Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 358 Discipline Committee

At the same time, in the office of the Operations Department.

Han Fei sat on a leather boss chair, gently supporting his head with his hands, and placing his hands on the armrests of the chair. His index finger was slightly bent and tapping rhythmically.

"What's going on with you lately?"

"This month's performance didn't meet the standard?"

When Han Fei said this, a row of members of the Action Department of the Discipline Inspection Commission standing in front of the desk all bowed their heads in shame after he asked these two questions.

Seeing this situation, Han Fei smiled helplessly.

"I'm not holding you accountable, why are you all so dejected?"

"If only one or two people's performance is not up to standard, it may be that they are lazy, but if everyone is like this, then there must be objective reasons."

"So, now we need to find out the objective problems that prevent the company's performance from meeting the standards and solve the problems."

Seeing a smile on Han Fei's face, the standing row of operations department members became active again, sweeping away the heavy atmosphere just now.

He began to complain to Han Fei.

"Old 꺶, it's not that brothers don't work hard, it's actually that the special rectification activities some time ago were so successful that the students in the school are now very vigilant, so there is no chance left for us."

"Yes, yes. Now it's harder to find someone who violates school rules and regulations than it is to find fleas on a bald man's head."

"That's right, that's right, Lao Jing, in order to complete my performance, I went to the food stall in the food street and stayed there for several nights, but I could only catch three spitting drunks..."

Looking at the many boys standing in front of the desk, they were all complaining.

Han Fei also felt a pain in his head. Everyone had learned this well, and he had no good solution!

After thinking for a long time, he gently tapped the armrest again to make the office quiet again, and then said softly:

"Thank you for your hard work during this period. Since the fat sheep are already on alert every day, we will take some time to put all the 꺲눒 in this area to let them relax their vigilance."

“For the time being, let’s look for a breakthrough from other 눓뀘!”

"Well..., lately I have seen that various student organizations are preparing for reelection."

"Those who want to stand for election will definitely try to canvass votes. There will definitely be some crooked people here."

"Those who are topless and masturbating in public, those who make innuendoes with senior students, those who pay bribes and ask for tickets, etc., are all our targets!"

"Go and investigate carefully first. If you find any violations of disciplines or violations, don't close the net in a hurry, otherwise you will catch small shrimps and scare away the fish."

"By the time the demons are dancing wildly and the evidence has been collected, we will take action to catch them all..."

In a few words, Han Fei determined the direction of action of the Commission for Discipline Inspection in the next period of time.

"Old wise man!"

"As long as you say something, boss, no matter which club or organization it is, even if it is the student union, we will roll up our sleeves and join in."

"That's right, as long as you give a gesture or a look, we will dedicate our meager strength at any time to follow you to grab..., ahem... to safeguard justice."

Many of the younger brothers who looked at me nodded in agreement. They had found their life goals again and were full of energy.

Han Fei nodded with satisfaction.

There is no way, the performance reward system he set is really great!

At the door of the office, Chen Quan, the director of operations, was about to step in. When he saw this posture, he silently took back his steps, turned around and left quickly.

He left as quietly as he came.

Just pretend you didn't see or hear anything, so as not to get into trouble later and let him take the blame.


Really tired!

Since Han Fei joined the operations department two years ago, the entire operations department has never been peaceful again.

At the beginning, Han Fei showed extraordinary enthusiasm and took the initiative to take on more responsibility.

Especially the dirty and tiring work that can easily offend people, such as patrolling the campus and checking for disciplinary violations, he is even more eager to do it.

Chen Quan quite admired this junior at first.

I think he is a passionate young man with a strong sense of justice and a duty to maintain good order.

Although he is a bit stubborn, his innocence is particularly rare.

During that time, Chen Quan was in a critical period for the development of God's Domain and did not have much time to manage the affairs of the operations department.

Therefore, I didn't pay too much attention to this annoying little boy.

Who would have thought that he would enter the world of gods and only develop his time.

The style of the entire operations department was completely distorted by Han Fei in a short period of time.

You must know that for school students who violate disciplines and rules, not only the reporter can get a certain percentage of the fine.

The Discipline Inspection Commission responsible for inspections can also receive reward commissions from the Academic Affairs Office, and the ratio is higher.

Part of the annual maintenance funds of the Discipline Inspection Commission comes from here.

놇Within the Commission for Discipline Inspection, corresponding rewards will naturally be given to the handling personnel.

After Han Fei joined the Operations Department, he always encountered violations of disciplines and regulations.

He always reports as an ordinary student first, and then as a member of the Discipline Inspection Commission, conducts pickets and fines.

If you catch a sheep, you can collect wool twice in a row. The reward is really great.

Han Fei discovered the password to double wealth and immediately launched a long-planned action.

Based on the various school intelligence provided to him by seniors such as Zeng Xu and Xu Yang in the past, he began to look for evil forces on campus.

Well, they are not violent gangs.

Most of them are small groups formed privately by students with similar backgrounds or strengths and similar temperaments.

For example, hometown associations, fraternities, sororities, etc.

There are also small organizations led by guys with strong backgrounds and strong strength.

In civilized middle schools, students are not allowed to form associations privately while on campus.

Student groups that have not been formally registered are suspected of secretly forming gangs and factions, and in principle need to be banned.

But they did not publicly declare their establishment, nor did they openly recruit members.

It is generally difficult to find conclusive evidence.

After all, a group of students who have a good relationship and get together have not violated discipline or regulations, right?

In fact, birds of a feather flock together.

Humans are social animals, and they will naturally form groups involuntarily.

In fact, as long as these small groups do not affect the harmonious atmosphere in the school...

Whether it is the Discipline Committee or the Academic Affairs Office, they usually turn a blind eye.

But Han Fei is different. He is still counting on making money from commissions on fines.

He has several sources of intelligence in his hands. Wouldn't it be a waste if he doesn't use them?

Therefore, these small groups in the school are in trouble, and he and his colleagues in the Operations Department have launched a dragnet-style control.

The recordings, videos, and evidence of the assembly are clearly arranged.

All of them have made a huge contribution to his performance.

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