Chapter 129 The Five Sages descended the decree, which was a shocking secret in the past!

at this time.

Ji Tian and other principals all raised their eyebrows and said nothing.

The square is very quiet.

Until now, the Life Talisman has finally stabilized.


A headmaster let out a sigh of relief.

Not long ago, dozens of life talismans suddenly dimmed.

This is not surrender, but fallen, killed!

“It seems that they got rid of the pursuit of the purple gold beast.”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the large number of students die, they are very worried.

This is a genius that the academy has spent a lot of time recruiting.

Such a death should not have been done by any student.

At this point in time, they may be mining and ready to start crossing resources.

Therefore, all the principals thought that the Purple Gold Beast had been dug up.

“These guys are still inexperienced. The purple-gold beasts are sleeping in the ground, so they are actually easy to identify. 39

Someone speaks.

Not much weight on the face.

Because up to now, none of the students of its college have died.

This shows that the mining is very smooth and should be fruitful.

“Ah, are you experienced?

In some schools, the loss is very huge.

The headmaster looked bitter.

Now there are only one or two single seedlings left. Naturally, they are very upset and go back to counter terrorism.

Principal Ji Tian ignored this.

The Holy Dragon Academy is also not doing well.

Several people were eliminated, and two people fell.

But what made him gratified was that the Ice Dragon’s Life Talisman had always been stable.

The strength of Seven Stars is already the strongest among many students.

What’s more, she still has some secret treasures, and she is accompanied by a quasi-divine tyrannosaurus.

With this in mind, he looked towards the opposite side.

At a glance, he saw Ouyang Zhang who was smiling and triumphant.

This old guy!

scolded secretly.

He also knew that the Shenyin Academy had nothing to lose at all.

All intact.

Good luck!

Think of this.

Ji Tian remembered the previous Oolong again, and he and others gave the elder salute to a student named Ye Xuan.

Just getting annoyed!

He was about to speak out and reason with Ouyang Zhang, destroying his good mood.

22 suddenly.

There was a sudden shock in the field, and the air trembled.

Several principals were even more unsteady.

They were only at the quasi-god level, and at this moment they followed their footsteps and almost fell.

But the expressions on their faces all changed in an instant.

Suddenly looking at the sky.

I saw that between the clouds, there were five colors of divine light entangled together, falling like a meteor, appearing directly in front of everyone.

Terrorist coercion comes from the sky.

The colorful light is sacred and cannot be seen directly, and a circle of mysterious characters surrounds it.

The mighty power spreads out layer by layer like a tide, and the weak cannot get close at all.

“Five Holy Laws!”

Ouyang Zhang and Ji Tian looked at each other and said in unison!

The two strongest principals were not shocked back.

They are all at the pinnacle of True God.

At this moment, it stands still like a javelin in the gust of wind.

Clothes hunting, hair dancing wildly.

The five giants of the earth star, the creatures of the main god realm.

It is the existence of the Dinghaishenzhen, ranking the highest peak of the earth star.

Now that they have moved in unison, and come together with a decree, what do you want?

Before looking at the meaning of the law, the two principals, Ouyang Zhang and Ji Tian, ​​had already realized something.

His face became ugly, but he still tried to keep his composure.

Especially Ouyang Zhang, Dao injury healed a lot.

Even now, his steps are still heavy, and it is difficult to get close to that decree.

Look outside.

All the principals were pale.

Shocked by the breath, there is a problem with the Dao Heart, and the eyes are free.

They are all geniuses of the previous era, and they are all in the realm of quasi-gods.

But at this moment, under this terrifying pressure, the Dao Heart of some people was directly broken!

Only Ouyang Zhang Jitian and the two of them can approach the decree here.

They touched the decree together, and then thoughts circulated in their hearts, very domineering.

This is the will of the earth star giants telling and commanding.

For a while.

All the runes converged and turned into a ray of light.

Break through the sky and disappear.

“finally come!”

Li Tian frowned tightly and looked at Ouyang Zhang.

The two were silent.

Then, the news was informed to the principals present.

That is, the venerable inheritance of Zifaxing is in this world!

This year really caught up!

