something wonderful.

Mo Feng was shocked. He was really shocked.

Where would he have thought that Ye Li would say such a thing.

"You let me disappear in front of you in a second?" Mo Feng stares at Ye Li.

"It's a second." Ye Li said frankly.

Sound falls, a magic light toward Mo Feng, fast as lightning.

Mo Feng is only a second-order thoroughfare. How can you block such attacks.

His eyes were wide open, only to see the magic light attack heavily hit the right leg of Mo Feng.


Mo Feng instantly issued a pig like scream.

See Mo Feng's right leg already had a shocking blood hole.

All the people in the inn were shocked. They didn't see how Ye Li made his move. However, Mo Feng fell to the ground and there was a blood hole on his right leg.

Of course, they don't understand how Ye Li did it.

Mo Feng is still howling in pain. He has never been beaten since he was born. Now he has finally tasted the taste of being beaten.

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