"No, you are just coveting this lord. Why do you have to go on a killing spree? The worst I can do is give up the position of lord to you!"

Seeing that Zhuge Yi had murderous intentions, Zhuge Yunzhen didn't want to involve innocent people. Once the formation attacks, the surrounding ten miles will be razed to the ground, so if the other party wants it, take it, as long as it treats tens of millions of people well, I am already tired of it.

Zhuge Yi in the air was stunned and couldn't believe it: "Are you really willing to give up the lordship? No conditions or attachment? I don't believe it. This lordship is a dream that everyone in the world has dreamed of for a lifetime, and you don't care so much?"

"I've said it before, I just want to be a cultivator and travel around the world, understand the laws, and I want to be trapped in this small city all the time. It's just that I can't leave because of the responsibilities on my shoulders, so I just want to be a cultivator. It’s been so many years.”

Zhuge Yunzhen smiled with emotion and looked at Zhuge Yi: "Since you are willing to take over as the lord, as long as you can make these tens of millions of people live a better life and prove that you are more capable than me, even if I am forgotten, everything will It’s worth it too.”

"Isn't it convenient? Is this just your charity?" Zhuge Yi was even more angry. He had planned for hundreds of years to take away the lord, but the battle he imagined did not happen. The other party actually wanted to give it to him so indifferently.

This was a humiliation to Zhuge Yi, as if the past hundred years had become a joke, which really made him feel uncomfortable. He was not just for the position of lord today, but more importantly, he wanted to see Zhuge Yunzhen lose his The feeling of despair after becoming a lord.

Zhuge Yunzhen was very free and easy, and took out the lord's token from his body: "This is the lord's token. I put it here, you can take it. In fact, I feel relieved that one day I can no longer be the lord, which means the responsibility on my shoulders." No more.”

"No, I don't agree. I want you to fight me openly." Zhuge Yi roared. He didn't want to see Zhuge Yunzhen's indifferent look. Why was there no trace of anger in his expression? This is completely different from what I thought.

"I understand. Although you are pretending to be cool now, even though you must be very unwilling or even afraid in your heart, you just understand that I have gained control of the city defense battle, and you have to make a choice because you are afraid of death."

Zhuge Yi looked crazy, thinking about his own analysis, and suddenly loudly said: "Admit it to me, let me see your fearful expression, understand? If you want to leave like this, I will kill everyone one by one, let me This city is empty."

In order to get revenge, he devoted himself to cultivation and went astray, causing him to lose more than half of his aid. Now he is an old man. In fact, he and Zhuge Yunzhen are only a few years apart. If his longevity is not reduced, he will not be like this now. Looks like a ghost.

"You are crazy. There are tens of millions of people in this city." Zhuge Yunzhen was finally moved. Zhuge Yi wanted to give up the position of lord, as long as he could treat the innocent people in the city well, but he didn't want to see it. When he arrived at Zhuge Yi, he was truly possessed by the devil.

Once a killing spree begins, there will be no turning back. If Zhuge Yi still has a shred of humanity, he should not implicate innocent people. Even if there is a mistake, it is Zhuge Yunzhen's fault alone. Why are the people in the city at fault? Even they don't know what happened.

Zhuge Yi suddenly laughed loudly and was very satisfied: "That's right. What I want to see is that you get angry and fight with me for the sake of the people in the city. Let me kill you with my own hands. If you don't do it, I will seriously kill you." None of these tens of millions will be left alive.”

"After all, these tens of millions of people recognize you as a lord, and they are considered one of my enemies. Even if this city is empty, I can find millions more people and make them obey my orders. Isn't that better than Are these tens of millions better?”

"Originally I didn't want to take action, but you are too presumptuous." Zhuge Yunzhen's eyes were dark, and a piercing killing intent rushed through his body. Then his whole body flew up into the air, and the anger of a quasi-sage was as terrifying as a raging flame. So.

"It seems that I made the right decision not to choose you as the lord. You don't understand the responsibilities and obligations of the lord. He is by no means a person with a sense of rights above ten thousand people, but the pressure on his shoulders, which makes tens of millions The pressure on people to live and work in peace and contentment.”

Zhuge Yi didn't understand, but he was irritated by the last part of Zhuge Yunzhen's words: "Sure enough, I was just pretending. You also think that I shouldn't be the lord. In fact, the lord is the supreme being of a city. Why don't you think it's funny to talk about a sense of responsibility? "

He has been a vice lord for so many years. Although there are tens of millions of people in the city, most of them only care about profit. Who can really live and work in peace and contentment and respect Zhuge Yunzhen from the bottom of his heart? He was just afraid of Zhuge Yunzhen's power.

