Chapter 208 Chapter 208 The Earth and the Stars are changing blood, and the family is on the rise!

Ye Xuan opened his mouth and looked at the thin old man.

They are good at formations and need to be arranged. The Hall of Valor will be built in the light of the power of faith!

“You can find those guys in the Western Desert God Court, they are also good at these things.

The corpse opened his mouth to inform the thin Taoist.

Those Celestial Masters, who can also line up in the starry sky, will be helpful.

Ye Xuan waited for them to discuss before speaking again: “Now the kingdom of God is vast and needs to be vigorously developed. You must speed up the progress so that every moment of life stars will flourish and develop rapidly.”

“Follow the law!”

They saluted and took orders.

At this moment, Shenlong didn’t know how far he flew back, and he was furious, but before he saw Ye Xuan’s face, he was already caught by the corpse and carried away.

Ye Xuan sat cross-legged for a while, his eyes swept across the countless stars, the vast distance of “three five zeros”, and then looked at Wanling.

They were still cheering, praying devoutly, and building majestic statues, all towering into the void.

“The war has ended successfully, and all sentient beings have contributed. From now on, Daoyin will be sung for nine days, and the gods will rain down on the stars.

Words follow the law, and the law changes.

Follow the will of the creator god, resonate with the law, expound the truth of oneself, and share the understanding of all spirits.

Even those with poor understanding can definitely gain a lot.

At the same time, above every living star, a dazzling starry sky descends, nourishing all things, and the world is unprecedentedly lush.

This consumes a lot of Faith Power, but it will not take long for believers to generate more Faith Power as their strength increases.

Ye Xuan didn’t listen to the pious words of the believers, he just left.

Back outside the Earth Star, the two principals, Ouyang Yun, and Mom were still there, and it didn’t take long.

“The white-clothed god king that Ye Xuan picked up was very strong. In an unknown realm, he mentioned a stronger existence. This might be the Great Sage…”

Ji Tian opened his mouth, and Ouyang Zhang blushed and had a thick neck.

– Side, Ouyang Ma and Ouyang Yun were speechless and did not dare to interrupt.

“What unknown realm? That is the Holy King!”

They were arguing, and Ye Xuan was stunned when he saw this scene. How long has he been away?

“Ye Xuan, tell me, what kind of realm is the person you picked up?

Ouyang Zhang caught Ye Xuan, who had just come out of the kingdom of God.

Ji Tian also looked at him viciously, waiting for an answer.

He felt that the “Acceptance Spell” could only accept existences that were one level higher than Ye Xuan, so that person might be the main god, but he was just too powerful.

Feeling the hot eyes of the two, Ye Xuan was also speechless. In fact, Thor had mentioned, Holy King.

But this realm term is a legend.

It is said that it is a special realm between the main god and the great sage, but I don’t know where the special is.

The giant “has been suppressing Earth Star for too long, and is seriously lacking in high-end knowledge. We might as well go directly to the Imperial Palace, where there may be some records.

Ye Xuan proposed.

In fact, he is not very clear, he is probably certain that the Holy King is also a realm.

But it’s very strange to cast. It’s the first time to enter the main god, just thinking about how to pass the calamity. If there is a holy king in the middle, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?

Entering the Great Sage, there will be thunder tribulation.

“It makes sense, we will go directly to the palace to find out, so as not to worry all the time.”

Ouyang Zhang agrees, it is true.

The reminder that the white-robed God King left before disappearing just now is very surprising. They don’t know what is peeping, and they need to be prepared in advance.

As they spoke, they fell directly to the earth and headed for the Palace of Human Beings.

In the past, they might not even know where the Imperial Palace was, nor would they think so.

There is a forbidden area, but now the giants no longer exist, they are the strongest on Earth!

Meanwhile, on Earth.

With the impact of the last wave, the few remaining satellites could not be used, and the broadcast on the ground was completely interrupted.

At this point, the major families and everyone on Earth Star are in panic.

Rather than knowing nothing and waiting for an unknown fate, they might as well watch the crisis come, which is too torturous.

There are even family true gods who can’t help but want to go to the void to see the situation.

But blocked, who knows who will win?

Wan-Lord God was seriously injured and did not want to see anyone. At this moment, he broke through and was suspected of his intentions. Wouldn’t it be bad luck?

Now the best thing is to stay with the family and wait for the result.

Ouyang’s family, a man with gray hair, over sixty years old, but with a dazzling spirit, a mighty and majestic man walked around.

Looking at the sky from time to time, I want to see some changes.

He kept frowning, uneasy in his heart.

Earlier, he decisively rejected Ouyang Zhang and Ji Tian, ​​and even expelled Ouyang Yun from the house, showing a firm position…

I firmly believe that the giants are invincible, and I feel that this is just a phantom that can be pierced at will, and it is a farce.

But not long ago, the final picture of the broadcast made him extremely worried.

He doesn’t quite believe the vicious remarks on the Internet. Even if they hit the Earth Star, the giants won’t care much.

Everything is the self-indulgent love of the earth star, only the strong understand the strong.

What’s even more uncomfortable is that my ancestors also participated in the war and fell in the blink of an eye.

Now in a panic, fearing a dire outcome.


Suddenly, he sighed deeply, and his hair turned white again.

Five fingers clenched tightly, but in the end he had no choice but to let it go. Looking at the sky again, there was no terrifying aftermath rushing away.

But no one dared to spy easily, it was courting death.

Not just him, not just his family.

The Li family, the Zhou family, and several True God families are all in torment and restless.

Luo’s house, in the conference hall.

It’s quiet here, no one speaks.

Everyone sat quietly, waiting for the final news, and some people’s eyes drifted to Luo Binglong, who was sitting quietly.

Its unique cold temperament keeps the field silent, and everyone’s patience seems to be infinite.

“Good! Good! Good!”

Suddenly, the head of the Luo family, Luo Linchuan stood up abruptly, slapped the table top, full of air, with a smile on his face, and said three good words, directly breaking the silence of 5.5 here.

Everyone was attracted, and they were a little stunned at first.

But then he reacted, and he was ecstatic.

It goes without saying that what can make the head of the family so excited must be a result of their inclination.

So they all stared at the Luo family.

The latter’s complexion was ruddy, his beard fluttered, and his clothes fluttered under the invisible airflow.

He looked at Luo Binglong, his eyes were fiery, and the others also looked at him subconsciously.

Realizing that this opportunity for the rise of the head of the family was seized by a junior, their Luo family was about to ride the wind!

“Just now, Lord God Ouyang, Lord God Ji Tian, ​​and Ye Xuan appeared in the sky above Earth and Star, and now they go directly to the direction of the Imperial Palace.

Luo Patriarch was excited, but he subconsciously maintained the majesty of Patriarch in the past, his voice seemed to be deliberately suppressed, trembling, and finally he couldn’t hold back, burst into laughter, shaking the courtyard,

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