In the previous Hundred-School Friendship, they entered the Purple Law Star Trial, but they did not encounter the opening of the inheritance of the Purple Law Venerable.

After a while, everyone digested the news and gradually calmed down.

So, someone found the problem.

“This kind of inheritance, why don’t the giants pick it up in person, and want our students to go there, isn’t it too risky, if there is any accident, the inheritance may really be cut off.”

Some principals were puzzled and could not help but ask questions in their hearts.

In fact, all the principals present were aware of this.

They are all former geniuses.

Now they are all standing at the height of the earth and the stars, how can they not realize it?

No one answered him, and everyone couldn’t fathom what the giants meant.

However, the shock of the giant legal order just left them is not small.

They quickly let go of the idea and talked in a low voice, even a little longing.

If this is the case for one’s own students to obtain inheritance, then…

Can’t think too much!

It’s so tempting.

Ouyang Zhang lowered his head slightly and stared at the ground.

Eyes lost focus, in contemplation.

After a long time, I sighed in my heart.

But in the end, he was relieved.

Whether it is Ye Xuan or Ma Ouyang, they are still in the middle of this trial.

Five-star strength, should not get inheritance, not just a wedding dress.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Zhang looked at Ji Tian opposite.

He is indeed a little different, this guy’s face is very calm.

But it is not generally calm, and he seems to have some thoughts buried in his heart.

In the past, Ouyang Zhang was also a legend.

As a generation of arrogance, he has grown rapidly.

Stepping into the True God Realm, it didn’t take much time to approach the peak.

It is very hopeful to enter the realm of the Lord God, gain the combat power of saints, and become a supreme giant!


At that critical moment, he was forcibly pulled into a very dangerous alien war.

Countless enemies were beheaded, and then they were besieged.

Faced with great danger, no one came to help.

In the end, he was severely injured and seriously injured.

After the lucky escape, the war on the alien plane became more intense.

He went to seek help from the giants.

Such an existence, sitting on the earth and star for too long, must have good things for healing.

Either way can heal his Dao wound perfectly.

However, the emperor felt that his Dao injury was too serious.

Even if it is cured, it is difficult to break through the main god, and it is a waste!

Other giants are similar.

At that time, Ouyang Zhang faintly realized something.

With the gradual deterioration of the tract injury, the best time for treatment was missed.

Left behind chronic illness, hopeless breakthrough, and ultimately decadence.

Not only the injury, but this incident also had a great impact on him.

Dao’s heart was dusty, even Ye Xuan’s spiritual liquid healed his Dao wounds inconceivably.

It is difficult to break through the main god now.

Some of the principals present were shocked by the pressure of the Five Saints just now.

The heart of the Tao is more or less, leaving an indelible shadow…

Looking at the calm face of this old guy Ji Tian, ​​he always felt that there were anger hidden in it.

So he asked: “Aren’t you worried? Less than five hundred years old, a seven-star genius…

Among the students who participated in the trial, five stars were considered rare.

Six stars are rare.

Less than five hundred years old, he is a seven-star demigod, and the talent of the ice dragon is too amazing.

Hearing this, Ji Tian’s expression softened and became more calm.

He naturally knew what Ouyang Zhang meant.

The inheritance of Venerable Zifa may have stepped into that level in half a step.

It is impossible for the giants to be unmoved, but for some reason, they let the star demigods take it.

And the ice dragon is powerful and most likely to be inherited.

The giants will definitely meet by then.

However, Ji Tianhu grinned: “If you want to succeed, you must fight and take risks. 99

Ouyang Zhang took a shallow breath and seemed to calm down the horror in his heart.

Trance was shocked by Ji Tian’s madness.

“Aren’t you afraid that such a genius will go our old way?”

Ji Tian is not ordinary, he was an absolute genius in the past.

With a withdrawn and arrogant personality, compared with Ouyang Zhang, he is no worse than Ouyang Zhang.

At that time, Ouyang Zhang watched helplessly as such a guy, who had the opportunity to go further, embarked on his own path.

At a critical moment, he was pulled into the battlefield of different planes.

Same as my own experience.

But he never gave in and was eventually maimed.

This is also the reason for his decadence.

