God’s Path: I Can Create A Lot Of Cheats Through Mutation

Chapter 123: Easily climb to the top of the interval list 1!

Falling in love with Youkanshu.com, Shenlu: I mutated multiple golden fingers!

The challenge platform is circular with a diameter of one kilometer.

The ground is flat maroon granite, and if you don't look carefully, it is easy to mistake it for the magma surface.

Ling Yi and his opponent stood on one side, thirty meters apart.

Because the shield of the challenge platform eliminates the noise from the outside world, it is very quiet inside. Even at a distance of thirty meters, both sides could hear each other's voices.

"You should be the first to make moves, or you won't have a chance later."

The player ranked 101 said.

He looked at the challenge information that had just flashed by, and the face under the mask frowned slightly.

'zero one? Oh, it seems to be another Zero One fan...'

And across from him.

Hearing what his opponent said, Ling Yi was not angry.

Compared to that, the act of wearing a mask on the other side made him more concerned.

This reminded him of the "Advice from an old player" he had seen before.

——In a crowded arena, it is best not to show your true face. Because it means that your true strength will be seen by many people.

You must know that even if players do not come to the competition hall, they can still watch the battle from a distance.

As long as they click on the viewing area of ​​the arena, all the challenge platforms that are fighting will appear on it, and they can watch the battle with a single click.

in other words.

Although there are only a few thousand people around the challenge platform where Ling Yi is located, maybe there are tens of thousands of people watching the challenge platform where he is in this world at this time!

"Let me go first?"

Ling Yi smiled lightly, without screeching, and aroused the other party's breeze to revolve around the other party.

Turn it to death in a second.

However, there has always been an unspoken rule in the arena that you don't slap people in the face, and slaps in the face can't break the mask. So he deliberately avoided the other party's mask.

[Congratulations on your challenge victory, ranking rose to 101! 】

【Competitive Points +1】

Immediately afterwards, he challenged the 11th-ranked player again.

This time, it was also very easy to kill in seconds.

[Congratulations on your challenge victory, the ranking has risen to 11! 】

【Competitive Points +1】

In the end, he only had one chance to challenge, and he undoubtedly chose the number one player to challenge.

After waiting for about five seconds, his figure was sent to another challenge stage.

【Zero Yi vs Akash】

The duel information flashed by.

This time, Ling Yi didn't take action immediately, but deliberately activated the eye of truth to look at the other party's attributes.

What kind of panel does the strongest level 39 player in the world currently have?

How much difference is there with him?


Sex: Male

Age: 26

Talent: Increased range

Attributes: Strength 24, Mana 223, Agility 102, Stamina 35, Constitution 165

Skills: Poison Mist, Flame Arrow Rain, Shadow Demon Summoning, Healing Technique, Accelerated Leap Forward, Sharp Arrow, Advanced Precision

Supporting Skills: Earth Shield, Space Blade, Flying Sand and Rock

Treasures to wear: Gathering Rings

Soul Weapon: Poison Orb

Current Status: Healthy

Current mood: depressed]

"Huh? It's really good."

If he guessed correctly, this guy is in all likelihood a core player cultivated by a certain organization.

This can be seen just by looking at the opponent's possession of Grade A treasures.

At this level, the average player can be complacent if he has a D-rank treasure, and one can imagine that he has an A-rank treasure.

"This attribute is indeed very high."

Looking at the other party's attributes, Ling Yi unconsciously compared him with himself.

Strength 24, Mana 223, Agility 102, Stamina 35, Constitution 165

——Total 549

Strength 38, Mana 100, Agility 135, Stamina 3, Constitution 263

——Total 539

If it doesn't count the 1000 mana points copied.

Then his total attribute is now 10 points less than the opponent's.

'If you look at it this way, I don't have any advantages in terms of attributes at the moment, it's all because of a perverted skill...'

'But when I click on these 150 free attributes, it will really have an advantage for other people who have not taken attribute pills. ’

This time, in addition to winning the first place in the arena.

Naturally, he also has the idea of ​​comparing himself with others to judge which level he is in the player group.

The evaluation of "intermediate powerhouse with overwhelming strength" on the personal panel is too general!

And when Ling Yi was checking the opponent's panel, Arkas was not in a hurry.

He was lamenting bad luck.

'Oh, I didn't expect that the upper management was jealous of my talent after all. ’

'So the perfect proposal not only doesn't use it, but even asks me to go home and rest first? Alas, really...'

In other things, Arkas is as smart as ever.

But when it comes to this matter, his intelligence will once again drop to the level of ordinary people.

He couldn't even notice this by himself.

When he sighed a little in his heart, Arkas didn't forget that he was in the middle of a battle. When he was about to put aside the thoughts in his mind temporarily, he raised his eyes to look at the opponent in the distance.

As soon as he saw the other party's blurred face and figure, Akas was stunned for a moment, then reacted very quickly, and exclaimed: "You are Zero One!?"

"The real Zero One!?"

For the past two days, he has been discussing the plan to find out Zero One, so he is now reciting the information about this guy.

Just now, he challenged "Zero One" on the information and the vague figure of the opponent, plus the strength enough to challenge him in the top 100, there should be few people in the world who can gather these three elements.

Ling Yi ignored him.

Instead, it drove the strong wind and started to attack him intensively.

Although the opponent's physique is only 165, his level is 39, and his physique and combat power are in the early 70s, not much lower than him.

His agility and combat power are incomparably close to him!

Almost as meaty and fast as him.

In addition, there is the "Earth Shield" which is a supporting skill to resist attacks, so it is not a good fight.

After the two sides briefly fought for a while and then retreated again, Ling Yi smiled and said, "As expected of the strongest level 39 player in the world, it's really hard to deal with."

"Stop coming!"

Akas is not wearing a mask~www.readwn.com~ His fair face is full of caution: "You have only shown the ability to control the wind and teleport, obviously you have not shown your true strength. "

"If you used the power to defeat the Demon King, then I should have been defeated long ago."

In the brief confrontation just now, the opponent's smooth action fully proved that he is the real Zero One!

Arkas knew in his heart that he would lose in this battle, but if he could force out more of the opponent's means, it would be considered a credit.

Ling Yi chuckled lightly.

Now that there may be many people in the outside world watching them fight, how could he foolishly reveal his trump card?

Immediately, he continued to use it to fight.

ten minutes later.

With only his wind control and teleportation abilities, he finally defeated Arkas.

[Congratulations on your challenge victory, the ranking has risen to 1! 】

【Competitive Points +1】

【Congratulations! You have risen to the top of the 30~39 interval list! 】

[Hint: When you stay in this position for three days and successfully pass the qualification review, you will be able to get it! 】

[Hint: Collect five to get the qualification to enter the "Invincible Road"! 】

------off topic-----

The last battle was originally intended to be simply written and played until tomorrow, but I was afraid that some readers would say, "How long does it take for just such a player?", so I skipped the battle process and ended it in this chapter.

These two chapters are considered excessive chapters, and the content is a bit too much.

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