Chapter 118 The Otherworld is ominous!

Most people on Earth can create worlds, which sends a message.

That is, the earth star may also be created by a certain creature.

As Ye Xuan’s strength increased, he felt more and more that there was such a possibility.

For the future, he is full of worries.

Now, only by being strong can you deal with everything.

As soon as possible, “upgrade the sky above into a galaxy, and give birth to more peerless powers!”

Ye Xuan whispered, this is his next goal.

Let the believers in the world speed up the mining of the source of the gods, and at the same time, they must also think of ways to obtain a large number of world points.

Get ready to level up above the sky.

After Ye Xuan killed Lu Yang, no one dared to stand up again.

At this moment, they are all focused on digging the purple gold mine.

However, they gradually discovered.

Ye Xuan’s followers are horrible.

The speed of digging out the purple gold rough stone is simply too fast.

In half a day, Nuoda’s Zijin Mountain was dug in half by them.

You know, this mountain has existed for countless years.

Even the original inhabitants of this planet have only mined a small part.

“My God, are Ye Xuan’s followers all cattle? The speed is terrifying!”

“These mining workers have only a little cultivation, but they are just a little stronger than ordinary people. But the mining speed is much faster than us.”

“Don’t you see, both their techniques and the tools they use are all unique. They look like they’re professional 5

Everyone shuddered when they looked at the Zijin Mountain that had shrunk a little bit, and the uncut purple gold rough stones piled up at the bottom of the mountain.

Does Ye Xuan really want to dig up this mountain with “280”…

“These many rough stones should be able to cut out a lot of purple gold.

“Are these enough?”

Ma Ouyang looked at the foot of the mountain and said, piled up like a hill of rough stones.

Even in tens of thousands of rough stones, only one piece of purple gold was cut out.

After opening these rough stones, the amount of purple gold they got was enough for them.

“These are all good things, who would think too much.

“By the way, what is the market price of Zijin?

After Ye Xuan heard what Ouyang’s mother said, he suddenly asked.

Market price “… The price of Zijin is about ten grams of Zijin mine, which can be exchanged for one million World Points.

Ouyang’s mother is not too sure.

Because on Earth Star, purple gold is rare.

So she is not very clear about the situation.

However, the price will never be lower than the ratio of one million world points to ten grams.

“Well…that’s good.”

Ye Xuan nodded thoughtfully.

If this price is true, then this time, he is destined to make a fortune.

No one else knew, but he knew it in his heart.

Mo Ang, Silver Lion, Turtle and the others led the Yuantian Masters, and the rough stones collected by them each contained purple gold.

He can be sure.

At the foot of the mountain, the hill-like rough rock was full of purple gold.

If you let others know, I’m afraid it will be crazy.

With so much purple gold, the three of them will definitely not be able to use it up.

At this moment, in his heart, he already had a plan for how to sell these Zijin.

In the blink of an eye, a day and a half have passed.

At this time, Ye Xuan’s followers had been mining for two days.

The Zijin Mountain, which was originally tall and towering, standing in the clouds, has now become very small.

It’s about to be dug out.

Of course, these were all done by Moang, Silver Lion, Turtle and the others, along with the Divine Source Master and the mining workers.

The rest of the people were all anxious at this moment.

In order to compete with Ye Xuan’s followers, they have been digging for two days without rest.

However, their gains are still small.

The collected purple gold is only enough to activate the altar once or twice.

That is to say.

If they found the altar and shuttled to a certain place, the purple gold would have been used up.

Not to mention going to other places, just want to go back again, these Zijin are not enough.

Their faces were bitter, and they wanted to cry without tears.

This is simply not enough!

However, the entire mountain was hollowed out by Ye Xuan’s followers.

Where else can they find it.

“Damn it, forget it. ‘World of Warcraft’, come!”

“I am the god of creation, and I now order you to mine the purple gold mine with me…”

“If you don’t grab it, it will be too late. “The Extraordinary World’, come! 11

“My followers, those with extraordinary abilities, use your strength to mine purple gold for me, and the merits are boundless…”

“‘Tomorrowland’, come!”

