Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 218 Integration into the Gene Pool

Gods communicate in the land.

After Han Fei settled in Capital Star, he took the time to enter the True God's collection and wander around.

It took several years of back and forth to finally see all the hundreds of thousands of collections.

"Good guy, I always feel like this is a biology major that I studied on my own, and I also got a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, and a Ph.D. degree by the way!"

Han Fei had to admire his patience, shook his head and laughed.

After looking through all the collections, he finally chose Behemoth's appendix organization. He took the seal card and said goodbye to the complicated-looking warehouse manager.

As soon as he returned to the God's Domain, Han Fei's demigod body descended on the Earth Temple.

The insect queen Shirley was very surprised by the arrival of the master.

"Lord, you are back!"

She leaped into the air with a cry, walked forward to meet him, and kept circling around Han Fei.

Han Fei was dizzy and held down Shirley's head.

"꺶I haven't seen you for half a month, and I have gained a lot of weight."

"Are you just enjoying eating, drinking and playing? Have you studied with me?"

Han Fei looked at her belly, which had gained a lot of weight, and raised reasonable doubts.


Shirley drooped her antennae and didn't dare to answer. She was obviously feeling guilty.

"Hey, look at Dimi, and then look at yourself..."

Han Fei didn't intend to pursue it, but just put on a disappointed look in order to increase her sense of shame.

In fact, although he has not come here often in recent years, he still knows Shirley's actual situation very well.

Shirley's growth is definitely not lazy, but compared to her pet Dimi, she is still less enthusiastic about learning.

Speaking of Dimi, Han Fei couldn't help but admire him.

In just over ten years, he not only completed dozens of basic science and engineering courses, but also specialized in biogenetics.

Now, this little guy has begun to lead an independent scientific research team to carry out project research.

What makes Han Fei even more satisfied is that the research project Dimi participated in is a reverse deduction demonstration project of his own genetic mutation.

According to the information reported by Osem, Dimi is really a ruthless insect.

In order to fight for progress, other scientific research groups must be ahead of others to obtain phased results in order to obtain more scientific research funds and higher-end equipment.

He often sliced ​​himself into slices and used them as research materials for his scientific research team.

Among all the families dominated by Wei Wei, this little guy has Han Fei's demeanor, and he is the undisputed king of office troubles.

Neither the divine messenger Osam nor the insect queen Shirley could wrap up this thirty-centimetre-tall little thing.

"Lord, I know I was wrong."

"I will work hard in the future..."

Shirley landed slowly, lowered her head and sincerely admitted her mistake, making a firm promise.

Han Fei curled his lips and didn't take it seriously at all.

This Internet addict has long since lost her skills. Without Han Fei's supervision, the validity period of each promise she made would never exceed half a month.

I knew I was wrong, but I still dared to do it this time!

Han Fei had no time to teach her a lesson, so he took out the sealing card and crushed it into pieces.

The fragments of the divine card turned into countless golden light spots and scattered on the ground.

After the light dissipated, a bunch of shriveled muscle tissue appeared out of thin air on the ground. The basin was small and had some slight wrinkles in some parts.

When Shirley saw what Han Fei took out, her eyes sparkled and she asked expectantly.

"Lord, this is..."

The instinct originating from the deepest part of Zerg genes actually gave her an uncontrollable desire to devour the strange thing in front of her.

"Uh..., this is the... fat intestine of a void creature?"

"Temporarily integrate it into the gene bank, store it, and conduct genetic analysis when you have time in the future."

Han Fei looked stern and gave vague instructions.


When Shirley heard Han Fei's explanation, she cheered and immediately swooped over, preparing to grab the thing with her ant jaws.

"I'm going! Don't eat! Stop!"

When Han Fei saw her action, he was instantly stunned and quickly reached out to stop Shirley's behavior.

Shirley, who was suddenly stopped from eating, looked back at Han Fei, as if she had thought of something.

He immediately showed excitement and said happily:

"I'll let the chef take it and clean it up, then process it and make it into sashimi!"

"Thanks to the master for reminding me, Shirley is no longer the stupid idiot who looked like hair and drank blood."

"Now, I am an insect queen who pays attention to exquisite food."

Although frying and frying will not destroy the genetic information carried by genes, it will change the secondary structure of the genome, making future gene analysis more difficult.

Then simply make it into sashimi, with some good dipping sauce, it will not only taste good, but also chewy.

Shirley silently approved of her idea.

Hearing Shirley's words, Han Fei's head was filled with black lines. Han Fei stared and said without any doubt:

"Sashimi you 꺶headed ghost!"

"I didn't let you eat it with your mouth, so quickly devour it with the food in your belly and save the genes for me!"

Regarding Han Fei's order, Shirley immediately showed her unwillingness, but she did not dare to go against the master's will.

"Ah, this..., okay."

She drooped her tentacles and reluctantly used her belly to eat, devouring Behemoth's appendix tissue.

The whole insect was wilted with heartache because of missing the delicious food.

Han Fei couldn't laugh or cry when he saw her look like this.

That's an appendix!

If you had no IQ, I would have stuffed it in your mouth!

Han Fei could only silently offer the sweet date temptation method to divert Shirley's attention.

"Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful, hurry up and study!"

"If you can get 90 points in the test at the end of the month, your pocket money will double next month!"

Shirley's face changed instantly, she cheered, turned her head and ran to the study.

"Okay, it's settled, don't regret it!"

As long as I run fast enough, the master will not regret it.

Han Fei had already expected her to react like this, and he was already used to it.

"Hehe..., you are still too young to fight me!"

In the following days, Han Fei entered a relatively normal life.

Thanks to the bracelet given by Li Qinghai, the body in the real world has time to eat and exercise every day.

It is mainly to adapt to the slow changes brought about by the divine power of the body and soul.

The main focus of the world of gods is still to maintain the daily work state.

For example, the one-eyed people have completely adapted to their new home.

Especially the freshmen, who were born and raised here, and the three views education they received since childhood all came from the brainwashing course compiled by Feixius.

These children have no concept of the earlier history of the one-eyed people, and they are not interested.

They only know that it was the great master who defeated the evil church, brought salvation to the one-eyed people, and gave the one-eyed people a beautiful new home.

Compared with the elders, they are undoubtedly easier to become believers.

As the one-eyed freshmen gradually grow up, the younger ones have already met the conditions for enlistment.

The first batch of freshmen entered the army and became the main force of the one-eyed army.

On the contrary, many veterans, because their faith level has never been improved, it is difficult to control more Zerg, resulting in the inability to be promoted to military positions, and they are overtaken by the freshmen soldiers.

But for the top military officials, it is undoubtedly a double-edged sword.

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