Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 205 Practical Test

Hearing Osem's answer, Han Fei nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, not bad, Osem, you have worked hard during this period, and I am very pleased."

"Keep going, I am optimistic about you~~!"

Hearing the Lord's condolences and praise, Osem was extremely moved for a moment.

"The Lord's eyes have been on me, and the Lord has seen my efforts during this period. This is the supreme honor."

Thinking of this, he immediately bowed his head again and prayed devoutly to Han Fei.

Boss Han looked at this worker who prayed devoutly, and his mood suddenly became happy again. The language reward of zero capital was as good as before.

Then he looked back and looked forward to the actual effect of the mental bridge.

The so-called mental bridge was originally a special device used by the single-eyed tribe to control the divine power machinery.

The mental power of the single-eyed tribe was originally a talent of the family.

When developing divine power technology, they even used this talent to an extremely high level.

For example, the God Power Mecha, the Heavy Armor V3, and even the pseudo-lord-level Eye of Judgment are all controlled by mental power.

Han Fei wants to build the Thunder Beast into a heavy tank-type soldier, and the most critical problem he faces is how to conduct wartime command.

According to the IQ of the Zerg, it is simply unrealistic to rely on shouting as a language communication method.

Infantry-tank coordination, echelon advancement, barrage extension, fire cover, team interspersion...

All kinds of refined command languages, if you want the Zerg to understand directly, this difficulty is probably going to break through the sky.

Even if Han Fei conducts command and dispatch through the line of faith, it is basically impossible to achieve.

In fact, during the star zone competition.

Han Fei already felt that he was unable to command large-scale cluster combat.

His own refined control, the starting number is tens of thousands of tens of thousands of upwards, it would be too difficult for him to be more refined.

Therefore, the pure swarm of insects tactics, relying on the advantage of numbers to rush up, is not cost-effective.

The appearance of the monocular man is his hope to change the current situation, so he must make good use of it.

If he continues to play the pure swarm of insects tactics, he will rush up in a wave at the beginning of the war...

If he leaves the monocular man alone, wouldn't he be an idiot?

The current solution is right in front of him, recruiting monocular soldiers to build a wartime command network with them.

Through them, he can control specific thunder beast formations and even other insects, and complete more detailed combat commands.

However, in order to implement this method, the first thing that needs to be solved is how the monocular soldiers communicate with the insect swarm.

Han Fei can grant all the fanatic monocular soldiers who participate in the war the permission to command the insect swarm.

Let them control part of the insect swarm, but the problem is that their orders must be understood by the insect swarm.

The mental bridge allows the Monoculars to communicate with the Zerg directly through mental connection, overcoming the barrier of language understanding and perfectly solving the communication problem.

With sufficient technical reserves, the transformation of the mental bridge is progressing rapidly. Pure transmission of thoughts is much simpler than controlling divine power machinery.

The scientific research and technical personnel of the Monoculars have been promoting this project, and the mental bridge for the existing Zerg population has been completed for the most part.

For the new species of Thunder Beast, as long as a few more tests and fine-tuning are done, it can perfectly meet the needs of use.


On the vast test site, the fully armed improved Thunder Beast quickly took place.

In the operating cabin carried by the Thunder Beast, Varrick, wearing a special helmet, has completed the mental bridge.

"Eight kilometers?"

He cast his eyes on the radar display screen, silently watching the fast approaching thick bright spot.

"Wait a little longer, it has not entered the range yet."

Varrick conveyed his thoughts to the Thunder Beast, asking him to stop on the spot.

He participated in the development of the Thunder Beast Armor, so he naturally understood the various performance parameters.

The original design concept was proposed by the Great Lord, but it was too idealistic and unrealistic.

Letting the Thunder Beast carry the Divine Power Heavy Cannon seems feasible, but there are many problems.

In addition, the large-caliber cannon equipped with the heavy weapon V3 is definitely not possible.

The weight of the gun mount and the barrel alone exceeds the Thunder Beast's tolerance!

This cannon is extremely powerful, and the divine power consumed is naturally ridiculous.

If not, the Single-Eyed Holy Church would not have built only a few heavy weapons.

It can be built, but not afforded!

On the contrary, the light cannon used by the Divine Power Mecha uses an ion plasma group accelerated by the Divine Pattern Magnetic Track, with a high firing rate and a long range.

Of course, the lethality is definitely far inferior to the Divine Power Cannon.

But it consumes more energy!

If you really don't like the power, you can increase the caliber.

There is no problem with the materials and craftsmanship. The large-scale improvement of artillery is often simpler than the small-scale improvement.

More importantly, the huge bone armor on the head of the Thunder Beast is like a head shield.

The oblique and towering head armor covers most of the back of the Thunder Beast.

If the Thunder Beast carries the divine power heavy artillery, it must lower its head and lean back every time it fires, and it is almost impossible to move and shoot.

In addition, the huge bone armor on the head also seriously affects the setting of the gun barrel, and it will be hit if you are not careful.

In contrast, if the operating cabin is carried on the back of the Thunder Beast, under the cover of the head armor, the safety of the operator will undoubtedly be maximized.

At the same time, the two sides of the Thunder Beast's body can carry medium-sized mecha guns at the same time, and the firepower is not bad.

This design is essentially to treat the Thunder Beast as a large mecha.

Equip the Thunder Beast with a saddle-shaped base platform, fixed on its back.

The operating cabin and even the mecha gun are all mounted and can be disassembled and replaced at any time.

If you must pursue super firepower, it is not completely impossible. Just mount a large and suitable divine heavy artillery on the back to turn it into a long-range artillery.

If you want to pursue dense firepower, then mount four light large-caliber machine guns directly on both sides of the body;

If you want to balance lethality and firing rate, then naturally mount two high-speed medium-sized guns.

After receiving Osem's report and learning about this design plan, Han Fei immediately chose to agree.

Professional matters must be left to professionals to solve.

As a leader, you must never do stupid things like guiding experts for the sake of face.

Han Fei not only approved this design, but also asked Osem to reward the participants of the proposal.

At this time, the thunder beast controlled by Varrick was equipped with two medium-sized guns.

This medium-sized gun is an improved and enhanced model of the God Power Mecha Gun.

It has a larger caliber, stronger power, and longer range.

The effective range is up to 3 kilometers, and the firing rate and accuracy are very good.

Although the thunder beast cannot fly, its agility is far inferior to the Thunder Dragon.

It can be used as a heavy tank-type soldier of the ground force. Compared with the tanks in Han Fei's previous life, this configuration is already strong enough!

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