"This, this..."

Lu Xiong looked at the big black iron sword in his hand and could not speak for a long time.


Suddenly, Lu Xiong burst into tears.

You know, dark iron sword is his most famous weapon. The whole Shenjian clan can't find a second one.

"My dark iron sword is broken! My dark iron sword is broken

Lu Xiong even rolled in the arena.

All the disciples in the square felt a great embarrassment. Lu Xiong was two feet tall, and he was rolling and crying in the arena. How could he be so embarrassed?

Ye Li has never thought of many things since he crossed into the world. But the last thing he did not expect was that Lu Xiong would cry even if he wanted to break his head.

This, this is a little interesting!

"What are you crying for?" Ye Li looks at Lu Xiong rolling on the ground.

"You, you broke my dark iron sword, of course I have to cry!"

After that, Lu Xiong began to wail again. The sound of crying was really unprecedented.

Ye Li's music is a dark iron sword.

"Don't cry, I'll pay you." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Of course, Lu Xiong didn't believe that Ye Li could compensate him for his dark iron sword. He was still crying.

Dark iron sword?

It's nothing more than a big sword made of dark iron. Ye Li opens the integral mall in his mind and looks for it in the weapon column. Soon he finds a big sword suitable for Luxiong.

This big sword is made of Star iron, worth 100000 points.

However, Ye Li's current points are not too much. He doesn't pay attention to a mere 100000 points. Without hesitation, he bought the sword made of Star iron.

Immediately, the big sword appeared in Ye Li's hand.

The disciples on the square looked at Ye Li's hand and suddenly a big sword appeared. The sword looked very frightening. At least, it was much more frightening than Lu Xiong's previous dark iron sword.

"Here you are." Ye Li said to Lu Xiong.

Lu Xiong is still crying. He looks at Ye Li.

It doesn't matter if you look at it. I'm scared.


Looking at Ye Li's big sword, Lu Xiong was shocked.

"It's made of Star iron." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Lu Xiong took the sword from Ye Li's hand with trembling hands. In an instant, he couldn't put it down. It was much stronger than his dark iron sword.

"Ha ha ha, ha!"

All of a sudden, Lu Xiong looked up and laughed.

"Lord, I'll take it!"

After Lu Xiong laughed, he looked at Ye Li respectfully.

After saying that, Lu Xiong is going to kneel down for Ye Li, but ye Li always doesn't like others kneeling for him. Lu Xiong's double knee rebounded from the ground.

"Is there anyone else who won't accept me?"

Ye Li glanced at the disciples in the square.

The disciples on the square were surprised at the smell of speech. They didn't dare to accept it. Even Lu Xiong was defeated.


The four sword masters were watching such a scene in the sword tower.

"I can't imagine that the patriarch still has some strength." The first sword master Feng Changqing said.

"Yes, I didn't expect the Lord to be so powerful." The second sword master Jin Yuan also said.

Suddenly, Jin Yuan looked at Feng Changqing and said:

"elder martial brother, what do you think of the four big matches in a month

As soon as he said this, the three sword masters were all in front of their eyes. It seemed that they all thought of one piece.

"But what if the Lord does not agree?" The fourth sword master Mo Teng said.

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