Xiangnu looked at Xuezhen thoughtfully, narrowed his long and narrow eyes a little, and asked, "Xuezhen, what exactly are you raising in the duty room? I'm a little curious."

"Curiosity will kill the cat." Xuezhen said coolly.

Xiangnu stared at her for a few seconds, and reminded: "I am your senior dean, Doctor Xue, I hope you can always respect me."

Xuezhen paused, her beautiful eyebrows drooping slightly, showing a soft color, she said, "I understand, Mr. Dean."

"Now please follow me back to the duty room to continue resting."

Xuezhen turned slightly to the side, and pulled out a perfectly curved smile from the corners of her lips. She gave a position to Xiang slave, and she swung her hand forward in an inviting gesture.

Xiangnu nodded and went back to the duty room with Xuezhen.

On the way, he asked: "Since Dr. Xue doesn't want me to know what is in the duty room, can you tell me your next arrangement for that animal? I said he went out, but Dr. Xue, you don't believe it. , then forget it, let's pretend he is still in the house, but after I sleep for a while, won't there be other strange things running in in the middle of the night?"

Xuezhen lowered his head and frowned, and he seemed unsure after hesitating for a long time, and finally gave a solution: "Nothing will run in, if you are really worried, I can stand at your door and watch the night for you! "

Xiangnu paused, hesitating between the possibility of being sneaked into the house by strange things in the middle of the night and letting the equally strange Xuezhen guard at his door, and decisively replied: "Then please ask Xue tonight. Doctor!"

Xuezhen glanced at him in astonishment. She didn't seem to expect that Xiangnu would really respond. She snorted reluctantly, her face was cold, and she looked terrible.

Xiangnu pretended not to see her face, walked into the doctor's duty room with Xuezhen's company and stared at her, and before closing the door, she said to Xuezhen again, "I'll ask Xuezhen for the night shift, you Don't run halfway."

Xuezhen looked at him annoyed, her full and beautiful lips pursed tightly, and her eyes were full of unpleasantness.

Xiangnu gently closed the door and stepped into the darkness.

He didn't feel any extra breath in the room, but he didn't feel it before, so he couldn't tell that there must be nothing else in the room.

There was darkness in the room, and the sight, hearing and smell could not see anything. Xiangnu slowly groped to the side of the bed and sat down quietly. He closed his eyes and recalled the slightly illuminated room when his scarlet eyes glowed red. The environment, I finally remembered that there was a point in front of the red light, as if there was a point that might be the fabric of the curtain.

Curtains are generally used to block sunlight. Although it is night, there may be a little moonlight outside. If you open the curtains, you may be able to see a little bit of the indoor environment.

Xiangnu's heart moved slightly, and he followed the direction of his memory and walked carefully towards the curtain. He had eye problems since he was a child, and he was very sensitive and familiar with the dark environment, so even if he couldn't see anything, he didn't feel that he was stumbling when he walked. He walked to the curtain and pulled on the slightly rough fabric.

Xiang Nu was slightly overjoyed, and just as he was about to tear the fabric apart, a hand suddenly stretched out from beside him and clasped his wrist.

The wrist was cold to the touch and had a damp smell. The moment it touched Xiangnu, a rather pungent and irritating smell also poured into Xiangnu's nose.

In the darkness, the beautiful young man's expression was almost blank, and his heart even stopped beating for a few seconds.

The owner of that hand didn't speak, just quietly grabbed Xiangnu's wrist like this, and confronted him stiffly for a long while. a little.

Xiangnu didn't say a word, turned around and returned to his bed, lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

His fragile heart could no longer withstand such tossing and stimulation. After a few more times at night, Xiangnu felt that he might age prematurely.

However, although the owner of the hand let go of the slave, he did not stop at the same place, and even followed the slave back to the bed.

The pungent smell lingered behind Xiangnu, and it felt better after smelling it for a long time.

Xiang Nu was in a complicated mood. After lying down on the bed for a few seconds, he felt that the unknown person was also lying beside him, he turned around, turned his back to the person and muttered softly: "I have It's very immoral to sleep in the same bed with someone who has a partner. After I find my partner, you should be careful to be beaten by him. Of course, if you are my partner, you don't have to worry about this problem, but If I scare me so much, I will not let you go, I must settle the account with you."

Xiangnu thought about it, and slowly fell into a deep sleep surrounded by the pungent smell, and stayed safe all night until dawn.

Xiangnu woke up from Xuezhen's violent knock on the door. He opened his eyes in confusion. The indoor environment was still dim, but there was a faint light coming in through the curtains. Clear, but enough to see the interior layout.

