Leaf leaves a faint smile, he scanned the center of the big challenge under all the gene warrior.

"Come on, don't hesitate."

At this time, the gene warrior is you look at me, I look at you, all look at each other.

"The genius of the north, aren't you all genius?"

"What? Afraid? "

Leaf leaves from the face crown like jade's face appeared a touch of sarcasm color.

"Don't be arrogant

A sound like a yellow warbler out of the valley was introduced into Ye Li's ear.

Ye Li Shun the voice to see, found a full of Fairy Spirit of the woman fly on the center of the big challenge.

"My name is Shuiyue, and I'm from shuiyunmen."

Shuiyue is also a second-order Tongtian person. In the eyes of Ye Li, she is still a mole ant.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, said to the water moon: "a girl's family, I think you get married is over, you have to show up, very funny, right?"

Hearing this, the pupil of Shuiyue shrinks fiercely, and a cold and gloomy color appears on her white face.

"I will let you know what regret is!"

The moon is cold and cold.

Ye Li is happy to himself, because he thinks that the words of Shuiyue are too funny.

Let him evil king Ye Li regret?

Then he will let them know what is the cloud of nine days and the water of the four seas.

"In that case, come on."

"The power of ice!"

Water month a cold drink, a terrible force of ice from his palm.

Ye Li looks at the force of the coming ice, and his face is as dull as jade.

I saw him erect a finger, gently hit the force of ice, this terrible force of ice disappeared in an instant.


All the people present were shocked to see such a scene.

They even swore that this was the first time they had been so shocked since they were born.

This man Who is it after all!!!

Who is it?

Don't you say, the devil leaves?

It's a pity that they don't know the devil Ye Li.

"Go ahead." Leaves from the water slowly open mouth.

Shuiyue heard Ye Li's words, such as the sea of forest, the top of his head also rushed out of anger.

"I'll play with you!"

The water moon roars out the sound, immediately toward the leaf to leave to rush over, the speed is extremely fast.

Ye Li shakes his head, can't help but sigh to himself, a little woman unexpectedly wants to play with his life? What's the reason.

Oh, I see.

Ye Li thinks that Linhai may be her boyfriend, so the water moon will be so excited.

Just in an instant, the water moon rushed to the leaf from the side, she put up a palm toward the leaf from the fight.

It's a pity that the palm of Shuiyue is better than Rao Yangyang in Ye Li's eyes.

The palm of water moon heavily hit Ye Li's body.

However, Ye Li did not retreat at all.


The water moon is startled, she raises the head to look at the leaf to leave.

Leaf from light said: "I have given you the opportunity, but you do not cherish, I have no way."

The sound falls and the moon flies out.

"Who else?" Ye Li said faintly to those under the stage.

Although many gene warriors are angry, they naturally know that Ye Li is a little too strong.

Leaf from see no one on the stage, his face extremely boring up.

"Well, I'll play ten together."


Even the three strong groups on the judging bench were stunned.

"Is that true?" A gene warrior looking at Ye Li said.

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