If one day Zhuge Yunzhen is no longer a lord and his quasi-holy strength is abolished, will he still be respected as before? I'm afraid all I'll get in return is endless cynicism, and even countless people who want to kill and plunder the last trace of treasure.

Zhuge Yunzhen had nothing to say, but there was only one battle. He had always believed in one thing. Since the old lord chose himself to be the lord, he must not let down the trust of the other party and work hard for one day. This is what he promised back then. promise.

"Stubborn." Zhuge Yi waved his hand, and the stone lion beside him roared, and then the formation brewed a divine thunder to suppress it. In an instant, the divine thunder absorbed countless laws and spiritual energy like a meteorite, seeming to destroy this building. The city was destroyed.

Although Zhuge Yunzhen was a quasi-holy saint, he was still a little short of the holy throne. Faced with this blow, his whole body retreated dozens of meters, and he even used many magical powers to resolve the pressure of the divine thunder. This is just a random strike from the formation.

If Zhuge Yi was not his opponent in normal times, Zhuge Yunzhen would have been confident that he could defeat the opponent within ten moves. But now that the opponent has mastered the formation, his own strength has increased ten thousand times. He is already as insignificant in front of Zhuge Yunzhen. Like an ant, Zhuge Yunzhen knew very well how powerful this formation was. It was so powerful that he had not dared to use it for so many years.

Legend has it that it was refined from the corpses of ten Holy Sees. After years of operation and bathing, the array spirit has inherited part of the Holy See's thoughts. If controlled by a person with poor mental and willpower, it is very likely that a thought will turn into a demon. A killing spree.

Zhuge Yunzhen stood on the ground with heavy eyes: "As a lord, I am not afraid of death, but what should I do if I can't save the people of this city? How can I face the old lord? But the formation is too powerful. I can’t handle it alone.”

He even understood in his heart that even if the tens of millions of people in this city combined were as weak as dust in front of the formation, this formation had undergone at least ten thousand years of evolution. Not only did it not disappear under the ravages of time, it became even stronger.

"If I die, can I offset your resentment?" Zhuge Yunzhen knelt down with a pop. All Zhuge Yi's resentment was that he had robbed him of the position of lord. Now that he had knelt down to plead guilty and was willing to die, he only wanted Zhuge Yi. Do not harm innocent people.

Zhuge Yi fell into a daze for a moment, and his expression softened: "No, I don't want to be like this, I just want you to regret it. Why do you feel that your consciousness is being destroyed bit by bit, like a demon, with no subjective choice anymore."

Under a sudden headache, Zhuge Yi looked up to the sky and roared. Then countless red lights were drawn out from the formation and poured into his body. Then, black energy floated out of his whole body, really like a big devil. Same.

Zhuge Yun was stunned by this scene, but he understood in an instant that it must be the will of the holy corpse in the formation that affected Zhuge Yi. It had gradually made the other party lose his true nature. If it was just for revenge before, now he has inherited the killing will.

This scene left him speechless. Originally, the lords built this formation to protect the safety of the city. Did they ever think that because of this formation, the entire capital would now be in danger? In jeopardy?

Luo Dan, who came secretly, shook his head and sighed: "This Zhuge Yunzhen is really a talent. He is already a quasi-sage. How can such a powerful man worry about tens of millions of people in this city? This Is there really such a person in the world?"

"Facts are better than doubts." Buck Yun shrugged. After all, there are no outsiders here. Zhuge Yunzhen wouldn't act against Zhuge Yi, would he?

In fact, Bak Yun originally didn't believe that Zhuge Yi was this kind of person. The two previous interactions with him showed that Zhuge Yi was a good person. He never thought that people knew what they knew but didn't know what they were thinking. He actually planned all this secretly. It was really surprising. shudder.

Luo Dan frowned when he saw Zhuge Yi shrouded in black clouds: "I've gone crazy. There may be a terrifying will in this formation, or the formation itself is a killing formation, so if the opponent recognizes the master, he will inherit this formation." The main purpose of the formation.”

"Then what should we do?" Buck Yun was dumbfounded. He looked at Zhuge Yi who seemed to have changed into a different person in the sky. He was also frightened. He exuded an aura no less than that of a Holy See. He just wanted to see him for the first time. It's like the Tiansheng Taoist is angry.

