Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 354 Attacking Eggs

At this time, Liu Dan's divine domain had already entered the battlefield, stretching across the center.

He only raised two transmission channels, bridging the divine domains of the participating students in the first star zone.

In a short moment, the transmission channel has taken shape, and the space is stable.

A large number of skylark puppets swarmed out from the channel.

The local tyrant, who has never lacked divine power, directly used these puppet families as anchors and cast half-god phantoms in the four divine domains at the same time.

"Let all your family troops evacuate the areas near the channel entrances, try to shrink the troops, and guard the core area."

The mighty divine sound, driven by the majestic divine thoughts, quickly spread out.

His tone was unquestionable.

These young participating students felt a little uncomfortable listening to it, but they could only obey obediently.

In the world of gods where the weak are the prey of the strong, being a vegetable is the original sin.

Not bullying the weak is the demeanor of the strong.

But to gain the respect of the strong, you have to speak with strength.


Amid the roar that resounded through the world, hundreds of millions of thunder dragons swarmed out from the entrance of the invasion channel.

These thunder dragons were purchased by Liu Dan from Han Fei at the cost of a lot of divine power.

Especially after Han Fei's divine domain was destroyed, it has only maintained more than 1 billion main battle insect swarms.

Seeing that a large number of exclusive hatching nests were idle, Han Fei simply sold a large number of thunder dragons to Liu Dan.

So Liu Dan can purchase a batch of thunder dragons according to the carrying capacity of his divine domain every once in a while.

This makes the thunder dragons in his divine domain always maintain a scale of about 1 billion.

After all, the consumption of thunder dragons is relatively large, and there is no reproduction function, so there must be an upper limit to their lifespan.

He had to implant the puppet core into the brain tissue of the Thunder Dragon and turn it into a biological puppet before he could hand it over to his family to control it.

If he bought too many at once, the inspection and maintenance of the puppet crystal core would be quite stressful.

But even so, Liu Dan's current number of Thunder Dragons was not as many as Han Fei's.

However, Liu Dan did not intend to waste a large number of troops in this rescue operation.

He did not even send reinforcements to the core area of ​​the divine domain of the participating students, but first let the Thunder Dragons gather above the entrance of the passage.

One floating wizard tower after another, towed and escorted by a large number of magic warships, slowly drove out of the invasion channel.

"Go, block the enemy's invasion channel."

Liu Dan's oracle was simple and clear, and he issued an oracle to the heroic wizards who controlled the wizard towers.

Surrounded by the Thunder Dragons, the huge fleet traveled at a constant speed against the sound barrier cloud.

It looked slow and steady, but the mighty tide of magic power distorted the light, sweeping across the sky like ripples.

In just a few minutes, they had already reached the nearest enemy invasion channel.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Thunder Dragons used lightning to carry out a covering attack on the enemy ground forces stationed at the channel.

Occasionally, enemy air combat units wanted to take off to fight.

They would be immediately killed by scorching beams of magic energy, as precise as a scalpel.

The heavy insect cloud and the fleet wrapped in it did not even slow down for this.

The cruel reality made the enemy deeply realize the ridiculousness of trying to stop a chariot with a mantis arm.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were completely cleared.

Facing the frantic fleeing enemy, the fleet commander did not order a pursuit, and even disdained it.

After all, their gods had long since instructed that losses should be avoided as much as possible in this battle.

A floating wizard tower, dragged by the magic warship, finally arrived above the passage.

As the magic warship released the traction beam, the wizard tower slowly lowered its height until it hovered just above the space crack.

The hero-level wizard sitting cross-legged on the top floor of the tower began to chant the mysterious spell.

The magic patterns engraved on the tower body lit up layer by layer, like the meridians of the human body, from the bottom of the tower base, quickly spreading upward to the top of the tower.

The large crystal core embedded in the top was shining.

Thousands of silver-white light threads danced back and forth like seaweed.

In the thick insect cloud, a part of the Thunder Dragon suddenly dived down and circled around the wizard tower.

The silver-white light threads seemed to be pulled, piercing into the Thunder Dragon's chest, and then connected to the heart.

The heart of the Thunder Dragon, like a super-powerful water pump, continued to shrink and expand.

The surging thunder attribute magic power, along with the silver-white light threads, continuously poured into the crystal core on the top of the wizard tower.

The crystal core, which was originally glowing with a colorful halo, turned into a deep blue color in an instant, and countless tiny lightning flashes jumped on its surface.

Thick lightning snakes sprang out from the base of the crystal core, circled down along the magic pattern of the tower body, and merged into the square amplification magic circle at the bottom of the tower base.


In the roar, the rich liquid thunder magma poured down like a waterfall, washing the space cracks at the entrance of the passage.

The violent magic energy tide instantly distorted the space around it.

And the ground below the entrance of the passage was flooded by thunder magma at this time, and the huge deep pit that collapsed was filled with thunder liquid in the blink of an eye.

The constantly gushing and jumping lightning turned the land within a radius of several miles into a life restricted area.

After the transformation and amplification by the Mage Tower, the effective utilization rate of thunder energy is undoubtedly much higher than letting the Thunder Dragon focus its fire on its own.

If the Thunder Dragon wants to achieve this blockade effect by focusing its fire, it will not last long, and the magic power accumulated in its body will be drained.

But with the rational use of the Mage Tower, these Thunder Dragons can only be used as magic absorbers and converters.

They can continuously absorb the free magic energy between heaven and earth, convert it into magic, and provide energy for the Mage Tower's 3D crystal core.

As long as the hero-level mage who controls the Mage Tower pays attention to adjusting the speed of magic transmission, the blockade can be maintained for a long time.

This is one of the main reasons why Liu Dan would purchase a large number of Thunder Dragons.

Since purchasing a large number of Thunder Dragons, his daily consumption of magic crystals has really dropped sharply.

Although Han Fei made a lot of money, Liu Dan definitely did not lose!

Thunder Dragon has strong attack power?

How strong can it be than the main gun of the magic battleship?

Not to mention the forbidden spells cast by the hero-level mage under the blessing of the advanced Mage Tower.

What Liu Dan values ​​is always the powerful talent of Thunder Dragon to quickly restore magic.

This is basically a small storage battery, and it has a built-in charging function.

Spend such a high price to buy it as cannon fodder?


In the horrified eyes of all the members of the looting group, Liu Dan's family army carried out the established tactics slowly.

It took only a few hours to block more than a dozen invasion passages.

Not to mention these looting group members, even Mu Peng was dumbfounded.

She sat on the throne, staring blankly at the picture sent back by the projection screen, with shock written in her clear eyes.

Mu Peng never knew that Liu Dan had so many hero-level mages!

Nearly ten!

"This damn stinky guy... How many things are he hiding!"

Mu Peng's lips trembled slightly, and his expression was extremely complicated and difficult to understand.

She has always been very competitive since she was young, and she always believed that her talent and potential could overwhelm her peers.

Even after seeing Han Fei's battle records, Mu Peng did not think she was weaker than him.

But when she saw some of the cards Liu Dan deliberately revealed, she really realized how ridiculous her past arrogance was.

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