Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 334 New Developments

Under the leadership of the high-ranking one-eyed people headed by Osem, the one-eyed people returned to Han Fei's divine domain and quickly invested in the construction of their new home.

Their level of divine power technology development is not low, although they have migrated their entire tribe twice in a short period of time.

Most of the heavy machinery and even industrial buildings were transferred with them and not abandoned.

Now, as long as the terrain exploration is completed as soon as possible and the overall construction plan is planned, they can start construction quickly.

In the half year in the world of the gods, dozens of large cities on East Island have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

With the completion of rail transit between cities, the transportation of resources has become more convenient and smooth, and the infrastructure construction speed of the one-eyed people has also been continuously improved.

It is estimated that in a few years, they can build East Island more prosperous and advanced than the previous Shen'en Continent.

In order to cultivate these subordinate families well, Han Fei even spared no expense to ask Liu Dan for help and got him a batch of divine power technology information, which was specially handed over to the scientific researchers of the single-eyed tribe for research.

Although theoretical science cannot be achieved quickly, practical technology can develop in leaps and bounds.

Now the shipbuilding industry of the single-eyed tribe has made breakthrough progress after obtaining these materials.

Although they have not yet understood the operating principle of the core array pattern of the divine power starship, this does not prevent them from imitating and engraving those complicated divine patterns exactly.

Although the copycat divine power starship has a lot of problems, it can occasionally launch a catapult and self-destruct in the air, which is much better than not being able to do anything.

First seek to have, then seek good! Technology will always improve after defeat.

Slowly improve and study, and then ponder for hundreds of years, until Han Fei ignites the divine fire.

These military-industrial enterprises of the monocular tribe should also be able to build qualified divine starships for void navigation.

Now Han Fei is still not sure whether he can cultivate a large Zerg unit that can roam in the void.

Therefore, the technology related to the divine battleship must be developed earlier.

Once this kind of thing is made, it can be sold on the Gods Exchange Continent even if it is not his own.

Arms trafficking has always been a highly profitable business.

When the national infrastructure of the East Island is in full swing.

The West Island allocated to the monocular population seems particularly peaceful and tranquil.

Because these monoculars are embedded with Zerg genes, they have no reproductive ability, so the population is naturally small.

After the "selfless" contribution of Queen Shirley and Dimi's years of genetic improvement, the number of hatching nests that can produce monoculars has increased to ten.

There are exactly 100,000 larvae of single-eyed worms hatched every day.

For many years, in the cultivation system of survival of the fittest, the extremely high elimination rate plus the natural mortality rate, the number of single-eyed worms that can become fanatics and obtain the title of "brain worm" has not exceeded 10,000 so far.

After Han Fei was forced to break the divine domain, the single-eyed worms at the level of devout believers were almost extinct.

After more than half a year of hatching, the population of single-eyed worms has just recovered to a scale of 10,000.

Today, there are only 10,000 single-eyed worms living in West Island, but the area is comparable to that of East Island. It is really a vast land with few worms.

The living conditions of single-eyed worms are completely different from those of the single-eyed tribe.

In the larval stage, they only need to do two things, eating and learning.

Eating is to live;

Learning is to live long.

Therefore, there are no towns in West Island, only large closed cultivation centers.

All the born single-eyed larvae will spend the initial growth stage in the church temple. Only after reaching the level of devout believers and passing the examination, they are qualified to walk out of the church temple alive.

They will transfer to the scientific research and military academy for further study, complete their studies and pass the faith examination again before they can graduate.

Then these qualified single-eyed larvae will be assigned to various Zerg corps or various scientific research centers.

In the army, single-eyed larvae at the level of devout believers can only serve as non-commissioned officers at best, and their status is equivalent to that of ordinary Zerg units.

Only when the faith level reaches the level of fanatics will they be granted the mental power meditation method, undergo mental power mutation, and be promoted to brain worms, and obtain a transcendent status and generous treatment in the Zerg swarm.

As for the single-eyed larvae entering various scientific research centers, if their faith reaches the level of fanatics, they can also undergo mental power mutation and change their life path.

And brain worms with outstanding academic talents can also go to scientific colleges to study by themselves. After obtaining their graduation certificates, they can apply to transfer to scientific research institutions to work.

It's not to mention that there are quite a few of these cowardly brainworms who want to do scientific research.

Han Fei is encouraging this. Anyway, when the war really comes, he can forcibly recruit these cowards with powerful mutant mental power to go to the battlefield, and he will not lose anything.

At the same time, on the other side of the South Island, Dimi, Fisius, and Heseman formed a three-person research team and turned the entire South Island into a test site.

They jointly launched the desert island survival competition, preparing to throw the selected brainworms directly to the primitive island where wild beasts are infested, and let them survive alone in the wild.

As long as the brainworms who take the initiative to participate in the competition can survive on the desert island for enough time, or find a way to escape from the desert island and return safely.

They can get extremely rich rewards. The prizes are so generous that it is not a dream for these brainworms to take a bath in super nutrient solution.

As the saying goes, people die for money, and insects die for food.

In particular, the brainworms' thirst for high-level nutrients and their uncontrollable desire to eat are the nature engraved in the deepest part of their genes.

With enough prizes to tempt them, there are quite a few brainworms who dare to sign up.

At this time, the three giants of the competition organizing committee are carefully screening the information of the brainworms who have signed up for the competition in the Heart Temple of South Island.

As the leader of the competition, Dimi is happily flapping his little wings and sending a message to the new follower Heseman:

"Since we can't find the reason why you transformed into a holy spirit, then replicate your growth experience."

"Select all the brainworms whose childhood growth experience is similar to yours to participate in the competition, let them struggle to survive on the line of life and death, and see if they can transform."

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