Gods: Starting with the Goblins

Chapter 648 The Tenth Mountain and Sea

.  In the distant fantasy continent.

The long river of history flows slowly,

recording the legends of countless heroes.

This is a world nourished by spiritual energy,

all things grow,

all because of the abundance of spiritual energy.


as the years passed,

the spiritual energy gradually dried up,

and the continent fell into an unprecedented silence.

Until that day,

the spiritual energy revived,

accompanied by an unprecedented change,

a novelist named Luo Dan,

was involved in a magnificent epic spanning time and space.

The spiritual energy revived, and the continent awakened.

Luo Dan, a young writer living in a remote town, has been sensitive to the spiritual energy between heaven and earth since he was a child. The stories he wrote are always full of fantasy and imagination, as if he can touch that distant and mysterious world. However, in real life, he is just an unknown young man in a small town, living an ordinary life.

One day, Luo Dan was writing at home, and suddenly felt an unprecedented fluctuation. He looked up and looked out the window, only to see a layer of light mist in the sky, which was a sign of the revival of spiritual energy. Luo Dan's heart moved, he knew that this would be a critical moment to change the fate of the continent.

With the revival of spiritual energy, everything on the continent began to glow with new vitality. Ancient ruins reappeared, sleeping monsters awakened one after another, and those gods who once existed only in legends seemed to be about to be resurrected. Luo Dan knew that this was an era full of opportunities and challenges, and he must seize this opportunity to explore the unknown world.

Masters invaded, and dangers were everywhere

Just as the spiritual energy was revived, a powerful force from another world also quietly descended. This is a group of people called "outside masters". They have power beyond ordinary people and try to improve their cultivation by devouring the spiritual energy of the continent. With their arrival, the peace on the continent was completely broken, and an unprecedented crisis quietly descended.

The town where Luo Dan was located was not spared. The masters from outside the domain trampled on the people wantonly, and the people lived in fear. Luo Dan looked at the tragic scene in front of him, his heart filled with anger and helplessness. He knew that he could not fight these powerful enemies with his own strength. However, he could not sit idly by and let his homeland be destroyed.

So Luo Dan decided to embark on the road of finding power. He believed that in this era of spiritual revival, there must be a power that can fight against masters from outside the domain. He packed his bags, bid farewell to his hometown, and embarked on an unknown journey.

The Mysterious Yellow Classic of Heaven and Earth, a mysterious inheritance

During the journey, Luo Dan experienced countless hardships and obstacles. He crossed the vast monster forest, climbed the steep mountains and ridges, and even went deep into the dark underground maze. However, every adventure made him more determined in his beliefs. He knew that he was approaching the power that could change his destiny.

Finally, by chance, Luo Dan discovered an ancient practice - "The Mysterious Yellow Classic of Heaven and Earth". This is a legendary practice that is said to be able to communicate with heaven and earth and absorb endless spiritual energy. Luo Dan's heart moved, and he knew that this was exactly the power he had been looking for.

So Luo Dan began to concentrate on practicing the "Mysterious Yellow Classic of Heaven and Earth". He worked day and night, forgetting to eat and sleep, and finally, by chance, he successfully broke through the first level. At that moment, he seemed to feel that the spiritual energy between heaven and earth was gathering towards him, and his cultivation was also rapidly improving.

The battle of monsters, strength is beginning to show

With the improvement of his cultivation, Luo Dan began to try to fight those rampant monsters. He used the magical powers in the "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Sutra" to engage in fierce confrontations with the monsters. Every battle further improved his strength. And he gradually discovered that these monsters were not completely evil, they were just controlled by masters from outside the domain, so they became so violent.

In a battle with a powerful monster, Luo Dan accidentally discovered the spirit core in the monster's body. This is a crystal containing huge energy, which can be used as an auxiliary material for cultivation. Luo Dan's heart moved, he knew that if he could collect enough spirit cores, his cultivation would definitely get a qualitative leap.

