Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 164 Industrial City

Chapter 164 Industrial City뎀

Therefore, you still need to be cautious in your next actions.

Han Fei attacked such a large city for the first time, and he still didn't know its specific defense strength.

Although a 40 million one-eyed mechanical army has been annihilated.

However, open field battles and city assaults are two completely different ways of fighting.

It is certain that the 350 million insect swarm army can be pulled away in one wave, and information collection work is still needed.

Even if the referee said so, the limit of strength in this God's Domain should be within the tolerance range of everyone.

But who knows, the referee's statement about the tolerance of 놅 depends on 놊's reliability.

If the other party brings out a black technology similar to a nuclear bomb for Han Fei, and faces a swarm of charging insects, it will directly hit his face.

Then their insect swarm army would have to ascend to heaven on the spot.

Therefore, out of caution, Han Fei decided to launch a wave of exploratory attacks to see the situation first.

As he gently touched the thread of faith,

This pure flying unit is moving forward to form a high-speed army.

An insect swarm team began to speed up. This team consisted of a million thunder dragons with a body length of 20 meters, serving as the main combat unit and means of transportation.

He brought 2 million alien flying dragons, 6 million flying springtails, and 1 million self-destructing springtails to form Han Fei's exploratory attack team.

As the Thunder Dragon's wings flapped, they quickly broke away from the entire insect swarm army that was still advancing at a constant speed, and galloped towards the target city.


Varrick is the top general stationed in a large industrial city of the One-Eyed Clan.

In the quiet command room, he was looking at the central holographic projection worriedly.

On the surface of the blue holographic projection, a circle of red light was heading straight towards his defense zone at a uniform speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

Through the reports from towns along the way and the summary of information sent from the Holy City, Varrick already knows how terrifying these monsters coming towards this city are.

From the known intelligence, we can see that these evil minions have destroyed a heavily armed V3.

A 40 million-strong mechanical army was also wiped out.

The total number of them entering this world is close to 1.5 billion.

The number of this insect swarm coming towards his defense area is around 350 million.

There are 350 million monsters with strong fighting power. For the only 20 million One-eyed Clan troops stationed in this city, the number is already more than 17 times.

This made Varrick feel an invisible and huge pressure, even though he had temporarily recruited more than 80 million militiamen to strengthen the city's defense line.

He was still completely unsure about whether he could preserve the industrial city behind him.

At this moment, his adjutant suddenly rushed into the command room quickly.

"General Varrick, the latest situation..."

Still waiting for the adjutant to finish speaking, the holographic projection in the center of Varrick's battle command room flashed, and the information update was completed.

I saw a red dot suddenly separated from the circle of red light that was moving forward at a constant speed.

A brief piece of information quickly appeared at this point of light, showing that this was an insect swarm vanguard army numbering around 10 million.

They are accelerating towards this industrial city at the speed of this group of vanguard troops.

They will arrive at the city one hour earlier than the insect swarm advancing at a constant speed.

This means that the time for this city to engage in battle with the enemy will be earlier.

In front of his subordinates, Varrick did not show any panic.

He calmly looked away from the hologram, then turned to look at his adjutant, and said calmly:

"It seems that the other party does not intend to give us enough time to prepare. How is the situation on the defensive line?"

The adjutant saw that Varrick was so calm and not panicked at all, and he felt as if he had calmed down as well.

He immediately looked solemn, straightened his back, and then opened his mouth to report:

"General Varrick, the distribution of additional ammunition to each firepower point of our defense line has been completed, and the overall defense line installation completion rate is close to 90%."

"Only in the area outside the city, the directional air mine field is still in the final stage of operation. Based on the current efficiency, it is estimated that it can be completed within 30 minutes."

After listening to the adjutant's report, Varrick's expression did not change at all, and his tone remained calm.

"very good."

"I need support from 놚놅. Have you heard back from the Holy City?"

When Varrick asked about support, the adjutant's face suddenly turned ugly, and his voice was filled with anger.

"General, the Holy City has given us a reply."

"The mobile support corps is the closest to us now. They have other tasks. They will come over as soon as possible."

"Their reply was that it would take four days at the earliest before they could reach us."

Varrick sighed inwardly at the adjutant's answer.

He had actually expected this result, and now the evil god's minions have invaded on a large scale.

War is breaking out everywhere in this world, and the Theocracy's mobile support corps is unable to cope with the situation.

Everything still depends on him.

"I understand, go down."

After the adjutant left, a hint of worry once again emerged from Varrick's calm expression.

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