Luo Dan is one of the top two. Now the situation has obviously gone beyond expectations. Zhuge Yunzhen alone will definitely not be able to solve the problem. After ruling out that among the tens of millions of people in the city, there are masters hiding in the city, the mess may be left to the two of them. .

Rodan didn't want to exaggerate. Although he was indeed evenly matched with the Half-Step Holy Throne, in the final analysis, he was just a Perfect Throne, and he might not be able to solve it, so he had to be prepared for the worst and that he and Buckyun could escape safely.

"I spent 100,000 spirit stones to build a space formation. Once Zhuge Yi lost control and went on a killing spree, he used the formation to escape to the edge of the city and found a way to temporarily break a gap in the formation, barely allowing the two of us to escape first. Bar!"

Luo Dan said solemnly, glancing at Buck Yun to know what he meant: "It's only for two of us. Although I can break the gap with my ability, my city defense formation is too strong and can be repaired in a few breaths. And quickly invoked magical attacks."

Buck Yun was speechless. If Rodan could really open the gap, wouldn't tens of millions of people in the city be able to escape? However, Luodan had already said this, and he knew that he had taken it for granted and underestimated the city defense formation.

Zhuge Yunzhen saw that Zhuge Yi seemed to be possessed, and knew that this was really his end: "Could it be that the tens of millions of people in the city are really going to suffer a disaster? As a lord, I can't escape the blame. Maybe the only way is to destroy the city together." Only then can we atone for our sins.”

"You are too cowardly. You don't think about how to solve the problem at this time. You just want to die?" Luo Dan appeared and retorted dissatisfiedly after hearing Zhuge Yunzhen's words.

The situation is not serious yet. Although Zhuge Yi is so terrifying now, the opponent must not have complete control of the formation. In other words, the ancient city formation has just been activated now, and its power is less than one-tenth of its heyday.

"This formation is too strong. It can be easily killed by the Holy See. The tens of millions of people in the city are no match if they unite together. Naturally, I don't want to die. But I understand the seriousness of it, and I also know that there is no turning around. room."

Zhuge Yunzhen glanced at Luo Dan and shook his head: "I'm sorry, you are just passers-by, and I shouldn't involve you together. But even if I want to help you two leave, there is nothing I can do. Maybe you also I have to accept my fate.”

"I am an array mage." Luo Dan said calmly: "I need a stick of incense to figure out the principles of this city protection array. Maybe there is a chance to find a flaw to break. Looking at the strong people in the city, You are the only one capable of delaying time for me."

"Array Master?" A glimmer of light flashed in Zhuge Yunzhen's eyes, and then dimmed suddenly. Even though one Formation Master was a hope, hundreds of Formation Masters were used to construct this city-protecting formation, and all of them were of the same generation. The strongest person, even if Luo Dan is a formation master, what can he do? Is his ability comparable to that of hundreds of formation masters?

"Don't believe it?" Luo Dan looked solemn and asked: "Have you ever heard that two Holy Sees fell, the Beast King and the Heavenly Saint Taoist of the Monster Mountain Range? The reason why those two people disappeared at that time was related to me. Believe it or not, you Think about it yourself.”

The meaning of Luo Dan's words was obvious, but it shocked Zhuge Yunzhen. The fall of the two Holy Sees had already made a big fuss. Which of the nearby lords didn't know about it? Even if they are already quasi-sages, they don't dare to join in the fun rashly.

At this time, he was thinking about whether Luo Dan's words were true or false. After all, they could bring trouble to the two Holy Sees. Obviously, the strength of Luo Dan's formation was astonishing, but he was unwilling to believe that Luo Dan was so young. How much insight can you gain from the formation? In particular, Luo Dan had to cultivate his own cultivation realm on the one hand, and delve into knowledge on formations on the other.

But then I thought about it, at this point, could Luo Dan deceive himself? Not only did they not get any benefits, but they all ended up dead in the hands of Zhuge Yi. After more than a day of contact with Luo Dan, he found that he was not a stupid person.

After thinking about it, Zhuge Yunzhen nodded: "A dead horse is a living horse doctor. I will use my life to support you for a stick of incense. I hope you can really find the shortcomings of the city defense formation. Otherwise, tens of millions of people in Chengdu will lose their lives." (End of this chapter)

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