“All believers listen to my orders, and the whole people march into Zijin Mountain to mine Zijin…”

Immediately, many people were anxious.

They descended into their own world and began to call their own believers.

One world after another came, and countless creatures from different worlds suddenly filled this place.

Magician, superhuman ability, future warrior, awakened person, beast of beast…

One by one, they rushed towards Zijin Mountain.

The place was a mess.

The originally little Zijin Mountain was immediately filled.

The creatures of many worlds are all mined wildly.

There is no rules and regulations, just dig a mess.

“A bunch of idiots!” Ye Xuan looked coldly at the countless creatures flocking to the Purple Mountain, his eyes filled with coldness.

The Yuan Tianshi team led by Mo Ang, Silver Lion, and Turtle mined so quickly because they were professional.

Therefore, it will not destroy Zijin, nor will it dig out dangerous Zijin beasts.

But these people came to their own world in one go, calling believers to mine blindly.

This is totally courting death.

It won’t be long before the Purple Gold Beast will be dug out.

“Be prepared, I’m afraid there will be no peace in the future.

Ye Xuan reminded Ouyang Ma and Ouyang Yun.

The two nodded and began to be on guard.

These people are completely insane.

Reckless digging.

When he came in, Ji Tian, ​​the principal of Shenglong School, repeatedly emphasized that when mining Zijin, you should be very careful.

If the Purple Gold Beast is provoked, no one will be able to escape.

For a moment, no one took the warning to heart.

“Ye Xuan, get in the car!

Mother Ouyang quickly reminded Ye Xuan to let him get on the golden chariot.

If something happens, you can take the golden chariot and escape as soon as possible.

Ye Xuan shook his head and didn’t rush into the car.

The purple gold rough stones mined by the believers are still piled up on the ground.

It is impossible for him to drop these priceless ores.

The value of these purple golds is even higher than that of Divine Source!

If it is exchanged for world points, I don’t know how much.

Right now, he desperately needs the world.

Moreover, although the purple gold beast is very dangerous, he still relies on it.

The realm of the red-haired emperor, the corpse, and Fatty Duan is enough to crush all enemies.

The vast mining area has become very busy and lively at this time.

All kinds of creatures are noisy, all of them are working very hard.

For nothing else, Ye Xuan’s followers are really amazing and incredible.

Their speed was so fast that in just two days, they almost emptied the mine.

Faced with the raw ore piled up like a hill.

Some people are jealous and very jealous, wishing they could snatch it and take it for themselves.

However, the earlier lessons remain.

Ye Xuan is too strong and scary.

They didn’t dare to move, so they could only let more believers descend on the mining area.

Participate in and compete for the few remaining purple gold ore.

“My God! What is that!

Suddenly, a believer exclaimed.

The strength of this believer is not weak, but at this time he rushed out of the mine, and he was shocked.

When the other believers around heard the words, they quickly looked at them, and they were also extremely shocked.

The purple light of the box spread and transpired.

Among them, there are many visions, and there are definitely gods born!

But when the believers saw it clearly, they were all shocked and didn’t dare to get too close.

They saw clearly the visions that were presented.

A sea of ​​corpses and blood! There are giant beasts covered in purple and gold screaming, shaking the mountains and rivers, and the stars are falling!

“This is… a purple gold beast!

There are Divine Source Masters who recognize the things that appear in the vague vision.

They had never seen the Purple Gold Beast before, but Ye Xuan had repeatedly warned them before they mined it.

In addition, they have a lot of knowledge in the sky, and at this moment they recognized it as a purple-gold beast!

“Yes, this is exactly the kind of creature that the Master of Creation said, it seems that such invincible life is really frozen under this mine!


Many students felt the unusual movement here.

They released their consciousness one after another and probed over…

Some weak people were oppressed by the aura escaping from the purple-gold beasts, did not dare to approach, and even fell to the ground.

But there are also strong eyes with excitement.

