Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 214 Behemoth

In the past two months, Han Fei often went into the warehouse to look around for a few days, and then had to come out to relax a little.

The reason was simple. After staying in the warehouse for a long time, he felt a chill on his back.

It was really creepy!

However, as time went by, Han Fei's attention gradually shifted from these biological specimens to the labels of the specimens.

The labels of these hundreds of thousands of strange collections, the descriptions and annotations.

It was just like Li Qinghai's life experience for countless years before he condensed his godhood.

It can even be said that these collections recorded his entire journey to becoming a true god in disguise.

For Han Fei, reading these labels was also a huge gain.

Han Fei couldn't help but feel fortunate that because he needed to use the characteristics of gene adjustment, he scanned the genetic conditions of these specimens one by one, and didn't directly select according to the list provided by the warehouse manager.

Otherwise, he would have missed this opportunity to gain knowledge and broaden his horizons.

After feeling lucky, Han Fei immediately immersed himself in the vast collection and continued to select.

In fact, Han Fei had already taken a fancy to a unique collection, but he continued to look down with the mentality of "not the best, only the better".

Besides, if he really finished selecting, the special permission to enter this warehouse would be invalid.

So Han Fei would not make a decision in advance without scanning the entire warehouse.

And the things in the seal card are one of the few collections that Han Fei is very satisfied with in this vast collection.

The large text note on the back is also particularly eye-catching.

[Seal Card]: Behemoth's appendix tissue.

[Collection Experience]: Entered the world of gods for the 4637th time, purchased from the market stall of the wandering merchant of the Golin tribe in the continent of gods' communication, spent divine power... ..., confidential.

[Collection Notes]: Behemoth, a giant void beast, is a top-level extraordinary individual that mutated into a void creature. It is extremely rare.

It can travel in the void for a long time without eating, relying on its physical body without any external force, and maintain the most basic survival needs by drawing energy from the void.

Compared with ordinary void species, Behemoth is huge, generally over 2,000 meters long, and cruel.

During its dormancy, if you don't move and approach it, it will be ignored directly. When it wakes up, it will show the powerful offensiveness of a predator...

The appendix tissue in the seal card has long been deactivated, and it is impossible to extract the essence of life and any blood, so the value is close to zero.


[Special Warning]: Golin merchants are all treacherous liars, often deceiving new buyers, and hope that future generations will be alert!

Spicy Gobi!

It's obviously appendix tissue, but it's heart tissue!

I spent a lot of divine power, but bought a specimen that is only worth collecting. I am so heartbroken that I want to die!

I will be a true god in the future. I will grab one if I see a Goering merchant in the real world, and grab a pair if I see two!

Han Fei: “………….”

When he saw this resentful note, Han Fei also felt pain for the Qinghai True God in his rookie period.

A lot of divine power, it is estimated that it will not be a small number.

A lesson with blood and tears!

But who made him greedy and want to pick up a bargain?

Behemoth, a predator at the top of the food chain in the void clan.

This is a mutant extraordinary individual that can leave the divine domain and move freely in the void.

They wander in the cold void, lurking in the cracks of space, hunting all creatures within the perception range.

Things related to Behemoth are not something you can just buy casually. This kind of rare mutant individual can be cultivated by almost few gods in the entire universe.

What are you dreaming about?

However, although Qinghai True God is really losing money, for Han Fei, this is a big profit.

Others think that the appendix tissue of Behemoth has little research value, but he can use it to analyze genes.

However, when Han Fei saw the dense extraordinary gene tumors in the appendix tissue of Behemoth.

It is also very different from the genes of all the species he has encountered before, and the difficulty of analysis is extremely high, he knew that he thought too much.

According to his current ability, even if he and Shirley take turns to work hard, it will take at least eight hours to analyze them all.

In the short term, Han Fei simply cannot handle it. He will not give up the current development rhythm of the Zerg and spend a few days to fully tackle these extraordinary genes.

Even if he hides now until the extraordinary genes of Behemoth are analyzed.

How long will it take to embed these genes into the Zerg gene template? Whether the hatching nest can withstand the embedding of extraordinary genes on this scale is unknown.

Without accumulating small steps, there is no way to reach the goal.

If the step is too big, it is easy to pull the egg.

If you are too ambitious and try to achieve it in one step, it will cause trouble.

For this reason, Han Fei has not yet selected this seal card, but only listed it as the best candidate.

Well, he also plans to continue to use the special permission to soak more time in this warehouse.

After all, the Thunder Beast and the Killer have just been developed and have not been pulled to the battlefield.

The development of the Zerg still has to be done step by step.


On the sixth day of the starship docking at the military port, Li Ren and the four participating students returned to the starship from the civilian star port.

It was a rare business trip in the real world, but before I had enough fun, I received a departure notice from the military.

It was a bit disappointing, but there was nothing I could do.

If you don't take advantage of the military fleet's rotation and follow the star gate, you have to go through the regular channels and wait in line for the passage dispatch.

If you really stay for ten days or half a month because of your extravagant appearance.

That would be too much of a delay. It is estimated that before the three-star big company issues a punishment, his true god ancestor will have to do it himself and clean up the door.

The ancestral motto of the Li family: You can ride the waves in the waves, but if the waves really capsize the boat, wait for the ancestor's stormy waves.

The next day, the area near the star gate was temporarily cleared.

A formation of 100 warships slowly sailed out of the military port and entered the transmission waiting area of ​​the star gate.

This batch of military warships are all painted black.

The streamlined hull is engraved with complex textures, and the glow of fireflies flows in the dark deep space background. They are obviously expensive divine warships.

Even though the application of divine power within the civilization has been highly popularized, the military cannot fully equip advanced divine power warships.

It's still the old saying:

You can afford to build, but you can't afford to maintain!

Among the fleet of divine power warships, the small silver-white shield-shaped starship is particularly eye-catching.

At this time, the concave bottom of this starship tightly adheres to the outer deck of the bow of the fleet flagship.

From a distance, it looks like a parasitic barnacle attached to the head of a swordfish, or a swordfish with a hole hammered out of its head.

The fleet commander was very annoyed about this, but he dared not speak out.

Who made him also have the surname Li?

That starship also had his second uncle sitting on it!

"Damn, you just didn't apply for Samsung University?"

"You just miss the military academy, is there any need to hold a grudge?"

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