Ye Li doesn't continue to pay attention to the horror on Lu Ke's face.

"Go and call down the thunder monster dark race." Ye Li said to the last legion.

The last legion nodded, and all of them went to Leishan.


Ye Li takes out a box of food from the system space and eats it on his own.

"Do you want to eat?" Ye Li looks at Lu Ke.

At this time, Lu Ke is not in the mood to eat. She just wants to live.

"Are you afraid?" Ye Li looks at Lu Ke.

Of course, Lu Ke is afraid. She thinks she is going to die soon. Can she not be afraid?

"Master, can I leave?"


Ye Li shook his head.

He Ye Li is such a person. He never needs any reason to do things. He can let Lu Ke leave. He can leave, but there is no need.

Lu Ke is almost crying. She is really about to cry.

Leaves from a faint smile, the face crown such as jade on the face of light.

"Don't be afraid. You'll be fine." Ye Li can speak faintly to the land.

Voice down, the last legion returned to Ye Li's side.

"Master, the thunder monster dark race is coming down the mountain soon." Ah Da said to Ye Li.

Ye Li nodded, and then looked at Leishan and found a piece of black. It seems that the thunder monster dark race is pouring out.

A moment later, hundreds of thunder monsters appear in front of Ye Li.

One of the leading dark race is the seventh level heaven level realm. He can even think of it with his toes. This thunder monster dark race is the thunder monster that wounded ah Qi.

He is also the leader of the dark race of the thunder monster.

"Zombies, who are you talking about

Said the leader of thunder monster's dark race coldly.


Ah Qi snorted, "this is our master."

Thunder monster dark race leader hears speech and looks at Ye Li.


Thunder monster dark race can't help being a little bit stunned, because he can't feel a trace of human breath from the body of leaves.

"You, what race are you?" Thunder strange dark race looks at Ye Li to ask.

Leaves from calm, toward thunder strange dark race slowly open mouth: "demon clan."


Hundreds of thunder monster dark race are surprised, they will not think Ye Li is a demon.

Of course, Lu Ke didn't think of it. She thought Ye Li was human, but now she finally understood why Ye Li could control the zombie.

"Demons?" Thunder strange dark race leader's face did not have the slightest fluctuation, he looked at Ye Li, "can you tell me your name?"

Leaf from a smile, "I call Ye Li, you can also call me the devil Ye Li."

Ye Li?

Thunder monster dark race has never heard of it.

"Ye Li, the demon king, so what are you going to do when you come to the territory of thunder monster dark race this time?" Thunder strange dark race stares at Ye Li to ask a way.

Leaf from indifferent smile, "you hit a seven into a serious injury, so you thunder the dark race to destroy the clan."


The thunder strange dark race hears this speech, all was astonished to the extreme, wants to break the head also can't think of Ye Li unexpectedly can say such words.

"Evil king Ye Li, are you too arrogant?" Thunder strange dark race stares at Ye Li to die to say.


Ye Li gave a cold smile and looked at the dark race leader of thunder monster and said, "My Demon Ye Li has always been so arrogant. Do you not accept it?"

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