What Lu can't think of is that his eyes suddenly become extremely respectful after he swallows the black pill with the help of a celestial zombie.

It's like Ye Li is his master.


The zombie of the third level of heavenly dignity called respectfully to Ye Li.

Hearing this, Lu Ke could not help but be shocked.

Ye Li didn't intend to cultivate this third-order celestial zombie into the main zombie, but he put the third-order Tianzun zombie into the system space.

At this time, the last legion arrived with zombies.

There are too many zombies this time. I'm afraid the zombies of the whole zombie city have been gathered by them.

Leaf from looking at so many zombies, face crown like jade's face showed a touch of wonderful color.

"Do it."

Ye Li gives orders to the last legion.

After hearing Ye Li's order, the last legion began to attack.

Ye Li opened the synthetic lattice in his mind and began to synthesize these zombies. After two days, Ye Li finally synthesized these zombies.

The nine zombies of the last legion were upgraded from level 6 to level 7.

Ye Li thinks that this is far from enough, once again let the last legion gather zombies all over the Northern Territory.

Soon, the last legion left the zombie city.

Lu Ke looks at Ye Li in horror. She dares to swear that she has never met such a terrible person as Ye Li since she was born.

No, the devil of terror!

"Master, where are we going now?" Lu Ke looks at Ye Li carefully and asks.

Ye Li pondered for a while and thought that it was time to return to shenjianzong.

"Shenjian sect." Ye Li said faintly.

Lu Ke was stunned. She remembered that Ye Li had said to her that he was the leader of the Shenjian sect. Although she would never believe it, she was still stunned when she heard the three words.

"Master, why do you have to go to Shenjian sect?" Lu Ke asked again.

Lu Ke felt that Ye Li could not be related to Shenjian sect.

Suddenly, she thought of an amazing possibility.

That is Ye Li is going to destroy the Shenjian sect.

Thinking of this, Lu couldn't help but look pale. You know, Shenjian sect is one of the super powerful forces in the Northern Territory.

When Lu Ke comes back to her senses, she finds that Ye Li has gone out for dozens of steps, so she has to follow up.


Ye Li and Lu Ke have been walking in the direction of Shenjian sect.

When they came to a canyon, they found that there were many people below, enough for thousands.

We don't know where we're going to be.

These gene warriors are all wearing red guns and have blood marks on their faces.

"It's the blood clan." Lu Ke said.

Blood clan?

Ye Li naturally has never heard of blood clan.

"Master, the blood sect is a cult, which uses human blood to support their cultivation." Lu Ke said to Ye Li.

Ye Li understands that there are many cults in the world, such as the blood lotus sect he met before.

"Master, the most hateful thing in Dongshan is the blood clan. Let's save these human beings."

Lu Ke has a firm look in his pupils.

Ye Li did not expect that Lu can be quite just.

"Well, I agree." Ye Li nodded.

Here, the white face appeared.

"You go." Ye Li looked at Lu Ke faintly, "I'm waiting for you here."

Lu Ke is surprised, where did you think Ye Li would say such a thing.

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