Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 179: Artillery Fire

If the numerical disadvantage was not too great, the mecha troops could completely rely on their range advantage to build a denser firepower network.

It is impossible for those followers of the evil god to break through and get close to them.

"Your Majesty Bishop......"

After all, Walder couldn't hold himself back and tried to speak again.

Phixius raised his hand to interrupt him, his face still warm and said: "Don't be anxious."

Seeing hundreds of thousands of divine mechas struggling against the surging tide of alien beasts, they were locked in a bitter battle.

Fisius finally gave the order: "Communications officer, connect the communication band of the vanguard force."

The communication was connected instantly, and the screen changed to an image of Physius wearing a white robe.

"놖 is the white-clothed Bishop Phethius, the agent of the will of the God of Creation."

"Loyal lambs of God, for the sake of the Creator God and to drive away evil, God will always be watching you."

Physius stood up, opened his arms, and glowed brightly from behind.

"For the Creator God, for the glory!"

The fanatical one-eyed people shouted and responded.

Feixius's face was full of auspiciousness and his smile was warm.

"Those who died in battle will surely be redeemed, their original sins will be washed away, and they will return to the embrace of the Creator God!"

"Today is the time to offer your loyalty to God..."

The warm but bewitching voice echoed in the communication frequency band, stimulating the fanatical one-eyed people who were fighting on the battlefield.

"I am willing to dedicate everything to the God of Creation..."

As the communications officer cut off the communication band, Fisius, who received satisfactory feedback, exhaled softly.

He turned around and ordered again: "Send the order to the heavily armed V3 formation, calibrate the front line, and use the divine heavy artillery to output at full power, providing indiscriminate fire coverage!"

"Your Majesty Bishop!"

When Walder heard this, a chill could not help but creep up his spine.

Fisius ignored him and looked around the bridge control room. His voice was still warm, but the content made Walder feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

“Do God’s will.”

Walder wanted to say something else, but he was under the indifferent gaze of Physius.

Unable to say another word, he had no choice but to remain silent.

Seeing that his immediate superior had acquiesced, the communications officer immediately began to convey Fisius's order with a pious expression.

After receiving the battle order, the ten heavily armed V3s only slowed down slightly, and the powerful heavy artillery they carried all adjusted their directions and pointed forward.


The divine pattern on the barrel lit up quickly, and the muzzle was surrounded by lightning. Energy cannonballs with a diameter of two meters were continuously compressed and charged under the use of the divine power field.

It took a full three seconds for these cannonballs composed of pure energy to reach their limit. Dozens of flames shot out from the barrel of the dense divine pattern.

Round after round of salvos began to fire continuously, causing the energy cannonballs wrapped in golden light to drag fiery tail flames like comets across the night sky, beautiful and gorgeous.

However, beneath their beautiful appearance, these gorgeous comets hide death and disaster.

"Boom boom boom......"

These beautiful flames exploded in the sky dozens of kilometers away.

The golden fireworks are like a gushing spring, raining down in the sky and melting all things.

The area covered by the explosion, whether it was a divine mecha or an alien flying dragon, was instantly inundated.

Even if it is a little far away, the shock wave visible to the naked eye will quickly tear 껣 into pieces.

By the time the smoke dissipated, the area covered by the explosion was completely cleared.

Only Yurong's face and billowing air waves surged and distorted everyone's vision.

Outside the coverage area, a few alien flying dragons and flying springtails that had escaped disaster were hovering in the sky.

Sporadic roars spread far away, as if they were mourning for the large number of people who died in an instant.

Outside the town of Sans, Han Fei looked at the purgatory-like scene in the distance and was completely shocked.

Shocked by the power of the divine heavy artillery, shocked by the ruthlessness of the enemy commander!

You must know that on the battlefield, this kind of indiscriminate fire coverage without distinguishing between enemies is completely taboo for military strategists.

It may seriously damage the morale of the legion at least, or cause mutiny at worst.

But doing this to the commander-in-chief was something Han Fei never expected.

"There are indeed too many uncertain factors in the battlefield, and surprises are always everywhere."

I sighed silently in 뀞.

Han Fei decisively raised the line of faith and ordered all troops to retreat quickly.

"The commander-in-chief opposite is a ruthless man. He can't be offended. He's gone, he's gone...!"

If the retreat is slow, this team may really be annihilated there.

At the same time, the main army of the insect swarm also began to retreat quickly.

At this range, if the enemy were to fire several rounds of heavy artillery at the main army of the insect swarm, although it would not cause any damage to the muscles and bones, the damage would still be enough to cause Han Fei pain.

Under the deliberate control of Han Fei, more than 400 million insect swarms flew in the sky, ran on the ground, and retreated quickly.

The scene of panic and running was full of chaos.

In the command ship of the mobile support force, after Fisius saw the response of the insect swarm, a trace of contempt that could not be concealed flashed in his eyes.

"Haha, a group of unintelligent beasts, in the face of Zhenzhen's power, can drive them to break up and run away."

"If the army does not have indestructible faith and iron will, it will be so vulnerable."

Fisius, who had already relaxed, leaned lightly on the back of the chair and slowly said:

"Send the order and pursue at full speed!"

"After entering the shooting range, each combat unit can attack freely and start hunting!"

This time, after hearing Fisius's order, the communications officer had a fanatical look in his eyes. He did not wait for Wald's signal and immediately issued a pursuit order to all units.

Wald lowered his head with a complicated look in his eyes and remained silent. He wanted to remind Fisius that everything was going too smoothly, judging from the intelligence.

The enemy's combat effectiveness should be more than that. It was too aggressive to easily choose to pursue the whole army.

But looking at the bridge, everyone had a fanatical and happy look on their faces.

The entire bridge immediately operated efficiently according to Fisius's order, and he could not say anything in the end.

Han Fei's stinging dragonfly looked into the distance and watched the enemy's army suddenly speed up.

There was a subtle relaxation in his eyes.


When this mechanical army was speeding up at full speed, the speed difference between different arms was particularly obvious.

The gunboats were equipped with multiple high-powered divine engines, which provided them with surging power and instantly increased their flight speed to the extreme.

In less than ten minutes, they rushed wildly and caught up with the slowest Zerglings.

While they were firing at the Zerglings below, they did not slow down at all.

Instead, they flew over the heads of these Zerglings and chased the dragons ahead.

The divine mecha troops that followed were frantically slaughtering the Zerglings that had been severely damaged.

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