A very ordinary room, with a small bed on the bunk and a table in front, and a standing refrigerator next to the table. There are no other facilities, and of course there are no other strange things, such as corpses.

Xiang Nu stared at the vertical refrigerator, walked over with a dignified expression, and slowly opened the door. There was nothing in the refrigerator, only a row of medicinal liquid without a mark or name.

Xiangnu opened the upper and lower refrigerators and looked at them. After confirming that there was really no corpse in it, he was relieved. He thought, if Xuezhen was really Doctor X, he would not be so mad to put his brother's corpse in the refrigerator. plant somewhere,

Xiang Nu closed the refrigerator happily, and the sound of Xuezhen slamming on the door finally entered his ears. Xiang Nu tidied up his messy clothes, brushed his slightly raised hair, and opened the door with a serious face. Opening it, Xuezhen stood outside the door, withdrawing the hand that kept clapping the door.

Xiangnu said lazily, "Doctor Xue, what time is it, and you keep knocking on the door?"

Xuezhen didn't say a word, and looked at him from head to toe, with emotions that Xiangnu couldn't understand.

Xuezhen said: "It's seven o'clock, it's time to round the room, won't you follow me, Dean?"

Xiangnu thought about it and asked, "Do all patients have to be rounded, or is it referring to 404?"

Xuezhen gave him a strange look: "Of course, it's all patients, and 404 is not special, why should you only check her?"

Xiangnu couldn't help but glance at her when she heard the words, and seeing Xuezhen's expression, she naturally didn't know whether she guessed wrong or whether she was acting too alike.

It was meaningless to think too much. Xiang Nu followed Xuezhen to the nurse station. Feng Jinyuan and Yang Wenhao sat in the nurse station with exhausted expressions. Obviously, they hadn't slept well all night.

Yang Wenhao glanced at him blankly, and said with a complicated expression, "Brother Xiang slept well last night..."

Xiangnu smiled and said, "I'm more daring, and I have a little nerve, and Xuezhen helped me keep watch, so I slept well last night."

Yang Wenhao and Feng Jinyuan couldn't help watching Xuezhen all night, Feng Jinyuan hesitated for a while, and said softly, "But Xuezhen was at the nurse's station last night..."

Xuezhen lowered his head and touched his fingers, with a soft smile: "Last night he went back to the house, I saw it. With him, nothing else would enter the house, I was very relieved, and then left."

The smile on Xiangnu's face narrowed slightly, Yang Wenhao and Feng Jinyuan seemed to understand something from Xuezhen's words, and could not help but glance at Xiangnu sympathetically.

Xuezhen put something into Xiangnu's house last night and stayed with Xiangnu for one night...

Xiangnu is still calm. He has been sleeping with unknown things all night, and now there is nothing to scare him, he said lightly: "It's almost time, let's go to the ward round. Go to 404 first to see the situation, last night The patient of 404 doesn't know what happened after taking the medicine, I hope the nurses will take good care of her."

Xuezhen was not at all interested in this kind of conversation, and his face was cold and not fluctuating at all.

After casually stuffing a pen in his pocket, he walked out of the nurse station and went directly to Room 404. When several other people saw this, they quickly followed.

Jiang Qiuqiu was forced to take the medicine given by Xuezhen last night. Everyone has been worried about her, but not very worried about Zhou Siqing's condition. Unexpectedly, after Xuezhen took the key to open the door, several people found that Jiang Qiuqiu's face was very ruddy. , looked extremely energetic, but Zhou Siqing sat blankly on the ground covering her neck. After seeing a few people coming in, she ran over as quickly as she saw a life-saving person. Her eyes were full of panic, and Jiang Qiuqiu's eyes showed a trace of guilt.

Xiangnu saw that there were several ropes twisted from sheets beside Jiang Qiuqiu and Zhou Siqing, his eyes flashed slightly, and he asked, "What happened last night?"

Zhou Siqing gave Jiang Qiuqiu a frightened look, hid behind Yang Wenhao, and whispered: "Last night after Jiang Qiuqiu took the medicine, we both fell asleep, but Jiang Qiuqiu suddenly sat up in the middle of the night, holding a few ropes and rolling his face He rushed towards me fiercely, strangling me to death... I struggled desperately, but couldn't move, until later, the effect of the drug might kick in and Jiang Qiuqiu fell asleep, and I was saved and saved my life."

"Fortunately, I took my medicine last night..."

Zhou Siqing and Jiang Qiuqiu showed lingering fears on their faces.

Xuezhen glanced at Jiang Qiuqiu and said blankly: "The patient's schizophrenia symptoms seem to be getting worse, increase the dose, next!"

Go straight to the next room.

