Falling in love with Youkanshu.com, Shenlu: I mutated multiple golden fingers!


The level 55 monster thunder lion fell down and dissipated into little particles of light.

"It's faster, it only took less than a minute."

Ling Yi smiled with satisfaction.

The lightning lion is faster, and it is more difficult to kill than the unicorn snake.

But Ling Yi killed it in less time.

This means that after the upgrade, his strength has indeed improved significantly.

"Speak up."

He cast his eyes in the direction of Qianjiang University and said suspiciously, "I just heard vibrations coming from there... Let's go and have a look."

In a few breaths, he had come to the roof of a student dormitory building.

Standing on top of it and going down, you can see two groups of people fighting below.

Fortunately, a lot of energy was washed away between each other's fights, otherwise the radius of thousands of meters would have been ruined.

"Quick, quick! Stop that man and let him use his abilities, and these dormitory buildings will collapse!"

He heard someone shouting like this below.

At the same time, I saw that all the players wanted to rush over to attack the person who was putting his hands on the ground to release the shock wave, but they were all knocked out by the only silver-haired black-robed man without a mask on the scene.

School dormitories generally use polarized defensive barriers instead of shock barriers, which have a great defensive effect on physical attacks and energy attacks, but cannot prevent vibrations.

These people are obviously prepared!

Ling Yi felt it slightly, and found that the five student dormitories were in a row at this time. Everyone is still inside.

"A dark organization?"

I saw that there was even a crack on the wall of a dormitory building next to it that spread from the first floor to the fourth floor. He no longer hesitated, and quickly teleported to the black-robed man who was releasing shock waves.

He kicked the opponent's forehead with a kick, as if kicking the opponent's head as a football. The opponent's head was kicked hundreds of meters away by him!

boom! !

After hitting a big tree, it stopped flying upside down.

Although his strength is only 88 points, but with a level bonus of 39, if he kicks out, theoretically, he can kick a person out more than 300 meters.

When the black-robed man who was several hundred meters fell to the ground, the other black-robed men and players turned their attention to him.

"Fuck! Is that teleportation? The legendary teleportation?"

"Cow! Cow! That's a skill I've only dreamed of!"

When the players shouted excitedly, the silver-haired black-robed man snorted coldly and rushed towards him immediately!

Ling Yi barely saw the opponent's figure, and teleported to 100 meters away in time to avoid the opponent's attack.

At this moment, beside the silver-haired black-robed man, a dark purple light circle suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a tough guy with a golden spiky head and a black-robed man wearing a jet-black mask walked out of the aperture.

Through monitoring, Ling Yi heard their conversation.

Masked man in black robe: "What's going on? Why hasn't it been destroyed?"

Silver-haired man in black robe: "The front is all good, but suddenly a player with teleportation ability suddenly appeared."

When he said this, the guy pointed in Ling Yi's direction.

The two people who came out of the aperture looked this way.

Blonde tough guy: "Che, you're just a hairy boy. You can't even do this little thing well. Are you really qualified to be my teammate?"

The silver-haired and black-robed man knew that he was ineffective, so he didn't say much but snorted coldly.

The masked man in black robe: "Let's be here today, the Divine Alliance has sent the Phoenix Sword Saint."

With that said, he opened the dark purple aperture again and let all the people in black robes enter.

And at this moment!

A scarlet fire cloud floated quickly from afar, and while Ling Yi and the other players were amazed, a golden phoenix flew out of the fire cloud and spewed a dazzling golden beam of light towards the dark purple aperture!

Although the golden beam of light was extremely fast, it failed to catch up with the closing of the aperture.

The beam of light hit the ground, and instantly melted a hole more than ten meters in the ground!

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the phoenix flying to the roof of a dormitory building and turning into a red-eyed woman wearing a gold-trimmed fire-bottomed shirt and beautiful long golden hair.

The woman jumped high, and then landed heavily on the ground.

When the boots stepped on the ground, there was a dull "bang" sound, and at the same time, a half-meter-high dust was stirred up.

At the same time, several figures also appeared in the surrounding area.

It looks like they are together.

"Holy Gate Mouse, it runs really fast."

The blonde woman with red eyes looked at the empty pothole and said with a bit of pity.

Before the words fell, everyone saw a blue light flashing in front of them, and then a man with dark blue flame wings condensed behind him appeared in the air beside the woman.

"Space shuttle ability? No wonder you dare to come in."

The man crossed his arms and snorted as he looked at the place where the portal disappeared.

Immediately, he looked at the woman beside him and said, "Eldest sister, we need props with space blocking ability, otherwise it will be difficult to catch them."

The blonde woman with red eyes heard the words, nodded lightly, and replied, "We'll gather players from the whole town after 24 hours."

Immediately afterwards, this group of people swept in the direction of the Firefly Branch.

After they left, the surrounding players shouted in surprise.

"Damn it, the general of the headquarters actually came to our small rural town!"

"What are they doing here with us? Is it to deal with the group of people in black robes just now?"

"Didn't you hear what the Sword Saint said, those people in black robes are players of the dark organization Holy Sect!"

"...Gan! A few days ago, they attacked several White League branches in the White Elephant Kingdom, and they came to us again today. Do you think the attack of the whole league is not enough?"

"It's obviously only the third most dangerous dark organization, but it's more popular than the first two, tsk tsk."

The players left in the distance while talking.

Ling Yi didn't stay any longer~www.readwn.com~ also swept outside.

"One of the four envoys of the Shenmeng, codenamed Suzaku, Phoenix Sword Saint Nangongli."

"I'm stuck at level 89, a super strong person who has collected the last invincible certificate!"

As early as the second day he came here, he saw from the news that this guy killed the rare monster Blue Flame Phoenix in the big world and obtained the 8-star skill.

Affected by this, he has a basic understanding of the current situation, such as who are the powerhouses in the world, who are the generals in the Shenmeng, etc.

He knew that the Shenmeng headquarters had a combat action group, and all the members in it were elite players above level 80.

Among them, there are four outstanding people, who were given the four code names of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu.

These four people are all players who have collected at least one invincibility certificate!

According to public information, the Phoenix Juggernaut who just appeared, as long as she stays on the list in the 80-89 range for 15 days, then she can collect the fifth invincibility certificate.

At that time, she, who has set foot on the road of invincibility, will hopefully become the seventh divine pillar of Shenxia!

Thinking of this, Ling Yi couldn't help but feel curious.

"Speaking of which, how much does that guy rank in the 80-89 range now?"

He stopped at a crossroads and opened the leaderboard in the arena between levels 80 and 89.

Pull down and you will see it soon.

"If you are in this position... Unless your strength skyrockets, you will have to stay for at least another half a year."

In the range of 80~89, you have to stay on the list for 15 days before you can qualify!

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