LeiBao originally thought that speaking the word "Xuezong" would frighten Ye Li and Lu Ke back three steps.

But what he did not think of was that Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all, as if he had not heard anything at all.

"Come here and let me kill you." Ye Li said faintly.

Thunder leopard is surprised, he is to want to break the head also won't think Ye Li will say such words to him.

"You, what do you say?"

Thunder leopard's top of the head has rushed out thousands of feet of anger, he is dead looking at leaves.

"I said, come and let me kill you." Leaves from the face crown like jade face calm like water, "don't let me say the third time."

This words a, thunder leopard is angry to the extreme.

"Since you let me come, I'll come and kill you!"

The sound falls, thunder leopard big drink:

"blood skill!"

Suddenly, LeiBao's whole body was shocked, and the scarlet aura burst out, forming one bloody monster after another, attacking Ye Li and Lu Ke.

Leaf from a faint smile, although these bloody monsters look really terrible, but in front of him, just like mole ants.

But I saw: leaves from slowly erect a finger, the finger above the magic air entangled.


Suddenly, the sound of a broken wind appeared.

The magic light flies out from Ye Li's fingers and directly impacts on several bloody monsters.

These bloody monsters disappeared in an instant.


In any case, Wu Zong would not be shocked by the other genes.

"Blood skill is broken?"

Lei Bao was shocked to see this scene.

At this time, he finally realized that Ye Li was much better than Lu Ke.

"Let's go together and kill them!" Thunder leopard roared.

Immediately, hundreds of blood clan gene warriors all rushed over.

In the eyes of Ye Li, there is no difference between hundreds of people and a person, just because they are all ants.


A sword blade.

Suddenly, dozens of gene warriors were killed by the sword.


Lei leopard is shocked and pale. He knows that Ye Li is very strong, but how can he think that he is so strong.

An idea appeared in his mind. The idea was to run for his life!

Suddenly, LeiBao began to escape, because he knew that if he did not escape, his life would disappear in this world forever.

Only a few seconds, these blood clan gene warriors were all killed by Ye Li, blood flow into a river, looking very miserable.

Ye Li faintly looks at the thunder leopard who runs for his life crazily. He feels a little ridiculous.

The leopard thinks he can run for his life, but I don't know who he is facing. He is facing the devil Ye Li.

Suddenly, leaf from appeared in front of thunder leopard.

Lei leopard see Ye Li suddenly appear in front of him, scared is out of his wits.

"This, this, this..."

At this time, the thunder leopard where can still say a complete word, ah, the face to be more scared.

"What are you running away from?" Ye Li looks at LeiBao faintly.

"I, I..." Lei Bao's tooth root is shaking violently.

Ye Li said with a smile, "are you suicidal, or let me do it?"

Hearing this, Lei Bao quickly stepped back, just like a ghost asking for his life.

He doesn't want to die. He really doesn't want to die.

If he had known that Ye Li was so terrible, he would not dare to do so even if he had given him ten courage. It is a pity that there is no chance to regret in this world.

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