Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 123: Account Arrived

Chapter 123 Accounts

Han Fei, who had no other options for the time being, could only sigh.

Changing his mood, he happily began to check his harvest.

First, there was a bunch of messy genes. He simply ignored the inventory and analyzed them when he had time.

Then there was a mountain of various weapons and equipment. Han Fei took a quick look.

Looking around, the whole place was in a mess. Everything in sight was broken and incomplete.

Some of the equipment he picked up was full of gaps and teeth marks.

A helmet that was split in half, a shield that was broken into several pieces, a twisted sword, a broken staff, a broken magic crystal, and so on.

I'm afraid they all have to be re-melted before they can be used again. I guess they can only be sold at the price of scrap materials.

There are still some intact ones left, but they don't look very good, with all kinds of wear and tear and gaps.

If you want to sell it in the Gods Exchange Land, you can only sell it as second-hand goods, and it is estimated that you can't sell it for a good price.

Han Fei felt heartbroken when he saw it, and could only comfort himself silently. This can also be regarded as a trophy, which is better than nothing.

Then came the highlight of this profit, the 50 million divine power champion reward, which is needless to say.

The school and the city still have 12 million divine power, a total of 62 million. With this divine power, Han Fei can buy the bloodline card of Thunder Dragon Beast again.

He can also improve the Hydralisk, the main long-range unit of the Zerg at this stage.

Finally, it is the opportunity to go to the logistics resource prize library and select rare resources.

Thinking of this, Han Fei, who doesn't know what good things will be in the prize library, is also looking forward to it.

Suppress the urge to go to the prize library to find out what's going on.

Han Fei immediately got busy and started to do the post-match cleanup work.

Disabled units whose missing arms and legs have affected their daily actions need to be recovered first.

Zerg units that are slightly or seriously injured but do not affect their combat effectiveness and have the possibility of recovery are separated separately.

They need a period of time to recover from their injuries before they can hibernate, otherwise they may die in the hibernation process.

The remaining ones are all healthy Zerg units.

It took Han Fei a while to reallocate their hibernation positions.

After doing everything, Han Fei looked at his God's Domain, which had regained its tranquility, and nodded with satisfaction.

The work in the God's Domain has come to an end. Han Fei took a deep breath and left the state of full concentration on work.

Only then did he realize that time had passed for days without him noticing.

Han Fei just relaxed and was about to sigh about his hard work in the past two lives.

He suddenly sensed that Wang Jitong's divine domain was teleported again and appeared next to his divine domain.

Then Wang Jitong's semi-god spirit appeared in the barrier of his divine domain.

Wang Jitong at this time was full of rosy glow, full of vigor, and the smile on his face was brighter than before.

Han Fei saw at a glance that this expression was the same as the results of the laboratory he managed in his previous life.

He went to the head office for a meeting and showed off in front of his colleagues.

Han Fei just smiled faintly and immediately got out of the divine domain and came to Wang Jitong.

He was more concerned about whether the divine power rewards issued by the school and the city had been approved.

Seeing Han Fei appear, Wang Jitong kept smiling and said nothing. He took out a seal card and handed it to Han Fei.

"This is the 12 million divine powers given to you by the school and the city. Keep it well."

Han Fei looked at the seal card and immediately showed a bright smile on his face. He quickly stretched out his hands and took it carefully.

The divine consciousness went deep into the seal card to explore. After confirming that the number of 12 million divine powers was correct, he put it into his semi-god body.

"Uncle Wang, thank you so much. Sorry for the trouble."

Wang Jitong just smiled and waved his hand, saying with satisfaction: "Xiaofei, don't be so polite, don't thank me, you deserve it."

"Thanks to your good results in the global competition this time, the school and the city approved these rewards, which was a green light all the way, without any trouble."

"Okay, I have other things to do, you should go back and consume this harvest."

After Wang Jitong finished speaking, he waved his hand casually and turned to leave.

Without any delay, he controlled his own divine domain and teleported directly out of the school station.

Han Fei saw his impetuous look and guessed in his heart that he was probably going to show off somewhere again.

Return to his own divine domain, since the things in the divine domain have come to an end.

Han Fei, who has money at home, has already arranged the itinerary for the next trip.

The half-god body flashed, and turned into a ball of light and appeared in the Gods' Communication Continent, the logistics center of Qinghai Star.

This is a modern-style office hall, with light balls coming and going, and it is very lively.

After Han Fei entered the door, because it was his first time here and he was not familiar with the environment, he went directly to the staff in the hall.

He explained his purpose, and the staff was very capable. He took him to an empty window and left.

The light ball behind the window saw Han Fei being brought over, and a thought came to him.

"Hello, what business do you want to handle?"

Hearing this question suddenly, the inexplicable sense of familiarity hit Han Fei.

He almost said something to the other party reflexively.

Recharge your phone bill.

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