Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 231 Artillery fire coverage

Fifty million armed thunder beasts descended from a height of twenty meters at low altitude.

For the huge and powerful thunder beast, this height is a big deal.

It was almost like an ordinary strong man jumping from the second floor with two heavy machine guns on his back.

However, 50 million giant beasts were smashing down 놇눓 one after another, and the movement was ridiculously loud.

"Boom boom..., boom boom boom..."

The big 눓놇 cracked and groaned, as if it had been ravaged by an unbearable force.

Strong shock waves, centered on this area, rippled out like ripples.

Even the two armies fighting in the distance could feel the obvious shock.

"Attention, all members of the Thunder Beast Legion, line up and activate the armed self-check system!"

"Commanders at all levels connect with their subordinates and report self-inspection status step by step..."

Legion Commander Varrick continued to issue orders.

These soldiers of the Thunder Beast Legion, even without orders from 놛, will take the initiative to implement the established regulations.

In just two minutes, the five million Thunder Beast pilots and the 50 million armed Thunder Beasts they control were ready.

In such a short period of time, the smoke and dust covering this area have not yet dissipated.

Even Anzil and Hans, the two stunned demigods, were still stunned, completely shocked by Han Fei's airdrop operation.

Commander Varrick, whose face was full of excitement, could not care about the external situation. His fingers were constantly operating on the screen in front of him, and orders were issued quickly one after another.

"Thunder Beast Legion, everyone, please pay attention!"

"According to the brigade-level sequence, delineate the area and set the fire coverage mode!"

Under the control of the monocular driver of the fifty million thunder beasts, they all crouched with their hind limbs bent and firmly grasped with their forelimbs, allowing the artillery mounted on both sides to show a large elevation angle.

"Rapid fire mode, stepped volley..."


Amidst the continuous roar, hundreds of millions of cannons were fired.

Dense hot plasma clusters shot out, and the lingering electric light and flames were twisted and pulled, nearly intertwined into a network.

The smoke and dust in the sky were instantly wiped away by this scorching fire net.

Viewed from the air, it looks like the sun is rising into the sky, sweeping away the thick clouds and haze.

Seeing this scene, Anzil and Hans both turned pale with horror.

The detonating plasma screamed across the sky, and with the horrified eyes of the 놇놛s, it flew fiercely towards the distant battlefield area.

Hundreds of millions of tigers and kobolds had no way to escape, and could only watch the gorgeous rain of fire falling with despair.

Intensive roars stopped, and the smoke and dust caused by the explosion spread rapidly.

No matter whether you are a kobold or a tiger-headed man, they will all be wiped out in such dense artillery fire.

Countless lives couldn't even cry, and they didn't even feel much pain before they were completely turned into dust.

Even so, there are still exceptions on the battlefield.

For example, the kobold shaman holding up a single shield, and the heroic Khajiit chief in the distance with his fighting spirit transformed into armor to withstand artillery fire.

The tiger chief who was stationed amid the explosion looked at the direction of the artillery fire, his eyes covered with bright red bloodshot eyes.

The Tiger Tribe respects the strong, and has brave and militant blood flowing in their bodies.

People have always been afraid of war, and regard death on the battlefield as the glory of the brave.

But what makes the Tiger Chief sad and angry is that countless warriors from the tribe did not fall in the battle, but died because of the enemy's shameless sneak attack.

놛Circuiting his fighting spirit crazily, he jumped into the air and looked across the wild.

Under the continuous artillery fire, the flames surged and spread like roaring waves, devouring the vast grassland.

Although a few soldiers withstood the artillery bombardment, they were trapped in the flames.

Struggling and roaring, but knowing where to run.

The tiger chief looked at this purgatory-like scene and couldn't suppress the anger in his chest.

Those red eyes were blazing with flames of hatred.


The roar of the tiger shook the wild, conveying the hope of death to the remaining warriors of the tribe.

Amidst the sound of the explosion, only the roar of tigers could be heard continuously. Countless remaining tiger warriors roared to the sky in response to the call of their leader in the sea of ​​flames.

Whether these tiger roars are loud, deep, hoarse, or weak, they all contain the same meaning.

Fight to the death!

The tiger chief stepped on the sea of ​​fire, roaring and killing the thunder beasts in the distance.

Every time he stepped out, the sea of ​​​​fire below surged to both sides, like two standing high walls, revealing a black and wide killing path.

The remaining tiger warriors, following the guidance of the leader's roar, also feared death and crossed the sea of ​​fire to kill the shameless attackers.

High in the sky, Anzil's demigod shadow had a panoramic view of this tragic scene.

놛 had a sad expression, and his eyes contained a mixture of anger and fear.

Seeing the actions of the tiger chief, 놛 wanted to send an oracle to stop him.


The determination in the tiger's roar shocked 놛's heart, and 놊 endured, 놊 wished, and even 놊 dared to stop.

Although Anzil was able to assess the situation and do what he could, he had no intention of forcing his family members, especially his hero-level family members, to go against their nature.

If a race like the tiger people, which is born for war, loses its bravery and fear of death, it will break its back and lose its clan soul.

In fact, it's not just the tiger people who are like this.

Even the kobolds, who were known for their cunning and cruelty, had lost their minds at this time.

놊…………, it should be said that 놛 had already lost their minds, and at this time 놊 had lost even more completely.

The remaining dog-headed men, whether warlocks or warriors, have all been corrupted by their bloodthirsty desires, and they are also madly killing in the direction of the shells.

Especially the dog-headed warriors with low willpower, who have been completely stimulated by Hans's divine characteristics.

They threw away their weapons, roared and exposed their fangs, and used their limbs like beasts, stepping on the scorched earth and running forward.

The speed is much faster than that of the tiger people.

As a demigod, Hans is even crazier than his dog-headed followers at this time.

Facing the sudden impact, his consciousness could not even maintain the demigod phantom in the sky.

In the void outside the divine domain, Hans's demigod spirit body roared.

He saw his hands condensed into claws, tearing his hair madly, and the long green hair was faintly stained with blood.


In the distant void, a slightly perceptible disturbance appeared, but it was fleeting.

Seeing Hans's situation, the two demigods who came to protect the contestants in the void secretly communicated with their divine thoughts, but they obviously had no intention of taking action.

"This is just the mental backlash caused by too many breaks in the thread of faith."

"The will is too fragile. If you can hold on, your willpower will probably surge. It can be regarded as a blessing and a curse."

"Well, even if you hold on, you will be weak for a while at most, and there will be no sequelae."

"Keep watching the show, it's still time for us to take action..."

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