So, Luo Dan began to look for monsters everywhere, fight with them, and collect spirit cores. His reputation gradually spread across the continent, and he became a highly respected monk.

Gods Resurrected, Continent Unrest

Just as Luodan's strength grew day by day, an even more shocking news spread throughout the continent. Those gods who once existed only in legends actually began to revive! These gods possess power beyond ordinary people, and their resurrection will undoubtedly bring a more far-reaching impact to the continent.

Luodan's heart moved, and he knew that this would be a great opportunity for him to explore the unknown world. So he decided to go to the ruins of those gods to find their heritage and power.

During the journey, Luodan met many monks who were also looking for the heritage of gods. They came from different races and forces, but they all had a common goal. Luodan traveled with them and faced countless challenges and dangers together.

Swallowing the sky, decisive battle outside the domain

Finally, Luodan came to an ancient temple. It is said that this is the resting place of a powerful god, and his heritage and power are hidden in this temple. Luodan's heart moved, and he knew that he was about to face an unprecedented challenge.

In the temple, Luo Dan experienced countless trials and tribulations. He faced powerful mechanisms and traps, and fought fiercely with the monsters guarding the temple. Every battle brought him closer to the legendary power.

Finally, in the deepest part of the temple, Luo Dan found the inheritance of the god - "Swallowing the Sky". This is a skill that can swallow all the power between heaven and earth. Its power is enough to make any enemy feel terrified.

Luo Dan's heart moved, and he began to practice "Swallowing the Sky". As his cultivation level improved, he gradually felt the power of this skill. He could swallow the surrounding spiritual energy and transform it into his own power; he could swallow the enemy's attack and turn it into nothingness; he could even swallow the entire sky, leaving the enemy nowhere to escape.

At this time, the masters from outside the domain launched another attack. They tried to use their powerful power to destroy the entire continent and swallow all the spiritual energy. Luo Dan knew that this was the time for his decisive battle with the masters from outside the domain.

He led the monks who were also looking for the inheritance of the gods and fought fiercely with the masters from outside the domain. In the sky, aura and energy interweave into a gorgeous picture; on the ground, monsters and monks fight for life and death. Every attack and defense is full of power and wisdom.

Finally, under the leadership of Luo Dan, the monks gradually gained the upper hand. They used the power of "Swallowing the Sky" to resolve the attacks of the masters from outside the domain one by one; and Luo Dan personally took action and used the ultimate mystery of "Swallowing the Sky" to swallow the entire sky. At that moment, the whole continent seemed to be still, and all living beings held their breath.


With the disappearance of the sky, the masters from outside the domain also lost their source of power. They fell one after another and turned into dust and nothingness. And Luo Dan became the savior of the entire continent, and his name will be remembered forever in the long river of history.

A new beginning, endless exploration

After the battle, Luo Dan did not stop. He knew that although he defeated the masters from outside the domain, this world was still full of unknowns and dangers. He must continue to explore and find more power and wisdom.

So, Luodan took those monks who were also looking for the inheritance of the gods and embarked on a new journey. They crossed the vast sea and vast grasslands; they climbed steep mountains and deep caves; they experienced countless adventures and challenges. Every exploration made them understand the world better; every challenge made them more determined in their beliefs.

And Luodan gradually grew into a real strong man in this process. He not only possessed powerful strength and wisdom; he also had a broad mind and firm belief. He knew that he would always be on the road of exploration; and the world would become better because of his existence.


As Luodan and his party explored in depth, they gradually discovered that the world was much more complicated than they had imagined. Behind the revival of spiritual energy, there are deeper secrets of the universe. By chance, Luodan discovered a road to the other side of the stars-the Star Road.

The Star Road is a mysterious passage connecting different planes and worlds. It is said that only those who truly master the truth of the universe can leave their footprints on this road. Luodan's heart moved, and he knew that this would be the key to further improve his cultivation and explore the mysteries of the universe.

