Ye Li and the last legion walk down the Shenjian mountain.

It's not interesting to stay in Shenjian sect all the time. It's better to have a tour in the north.

"Gather the zombies." Ye Li spoke slowly to the last legion.

The last legion nodded and scattered in all directions.

Ye Li also walked forward slowly.

Walking along, he came to a small city.

As soon as I arrived in this small city, I heard people talking about it.

"Did you hear that the Lord Piaoyu fought with the leader of Erlongshan yesterday, and it was hard to separate them."

"Why didn't you hear about it? I heard that Lord Piaoyu was injured and is now training somewhere."

"Alas, Lord Piaoyu is not here. I don't know whether the wind wolf and dark race of Erlong mountain will attack us."

They all shook their heads.


"Please host treatment Piaoyu."

The sound of the system appears in Ye Li's mind.

Ye Li Yi Zheng, the system lets oneself cure Piaoyu?

I didn't say what reward I would get. What's going on?

But ye Li naturally knows that the system will not pit him.

Ye Li thinks it's better to save, but the most important thing is

He doesn't know Piaoyu, and he doesn't know where she is.

This leaves leaves some do not know what to do.

Not to mention, there is no way out.

When ye Li wants to give up the treatment of Piaoyu, a sound comes into his ear.

"Moon, where are we going?"

"Xiaozhu, let's go to my sister's

Ye Lishun looked at the past voice and found that it was two 17-year-old girls.

Both girls are first-class natural selection, but also a good genius.


This even a girl from Ye Li's side walked in the past, Ye Li thought about the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Immediately, he followed the two girls.

The two girls couldn't find him. It was too simple for him to want them to find out.

Ye Li has been following the two girls, and before long, Ye Li and they came to a bamboo forest.

Bamboo forest scenery is very beautiful, wind blowing bamboo leaves, looking at there is a poetic painting.

The two girls are called floating moon and Yunzhu in decibels.

Floating moon and cloud bamboo walk into a hole.

Ye Li naturally followed him in. When he stepped into the cave, he had already urged tianlingtong to explore. He found that there was a cold woman in the cave who was closing her eyes to heal her wounds.

Before long, Ye Li and ER Nu arrived at the end of the cave, and they still didn't find him.

At the end of the cave, there was a woman in white, with long hair and waist, and her face was very pale. However, from her pale face, we could see how cold the woman was.

This woman is Piaoyu.

Piaoyu heard the movement, she opened her eyes, eyes are very alert.

When she saw that it was the floating moon and cloud bamboo, her vigilant eyes disappeared.

"Sister, how is your injury?" Floating moon on the face of a face of tension.

"I'm afraid my injury will not be good in the short term." Said Piaoyu.

"But, but..."

Floating moon some desire to speak up again.

"Moon, say what you want." Piaoyu said to the floating moon.

"The wind wolf dark race of Erlong mountain may attack our city in a few days." Floating moon is hard to say.

Piaoyu smell speech is also a burst of loss of mind, yesterday she and Erlongshan wind wolf dark race leader, but the old wind wolf is too strong, let her seriously injured.

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