Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 186 Eye of Judgment 2

The diameter of the bottom circular platform is estimated to be one kilometer.

In the circular platform area of ​​each layer within Han Fei's sight, there is a giant cannon engraved with mysterious divine patterns every fifty meters or so.

Compared with these giant cannons, the heavy cannons carried by the heavy armed V3 seem to be much smaller.

The bottom circular platform alone carries more than sixty divine giant cannons.

This pyramid has nine floors.

Although the top circular platform is only about the size of two standard football fields, it is not equipped with divine giant cannons.

But the strange flame floating above the circular platform seems to be more dangerous than the divine giant cannon.

The enchanting blood-colored outer flame, surrounded by the pupil-shaped dark flame heart, floats in the air.

It looks like a huge eye of fire, extremely creepy.

"There are nearly two hundred divine cannons, countless small-caliber close defense firepower, and the strange flames of the top round platform..."

Han Fei's scalp was numb, and he couldn't help but complain:

"Is this really just a lord-level unit? To what extent has this weird technology tree been selected?"

"The referee's mouth is deceiving, it is completely unreliable!"

Once this lord-level unit is put into the battlefield, it will be compared with the firepower intensity of heavy weapons.

It is clearly a dimensionality reduction attack, and the contestants will use their heads to block it?

"Have the church's senior leaders taken the wrong medicine? Are they ready to overturn the table?"

"It seems that I have to stop and run away as soon as possible."

Although Fixius didn't know much, he learned from the few words in the family records.

This lord-level unit moves very fast, and it seems that it can quickly reach any location in the divine domain in a short time.

This made Han Fei, who was always cautious, decide to prepare for the worst in advance.

Just as his thoughts were turning rapidly.

The strange pyramid was rising along the pillar of light.

Han Fei watched it gradually rise into the high-altitude clouds and completely lost its trace.

He only needed to visually know that the height of this climb was far beyond the flight limit of the stinging dragonfly, and it was impossible to track it.

Han Fei immediately showed his demigod spirit outside his own divine domain and observed through the blurred divine domain barrier of the stadium.

The huge creature that had floated above the clouds had distorted light around the giant flame eye on the top platform.

And began to gradually spread downward until the entire pyramid slowly became transparent and disappeared into the air.

"Invisible! This is troublesome."

Han Fei immediately hooked the line of faith and issued an order to the stinging dragonflies that were already all over the stadium.

If you find any trace of the pyramid, report it to him immediately.

Afterwards, Han Fei gave another order to Osem, asking him to speed up the relocation immediately.

Since all the industrial equipment has been relocated, the one-eyed residents in the city should be relocated first on the premise of ensuring basic living needs.

Especially scientific researchers, technicians, military and political talents and their families.

For other materials, the more expensive ones should be moved first.

In short, efficiency is the first priority, and the more you can move, the more you can move.

"Except for the necessary Zerg swarms required for transportation and guarding, the excess Zerg units should be dispersed as much as possible."

"In order to avoid being too big a target, the lord-level units will come to the door."

So far, Han Fei has made a lot of money by participating in this star zone competition.

He doesn't want to end up with a tragic ending, and the only way is to take the money and keep it safe.

"If I can't afford to offend, can't I hide!"

After arranging the retreat, Han Fei also began to take inventory of the existing troops.

10 million Pyroblast Dragonflies have always been regarded as his trump card. He has never used them and they are still fully staffed.

The loss of Thunder Dragons is not great either, and they still maintain a scale of 80 million.

However, the number of Alien Dragons has been reduced to 90 million, and the Zerglings have been damaged by more than half. The total number of Alien Zerglings and Flying Zerglings is about 500 million.

After the self-destructing Zerglings were used up by the mobile support troops, there were still more than 100,000 left.

However, in order to simplify the structure of the arms and reduce the pressure of command, Han Fei "cleared the inventory" in the sneak attacks in the following months, which completely squeezed out their surplus value.


You don't know until you count it. You will be shocked.

Han Fei's current Zerg swarm is only this small.

Since the competition began, nearly 800 million Zerg units have died in this arena.

"This group has lost more than half of its troops."

Glancing at his still far ahead points.

Han Fei decided to withdraw the swarm from the arena to avoid the limelight after bringing these one-eyed people back to his own divine domain, and wait and see for a while.

After thinking for a while, he gently hooked the line of faith.

All the flying dragons and jumping insects were dispersed to the surrounding areas in small formations of tens of millions to patrol continuously to ensure the safety of the transportation routes.

A large number of thunder dragons were also allocated to be used as transportation tools to strengthen the transportation capacity and do long-distance transportation work.

After all, nearly 200 million one-eyed people have to migrate, and pots and pans have to be brought with them, so the transportation capacity gap is not small.

Han Fei once again added a wave of workload to Osem through the line of faith.

In addition to informing him of the mobilization of troops, he also granted him the temporary permission to mobilize some thunder dragons.

Ossam felt Han Fei's attention and immediately summoned the top military and political officials in the city to discuss all matters related to the relocation of the entire city's population.

That night, all the important areas in the city were replaced by the Thunder Dragon formation.

The overwhelming flying dragons and springtails were like the pappus of dandelions.

Accompanied by the night wind, they scattered and scattered in all directions.

That night, Han Fei received another message from the stinging dragonfly.

In a large city thousands of miles away from the Holy City, the sky suddenly cast a huge column of light.

The "missing" pyramid appeared again, and it fell from the sky along the column of light.

As soon as Han Fei received the news, he directly attached himself to the stinging dragonfly that sent the message through the line of faith.

As soon as he turned his vision, he saw that the huge pyramid had stopped descending and hovered over the city.

The distance was close enough, and Han Fei directly perceived through his divine mind and immediately realized what was going on with the lord-level war unit mentioned by the referee.

In addition to using the God's Domain Core as a power source, there are more than 200 hero-level monoculars, plus nearly 20,000 elite-level monoculars.

"Sure enough, I've been saying for so long that I haven't seen a real hero-level monocular, and it turns out they are all here."

"How many more people are needed to control this war machine?"

"This should also be considered a pseudo-lord-level unit."

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