So Luodan decided to embark on the road of stars. He bid farewell to the monks who fought side by side with him and embarked on this unknown journey alone. On the road of stars, Luodan experienced countless trials and tribulations. He faced powerful creatures from different planes; he crossed the star maze full of dangers and opportunities; he even met an ancient and powerful soul mentor on a mysterious star.

The soul mentor told Luodan that everyone has a universe in their hearts, and the real strong are those who can awaken the universe in their hearts. Luodan's heart moved, and he began to try to listen to the voice of his heart and feel the call from the depths of the universe.


Under the guidance of the soul mentor, Luodan gradually awakened his soul power. He can feel the connection between himself and the universe, and he can use this power to perceive and influence the world. And his cultivation also made a qualitative leap in this process.

The Law of the Universe, the Great Unity of Heaven and Earth

With the awakening of soul power, Luo Dan began to try to understand the laws of the universe. He found that whether it was cultivation, fighting or exploration, it was inseparable from the deep understanding and application of the laws of the universe. So, he began to study the laws of the universe and tried to integrate them into his own practice.

In this process, Luo Dan gradually realized the truth of the great unity of heaven and earth. He understood that whether it was humans, monsters or other creatures, they all lived in the same universe and were subject to the same laws of the universe. And the real strong is the one who can transcend the boundaries of race and power, embrace this universe and understand this universe.

So, Luo Dan began to try to communicate and cooperate with creatures of different races and powers. He used his cultivation and wisdom to resolve conflicts and crises time and time again; he used his actions to interpret the true meaning of the great unity of heaven and earth. And his reputation spread throughout the universe.

The ultimate battle, the unity of the universe


Just as Luodan gradually emerged in the universe, an even more shocking news spread throughout the universe. It turned out that the monsters and creatures that were once controlled by the masters from outside the domain began to unite and try to resist the rule of the masters from outside the domain. And this ultimate battle of resistance will determine the fate of the entire universe.

Luodan's heart moved, he knew that this would be a critical moment for him to contribute to the peace of the universe. So he decided to join this ultimate battle and fight side by side with those brave creatures.

In the ultimate battle, Luodan showed his unparalleled cultivation and wisdom. He used the power of "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Sutra" and "Devouring the Sky" to fight fiercely with the masters from outside the domain. Every attack and defense was full of power and wisdom; every charge and retreat showed his outstanding command ability.

Finally, under the leadership of Luodan, the rebels gradually gained the upper hand. They used the power of the laws of the universe to dissolve the attacks of the masters from outside the domain one by one; while Luodan took action personally and used the ultimate mystery of "Swallowing the Sky" to swallow the entire universe. At that moment, the entire universe seemed to be still, and all living beings held their breath.

With the disappearance of the universe, the masters from outside the domain also lost their source of power. They fell one after another and turned into dust and nothingness. And Luodan became the savior of the entire universe, and his name will be remembered forever in the history of the universe.

After the battle, Luodan did not stop. He knew that although he defeated the masters from outside the domain, he still needed to maintain the peace of the universe. So he decided to stay in the universe and continue to explore those unknown areas and secrets————————

During his journey in the universe, Luodan met many creatures who also loved peace and exploration. They came from different races and forces, but they all had a common goal. Luodan traveled with them and faced countless challenges and dangers together. Every exploration made them understand the mysteries of the universe better; every challenge made them more determined in their beliefs.

Finally, under the leadership of Lodan, these brave creatures jointly created a brand new universe - the Lodan Era. In this universe, there are no boundaries between races and forces; there is no haze of war and hatred; there is only the light of peace, wisdom and exploration.

And Lodan has become one of the most respected strong men in this universe. He used his actions to interpret the true way of the strong - not only possessing powerful strength and wisdom; but also having a broad mind and firm belief. He knows that he will always be on the road of exploration; and this universe will become better because of his existence. (End of this chapter)

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