Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 151: Moving Forward

At this time, Tavel had just arrived at the outskirts of the city and received a command from the combat system.

He drove the Type 203-Heavy Power Mech and suddenly accelerated towards a tall building in front of him.

As the brightness of the divine pattern on the mech increased, this seemingly bulky mech.

With a leap, his legs stepped steadily on the straight wall in front of him.

The thrusters behind him were fully powered, and he rushed directly along the facade of the tall building to the top of the building.

The moment he reached the top of the building, Tavel used the optical imaging system of the mech.

At a glance, he saw the dense group of hydralisks rushing towards the city in the distance.

These hydralisks were not completely crowded together, but kept a certain distance from each other.

But the terrifying number was enough to make him feel a tingling scalp.

Suddenly, a new message from the command center was received by him, and the content was very simple.

[Hold the line of defense, destroy the monsters released by the false god as much as possible, and defend the city. Reinforcements will arrive soon. 】

After getting this information, he looked at the real-time battlefield information system, and saw the enemy's number in the hundreds of millions.

Tavel's heart had sunk to the bottom. The city behind him had a population of only more than 30 million, and the number of his army was less than 3 million.

This meant that they were at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers.

Before he could continue thinking, another combat information popped up.

[Long-range force strike, covering the coordinates and directions... 】

Long-term training allowed him to open the two honeycomb missile launchers mounted on the mecha without hesitation.

The heavy divine power mecha on the top of another high-rise building next to him reacted faster than him.

It had already begun to fire towards the Hydralisk wave that had entered the range.

This was like a signal, on the defense line at the edge of the city.

Countless missiles rose into the sky and smashed towards the Hydralisk Army.

The dense number of them meant that even if the Hydralisks could see the landing points of these missiles and tried their best to dodge them, it would be useless.

Groups of light exploded in the surging insect tide. The fragile bodies of the Hydralisks could not form an effective resistance to the bombardment.

The broken limbs and arms blown away by the shock wave of the explosion were scattered all over the battlefield.

The Hydralisks Legion had not even entered the range of the ball, and the losses had already begun to rise sharply.

Facing the situation on the battlefield, Han Fei just watched the Hydralisks being swallowed by the explosion and the sea of ​​water expressionlessly.

There was no hesitation or hesitation, this was an inevitable loss.

According to the information collected by the stinging dragonfly, these mechas and mechanical exoskeletons that launched missiles.

The ammunition capacity of physical weapons is actually very limited.

In fact, as Han Fei estimated, this crazy force release.

It only lasted for a few minutes before it began to weaken rapidly.

The area plowed by the explosion had already sunk into a large sea of ​​water.

Han Fei made a brief statistical analysis through the Line of Faith, and the continuous long-range force strikes at this moment.

The damage caused to the 200 million Hydralisk Legion was almost close to 10%.

This is the terrifying force projection capability of modern warfare.

An army of 3 million easily destroyed several times the number of enemies with zero damage.

Until this time, the Hydralisk Legion had not yet entered the range of the ball technique.

They could only carry the flames and explosions and move forward without fear of life and death.

Tavel, who had fired all the missiles in a short period of time, used the optical imaging system.

Looking at the smoke and sea of ​​water formed by a large amount of force in the distance, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"These monsters seem to be very primitive, without long-range attack capabilities. Maybe with enough power, they can be blocked outside the city."

At this moment, a relaxed voice sounded from the communication channel.

"Captain, it seems that the attack of these pseudo-gods is not very good, but there are more of them."

When Tavier heard this voice, he knew that this was the troublemaker among his recruits. His brows immediately frowned and he shouted:

"Shut up, the enemy is a hundred times ours, put away your contempt, it's wartime now, focus your attention."

At this moment, the command center sent the latest combat instructions.

[Free to drive! ]

With the latest battlefield orders issued, facing the sea that was forcibly extinguished with the flesh.

The hydralisk wave is still advancing frantically and has entered a kilometer range.

The sounds of various weapons starting to become dense on the entire line of defense.

Various energy beams were splashed like raindrops at the Hydralisk Legion, which was still advancing head-on.

However, due to various obstacles on the ground, only some soldiers who occupied the commanding heights and had a better field of vision had a shooting field of vision.

Compared with the previous missile washing, the force density was several orders of magnitude lower.

In addition, the number of Hydralisks was far greater than that of the Monocular Army.

The force net formed by these energy beam weapons could not stop the advancement of the Hydralisk Legion at all.

The Hydralisk Legion, which was advancing madly under the rain of guns and bullets, paid a lot of sacrifices.

This finally allowed the Hydralisks at the front to rush into the range of the ball technique.

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