Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 330 Holy Spirit Heseman


Hesseman obviously still didn't understand the situation, and hurriedly replied with mental power: "Great Lord, please forgive me, Heseman is stupid, I don't know what the Lord is asking about?"

"Huh?" Han Fei asked with surprise in his eyes: "You don't know that you have been promoted to a Holy Spirit, right?"

"Holy... Holy Spirit?"

Hesseman was completely confused, and subconsciously took a few sips of nutrient solution to relieve the shock in his heart.

Dimi's science interest class, after reading relevant information, naturally knew what the Holy Spirit was, and also knew how low the probability of the family being promoted to the Holy Spirit was.

Hesseman once dreamed of becoming a hero-level family, but he never thought of becoming a Holy Spirit.

After all, to be promoted to a hero-level unit, it depends on combat effectiveness.

Heseman's powerful mental power is not only close to reality, but also continues to soar. As long as he continues to explore the effectiveness of telekinesis, he may be transformed into a hero-level combat unit.

In fact, most brainworms are optimistic about the prospects of telekinesis, and Dimi is also constantly deepening his research in this area.

Heroes and their dependents are completely different from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a transformation at the level of faith.

It also involves a certain connection between God and his dependents, and even includes subjective pursuits and core concepts.

In short, this is a probabilistic event without a standard direction and answer.

As a fanatic Heseman, he felt that his will must have been distorted a long time ago, so he never had any extravagant hopes for this.

Heroes and their dependents can be cultivated with resources, but the Holy Spirit does not do it at all.

"Yes, you have become a Holy Spirit."

"I also want to find out how you transformed into a Holy Spirit."

Han Fei was overjoyed, a little bit amused.

What the hell is going on?

Isn't it said that the Holy Spirit is the self-reflection of the gods?

What soul commonality do such a kind and sunny boy like Mr. Jin have with this cowardly parasite?

There is nothing in common at all.

Just then, Han Fei was shocked to find that this cowardly guy had completely fallen into a state of confusion, and his thoughts were messy.

"Why don't you tell me about your transformation."

Seeing Heseman's performance, Han Fei could only guide him and try to sort out his thoughts.

Heseman did not dare to neglect it. He carefully recalled his experiences in recent days and told them in detail.

The extremely high degree of brain development makes his memory extremely strong.

Even if he ignored some minor details at the time, as long as he recalled it deliberately, the whole picture would appear in his mind, and it was the kind with sound effects, just like a full-scale camera.

His description was extremely detailed, even a little long-winded.

However, Han Fei listened very seriously, rarely interrupted, and only asked questions occasionally.

It took two days for Heseman to suck up eight boxes of super nutrient solution, and Han Fei signaled that he didn't need to recall it anymore.

"According to you, when you retreated, you only thought about saving your life, and didn't think about anything else?"

Han Fei tried to find the real point from all kinds of complicated information.

"Uh..., that's roughly what I meant."

"Strictly speaking, I was in a state of panic at the time. I was thinking about how to escape back to the center of the divine domain as soon as possible, and I didn't even have time to consider whether I could save my life."

"Whoever dares to stop me, I will fight to the death!"

Hesseman thought carefully for a while, and then tried his best to make a more accurate statement.


Han Fei felt that he seemed to have a vague clue, but he couldn't figure out the key.

Han Fei thought for a long time and got nothing. He knew that if he continued to think about it deliberately, he would easily fall into a dead end of thinking.

It's better to take it slowly first. You don't know when a flash of inspiration will suddenly come to you and you will suddenly figure it out.

"Let's leave it at that for now, and we'll talk next time."

Han Fei rubbed his brows helplessly, then smiled at Heseman in a gentle tone: "From now on, all brainworms are under your command."

"From now on, in the entire swarm, your status is equal to Dimi, only lower than the queen."

Han Fei and Heseman communicated for two days, and from their words, he could hear that he was afraid of Dimi, so he deliberately said this.

Han Fei also knew Dimi's nature, and he would not allow him to mess with Heseman.

"Thank you for your favor, Lord!"

After hearing this, Heseman was really ecstatic.

Heseman actually didn't care much about the status of the Zerg.

For him, as long as the salary was high enough and he didn't have to live in fear all the time, he would be satisfied.

"Well, take the time to record your transformation in detail."

"Including your psychological changes from birth to death, write at least 10,000 words as detailed reference materials to provide research direction for Dimi."

"From now on, you and Dimi will co-host this project, and try to find out how you transformed into a holy spirit as soon as possible."

Han Fei thought about it, and said temptingly again Angrily: "As long as you do this well, I will not be stingy with the reward."

"I have good news for you in advance. I just built a high-level life spring not long ago."

"If you can figure out why you became a holy spirit, or find a way to make your followers become holy spirits."

"At that time, even if you want to take a bath with high-level life water essence, it is not impossible............"

After hearing about Han Fei's incentives, Herseman was so excited at the moment that he couldn't help but look forward to the bright future.

"Thank you Lord for your generosity, Heseman will definitely work hard."

"Well, I'm optimistic about you."

As Han Fei finished speaking, 놛놅's demigod body gradually dissipated, and he immediately withdrew from the world of gods.

As soon as his consciousness returned to reality, and before he climbed out of the special landing cabin, he received a message from the class teacher Xu Feng.

"Han Fei, is your son finally overturned?"

Xu Feng's tone had a hint of anticipation, which made him feel weird.

"Well, you don't know. In order to cover the evacuation of my teammates, I sacrificed myself to cut off their rear..."

"Such a sacrifice for the sake of noble sentiments eventually led me to find that there was only so much of the divine realm left."

"Look at this situation, why don't I apply to the school for some subsidies or get some relief?"

Han Fei burst into tears when he said this, and his words were as sad as a cuckoo weeping and a bloody ape wailing.

Showing weakness, helplessness and pity.


Xu Feng was really impressed by this thick-skinned person, which made him dumbfounded.

"That's why I'm looking for you. There is an insurance system within the school specifically designed to help students who have been robbed regain their strength."

Seeing Han Fei's confused look, Xu Feng then explained carefully:

"Probably, the school will provide an insurance for everyone who enters the 'Cradle' to study. This insurance will accumulate the amount according to your study status."

"I see that you have passed your studies, and you should get a lot of insurance money. You can apply to clear the accumulated limit now, and receive this resource from the school resources to restore your strength."

"Of course, you can also choose not to apply for the time being, accumulate a higher insurance amount, continue to go out, and wait until the next time you fail to receive this resource..."

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