This is the Purple Gold Beast!

Even if it’s just a corpse, it has a very extraordinary value, and it can be made into a big medicine, and the strong person who covers the whole life will collect it.

Although Principal Ji Tian had repeatedly warned them, the Zijin Beast was very dangerous.

But at this moment, many people are heartbroken.

More importantly, that’s not where Ye Xuan mines…

They were jealous, and even the Silver Lion and others were watching, deciding whether to inform Ye Xuan or not.

“Roar! 99

But right now.

An angry roar suddenly resounded from that piece of mine, shaking out all kinds of glowing rays of light and Shenxi, reflecting out, covering the mountains and rivers.

The living beings mining the purple gold mine here were all submerged, and they made a miserable cry.

However, the purple mist permeates everything, covering everything, and everyone’s means can’t get close to the probe.

Someone got close, but luckily it wasn’t engulfed.

At this moment, he was covered in blood, his breath was vain, and he rushed out in a hurry.

At this time, a six-star demigod on the other side felt the abnormality on the side of the believers.

He frowned, then stretched out a big hand and grabbed it there.

The big hand fell, very domineering, covering the entire mountains and rivers, and several people were brutally arrested.

“What did you see?”

The master of the big hand is very strong, the pressure on his body makes half of the sky change color, and the sound makes the mountains and rivers shake.

But these people were in a rush and seemed to be frightened.

One of them opened his mouth and said in fear, “It’s a purple-gold beast…”

Many supreme powerhouses are also looking in that direction.

They frowned, clearly dissatisfied with the answer, because they had seen it.

“The ant! 33

The man whispered and threw the believer down without pinching him to death.

Falling to the ground, the absent-minded man kept whispering: “It’s the purple-gold beast… King, alive… alive!

He frowned and looked at the mine. At this moment, the purple mist was rapidly spreading along with the glow.

The Purple Gold Beast is still alive!

The weak retreat, the strong gather.

They are all observing this strange place.

Less leaning, a faint sense of oppression has already been sensed by them.

“It’s such a fierce breath, I’m afraid it’s not good.

The silver lion is not a human race, and at this time, he has a feeling.

A terrifying feeling appeared in his heart.

He wants to convey this news to Ye Xuan, the master of creation.

But, at this time.


Suddenly, there was another roar.

It seems that some Xeon creature was interrupted from sleep, and is now angry.

The roar not only caused the mountains and rivers in the mining area to collapse, but even the surrounding peaks were shattered, and many Zijin mines rolled out.

“not good!”

The powerhouse close to 5.5 feels a clear pressure, and it is known that it is not good.

In an instant, his complexion changed dramatically, Dao Wen appeared, and he was about to cross away with a single step.

But it was too late.

A huge mouth emerged in the void, wrapped several strong people, and swallowed it in one bite.

Then the sound of chewing was creepy, and blood flowed from the gap between the teeth.

“It’s the sleeping purple-gold beast king!

Earlier, the Divine Origin Master opened his mouth in horror and turned around to flee.

But there are not only Zijin Mine under this mountain and river, but also other things.

The ground cracked, knocking out holes.

In a dusty stone wear, a giant beast opened its mouth wide and instantly wiped out Daowen at the feet of Shenyuan Master, biting half of his body, dripping with blood.

He is not dead yet, screaming to cut off his lower body and pull away.

However, the big claws grabbed him and stuffed it directly into his mouth, blood dripping out with the sound of chewing.

Ye Xuan, who was under the Purple Mountain, instantly felt something in his heart.

His own believer, a Divine Origin Master, actually died!

Two beams of light flashed in his eyes, looking at the mountainside where the abnormality occurred.

However, it was already shrouded in mist, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

However, his consciousness suddenly burst.

In that fog, he felt a familiar aura.

That’s… an ominous aura!

Ye Xuan was suddenly shocked.

How did the ominous appear here?

The ominousness that exists only in a world where only one hand covers the sky has appeared here!

[Without driving, the chapter was blocked…I don’t know why. Changed for half a day…]

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