Xiang Nu took a breath and said, "You follow or accompany Jiang Qiuqiu and Zhou Siqing here, and I will follow Xuezhen to see other patients."

Feng Jinyuan hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll go with you. I'm a nurse, and I can't be without me for rounds."

Xiang Nu nodded, and the two followed Xuezhen's ward from one ward to another. Xuezhen's method of ward rounds was quite simple and rude, and he would only say "increase the amount of medicine" as a treatment method. Xiang Nu doubted it. , If Xuezhen was a patient, this is the sentence that may be heard the most.

They followed Xuezhen to several wards in a row, and soon they had new questions.

"Xuezhen, don't you lock their door?"

"Xuezhen, isn't this a mental hospital? Why do I see these patients looking like they are dying of illness, all of them are yellow and thin, all of them are looking to die soon, in comparison, the abnormal mental state is not Obviously."

Xuezhen replied: "Daytime is the time to let the wind out. As long as everyone doesn't make trouble, they are free."

"Those are the questions the dean needs to consider. I'm just a general doctor, and I don't understand what you're talking about."

Xuezhen said it as if she didn't say anything, and put the two of them in a perfunctory manner. Xiangnu and Feng Jinyuan looked at each other, twitched the corners of their lips, followed Xuezhen after checking all the rooms, and followed her back to the nurse station.

During this period, no patient expressed any doubts about Xuezhen's identity, and even called Dr. Xuezhen very cooperatively, and actively told about the uncomfortable parts of his heart, liver, kidney, lung, etc., and his attitude was very eager to cooperate and give people to people. Weird inconsistency.

Xiangnu glanced at the time on the electronic clock hanging in the corridor. It was 7:40. He asked, "Xuezhen, do you still need to be on duty at the nurse station during the day?"

Xuezhen blinked and nodded peacefully: "Yes, the nurse should not be away from people."

Xuezhen's appearance is too deceptive, Feng Jinyuan stared at her for two seconds, and suddenly wanted to say: "Xuezhen, or..."

Xiang Nu pushed him, Feng Jinyuan recovered, and saw Xiang Nu was frowning at him, and whispered, "Go, go to 404 to see."

Feng Jinyuan touched his hair, smiled apologetically at Xuezhen, and left under Xuezhen's staring gaze.

Xiangnu asked, "What did you want to say just now, stay and help Xuezhen on duty?"

Feng Jinyuan smiled embarrassingly: "I don't know why, just looking at Xuezhen's inability to leave, I always felt that she was very pitiful..."

Xiangnu glanced at him, not wanting to speak.

At this time, Yang Wenhao also helped Zhou Siqing and Jiang Qiuqiu to walk out of 404 together, Xiangnu and Feng Jinyuan walked quickly to them, the beautiful young man's eyes stayed on Zhou Siqing for a few seconds, and asked directly: "What did you find? "

Zhou Siqing is obviously a little more savvy than Jiang Qiuqiu and Yang Wenhao.

Zhou Siqing said with a white face: "I was a little concerned about the rope tied to the window last night. I want to go down and have a look to see what is hanging under the rope."

Xiangnu pondered for a few seconds: "Then go and have a look, but first ask Xuezhen to see if you can go out. If not, let's try to see if we can pull the hanging thing up with a rope. ."

As soon as Xiangnu finished speaking, Zhou Siqing's face suddenly turned paler, as if she had thought of some very terrifying picture.

The five of them went to find Xuezhen, but when they turned their heads, they found that several patients dragged their tired bodies out of the ward, wandering slowly in the corridor, their eyes turning around, as if they were looking for something. He was holding his heart, liver, kidneys and other positions respectively, with a worried look on his face.

When he saw several people approaching, the eyes of the patients stopped for a moment. Although the eyes moved away quickly, Xiang Nu was keenly aware that the positions of the patients' eyes on them were different. That's where they each hold their own body.

Xiang Nu couldn't help thinking of the medical records he had just turned to when he entered the copy. It seemed to say that there was a patient who would always suffer cardiac arrest and fall into shock...

Xuezhen was sitting at the nurse's station, holding her chin to look at the wandering patients. When she saw Xiangnu and the others approaching, her eyes were cold and unenthusiastic.

Xiangnu told Xuezhen that Jiang Qiuqiu and Zhou Siqing wanted to go downstairs for activities, Xuezhen gave him a very unexpected performance, she frowned, and her ethereal face showed a sharp and mean expression, sarcastically: " Of course, I have no opinion on Mr. Dean's request, but I would like to remind Mr. Dean, although this patient 404 has a good face, she really has a problem with her brain. You'd better not talk to her too much. if."

Xiangnu nodded after being taught, turned around and took Zhou Siqing and the others downstairs without hesitation.