The five giants are like heavy mountains in the sky.

These high-ranking holy kings cover up cruel facts.

Press them firmly, making their Dao heart more and more dim, no one can successfully break through the main god.

However, Ji Tian’s fighting spirit has not completely disappeared.

Over the years, he knew that he was seriously injured and that he had no chance.

So he settled down and cultivated a genius.

If you want them to rise quickly, they are expected to become the main gods, among the giants, and seek an answer!

Yes, he doesn’t agree.

They are all geniuses, only one step away from success, who can be reconciled?

Naturally there needs to be a reason.

Hear this.

Ji Tian’s expression suddenly turned hideous.

His aura suddenly surged up, like a gust of wind and tornado, and the surrounding houses were rumbling and shaking.

“Whoever he is, the person who dares to touch me will tear his last face, and only kill kill kill!”

Ji Tian was suddenly exposed and his momentum was soaring.

The surrounding principals exclaimed in low voices.

They quickly shot together, blocking the spread of momentum.

Otherwise, the city will be turned into ashes.

These principals seem to be in high positions.

But over time, they will gradually understand.

He seems to have boundless abilities, only under the giants.

But it is this little difference, that is the difference between heaven and earth.

Many things happened and they were powerless.

Ouyang Zhang was excited by Ji Tian’s sudden emotional outburst, his subconscious momentum spread, turned into a burst of feeling, and confronted Ji Tian.

Collision with each other, breaking through the clouds, stirring the wind and clouds.

Over the years, his battle with Ji Tian has never stopped.


Right at this moment.

All the breaths were condensed and all settled.

Like mosquitoes frozen in amber.

Other principals present may not perceive it.

But Ji Tian and Ouyang Zhang have been competing for many years, and they both know each other.

Now there is a core difference between the two auras.

Although Ji Tian’s breath is strong, it is weak and hollow, and it is difficult to continue to break out if it really wants to fight.

Ouyang Zhang’s is different, very solid and full.

Like the buds of green onions, everyone knows that this can grow into a towering giant tree.

“You are…”

Ji Tian was suddenly stunned.

All the anger and killing intent are gone.

Very strange, his eyes widened, it was incredible, as if he had seen a ghost.

“you you…

He was full of disbelief as if seeing Ouyang Zhang for the first time!

No, ghosts are not uncommon.

It’s more incredible than hell!

“Our Dao wounds are almost the same and can never be cured… 99

Ji Tian hurriedly approached and subconsciously lowered his voice.

The throat trembled a little, as if seeing some incredible dawn.

Maybe… what did he misunderstand?

Ouyang Zhang knew that his situation had been exposed.

Fortunately, the decree of the Five Saints has now left, and the line of sight should be on the Purple Star, not here.

Simply reluctant.

From the outside, it was thought that the two had begun to collide.

This is not uncommon, and every time they meet, the two will fight.

After all, the first name is not small.

Shenyin and Shenglong are biting very tightly, and it is normal for the two principals to be tit for tat.

Ouyang Zhang smiled bitterly, a little helpless.

He said to himself: “I originally wanted to keep it a secret for a while, after all, this may cause a lot of trouble, for example, this guy in front of me is very troublesome.

He pointed to the sky, shook his head and said, “It’s not them (five saints).

“What treasure did you find that was not found?”

Ji Tianpi’s brilliance dimmed a little, but it seemed to be firmer, he said hopefully.

“If you want to heal me, the level of this kind of baby is not low, and it is impossible to avoid them.

Ouyang Zhang said with a chuckle, a little… proud.

At this moment, their breaths collided, and the world was dark.

The outside world cannot see it here, and it is impossible for any sound to come out.

“Then speak up!

The season is in a hurry, and he shouted low.

Although they fought, they were allies.

So you’re starting to screw up now?

With a wave of his hand, the two auras grew stronger and stronger, intertwined with each other, covering this place.

Ouyang Zhang took a few steps forward, approached Ji Tian’s ear, and then… sound transmission.

“You’ve seen this person before, it’s Ye…

Hearing this, Ji Tian was startled.

Then he showed an incredible expression, his mouth was slightly open, and he lost his temper.

Really… didn’t expect that!

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