Of course, not everyone left, and Yang Wenhao was left by them to supervise the movement on the 4th floor.

Yang Wenhao was a little unhappy at the beginning, but after Zhou Siqing's repeated persuasion, he reluctantly stayed.

As soon as she left the fourth floor, Zhou Siqing couldn't wait to say: "The words that Xuezhen said just now may not be what she wanted to say, but it is more likely that the role of a doctor she played was what she said to the real 404 patients. When some of the things that fit into the scene that happened before, she may interpret some of the content at that time to remind us."

Xiangnu thought about it: "That sentence just now... Could it be that the patient of 404 used his appearance to get the dean to promise her something, so the doctor said what he said just now?"

"...I don't know. Let's go outside and see. I must find out what is hanging under the rope outside the 404 window." Zhou Siqing said somewhat enchanted.

Because Jiang Qiuqiu almost killed Zhou Siqing, he didn't dare to speak to her.

Feng Jinyuan asked, "Do you have any guesses?"

Zhou Siqing kept her mouth shut. When she was about to reach the second floor, she said, "I suspect that there is a person hanging from the rope, the nurse of patient 404."

"If Jiang Qiuqiu didn't take medicine last night, had a psychotic episode, and was not sedated by medicine, I guess I might have been strangled by Jiang Qiuqiu with a rope last night, and then pushed out of the bathroom window and hung from the building by the rope."

"...Why do you suddenly make such a guess?"

"Because, I was suddenly bound as a nurse after I touched the rope. In addition to what Mr. Xiang said last night when he persuaded Jiang Qiuqiu to take medicine, a mental patient who is not sedated by medicine will definitely have something wrong. As a result, in the middle of the night At that time, Jiang Qiuqiu was really affected by the influence, and he wanted to strangle me with a rope, so I made this guess."

Feng Jinyuan glanced at Xiangnu, and Xiangnu said softly: "After we see what the thing hanging outside 404 is, we will know that Zhou Siqing's guess is correct."

"Actually, I also have a guess about this hospital." Xiangnu said cautiously.

He walked at the front, talking and observing the surrounding environment with his eyes.

Except for the ward on the 4th floor, the wards on the third and second floors were heavily blocked with iron doors and chains. The old iron doors were covered with scarlet rust, and the environment behind the iron doors was a bit dirty. Old, but not as dirty as if it had not been used for a long time.

There are no obvious spider webs inside, and there are light lines on the dust on the ground, as if someone walked through it not long ago.

When you go up and down the stairs on the second floor to the first floor, you can see that the first floor is not sealed. There is an empty hall and a few dilapidated benches. The main color of the hall is gray and blue, and the floor tiles are cold. White light, an inexplicable chill drilled upward from the soles of several people's feet.

Xiangnu licked the corner of his lips and continued: "I suspect that this hospital may have something to do with organ trafficking."

When the other three heard the words, they suddenly came to the spirit, and Xiangnu suddenly said: "Wait, there is no door to go out here?"

The eyes of the four taskers looked around in the hall on the first floor, and found that this floor was actually sealed, and there was no building leading to the outside world.

Xiangnu was silent for a few seconds, and immediately said, "Go back to the fourth floor quickly."

Without his reminder, the few people who noticed something wrong also quickly turned back and ran up, hoping to leave this strange place soon.

Feng Jinyuan and Jiang Qiuqiu knew each other. The two of them squeezed in front, but Xiangnu was at the end when he went up.

But there were only four of them in total, and being at the end had little effect on their escape speed.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred. Xiangnu was about to go up, but a hand suddenly stretched out from behind, directly on Xiangnu's shoulder, and pulled him back.

Xiang Nu, who had already stepped up the stairs, let out a soft cry. Because of this action, he fell directly from the stairs. Fortunately, there was something behind him to make a cushion, otherwise this fall would have caused Xiang Nu's delicate body to fall out of hemiplegia on the spot. .

Xiangnu's voice was heard by the other three, they subconsciously stopped and looked back, only to find that Xiangnu disappeared, and the stairs leading to the first floor were also covered by a thick white mist, and the faces of the three turned pale. , did not dare to go back to look for the slave, after his lips moved, he turned around and ran to the fourth floor in a hurry without looking back.

At this time, Xiangnu was being embraced by a cold embrace. He had a pale face, and his dense eyebrows were stained with a little frost. As it emerged, the temperature felt by the exposed skin became colder.

Xiangnu closed his eyes tremblingly, and suddenly felt that it was good to be blind again, some pictures, it is better not to watch if you really see them!

The author has something to say:

Xiangnu: Mr. Yu, turn your beautiful face over and wash my eyes!

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